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Vol46 ~ 30th January 2023.

Current Affairs Volume 46 ~ 30thJanuary 2023
This Volume at a Glance:

• The England and Wales Lord Chief Justice on appointment in 2017 stated his Judges are…
“The Best in the World”. Are they indeed?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

• Persons of ‘Extreme Interest’ in the perversion of the ‘due process’ of Justice;

” The Best in the World” ~ England & Wales ~ LCJ

When, in 2017, Lord Burnett of Maldon PC, was appointed Lord Chief Justice for England and Wales (not you will note for Northern Ireland, nor Scotland) Lord Burnett announced in an ab initio sweeping grandiose statement to the World that his Judiciary under his command are … “The Best in the World”.

Furthermore, he then went on to state (twice) that his Judiciary was… “Independent”… “Impartial”…and “Incorruptible”…

It takes either a courageous man, or a fool, to make such an irrevocable statement which is in effect self belief in his own propaganda in the small world he so obviously exists in.

But let us begin by asking a first simple question from the LCJ 5 years down the road from his appointment ?

From whom do all these “Independent”  illustrious Civil Servants including yourself (of whatever Pay Grade and role) receive their bounteous salaries?

The simple answer is from us the Tax Payers via the hilarious ever changing Government of the day.

But this then leads to a second simple Question?
To whom do you and your ‘associates’ believe they owe their “Impartiality” to, based on the “Oath” they took?

But then a third simple Question?
How do we know his Lordship and his Lordships et al are “Incorruptible”? Just because they say so?

So this great game of Integrity,Truth, Honesty, and Transparency as PM RishiSunak would wish it, begins…

Shortly the Bugler will in, presenting contrary evidence, take issue with these grandiose statements of propaganda based on first hand Court documented experience by the Bugler and his 11,000 disabled colleagues not only at his Lordship’s hands, but at the hands of his ‘parachuted in’ junior Justices and his accountable devious Civil Service staff at various Registrars of Court, including the High Court of ‘Chancers’, the Court of Appeal, and then finally the Supreme Court and answering a final Question, which “Incorruptible” individual Justices controlled all this?

Indeed, where do these “Incorruptible” Justices squirrel away this product of their ill gotten back handers in their offshore tax havens and where are all these piggy banks? The Bugler knows all this…

Then we will allow Citizen Public to make their own judgements…shall we not?

But are we alone in challenging this Status Quo of State deceit? No we are not..

In the interim the LCJ has been sacked and sent for an early shower….

Meantime back to his Lordship’s video and his Pantheon of Righteousness…  Go Here.

Persons of ‘Extreme Interest’
In an uncertain world what is certain is that the pursuit of Lady Justitia will always continue until it is delivered whether inside the UK ‘Dock’ or outside it.The UK position within the European Convention on Human Rights in Strasbourg, of which the UK remains an active Member State remains unaltered.‘Brexit’ has not altered the International position of the UK’s Membership. But much like the International Court of the Hague in the Netherlands it requires the presentation of detailed documented evidence.In this respect the Bugler has continued to collate and assemble the ‘Evidence of Seditious Corruption’ against those personages in high places in the UK who pontificate from the high ground of their seditious immorality as they pervert the course of Justice.The Morning Bugler Archives (which remains their exclusive purpose) continues to regurgitate and remind the UK Disabled Firefighter Victims and their Beneficiaries, if they needed reminding, of this great UK scandalous Pension Fraud which has been perpetrated against them since 1992 and those who in the ‘establishment’ were instrumental, pivotal, and who continue in secret Silence or Omerta to be involved in the perversion of the course of Justice.

The growing list of Persons of ‘Extreme Interest’ is neither exhaustive, nor exhausted, because, for the moment, the ‘controlled’ minnows or lick-spittles have not made the higher grade of ‘Extreme Interest’ but that is not to say they are forgotten, far from it. Lady Justitia grinds finely.

Lady Justitia is the allegorical personification of the moral force in all judicial systems world-wide with the exception of Wales and England where, in spite of being the “Best in the World”, The Lady is missing…

However, for the moment, here is the uncompleted list of ‘Persons of Extreme Interest’ :

Politicians ~

• Rt Hon. Sir George Iain Duncan Smith PC,MP et al; Conservative Party Backbencher;

• Rt Hon. Jacob Rees~Mogg PC, MP~ the ‘al’; Conservative Party Backbencher and all round trouble maker;

• Rt Hon. Dr. Thérèse Coffey PhD PC MP; Sacked and looking after her horses;

• Mr. Guy. Opperman MP; Minister of State but he is not sure where he is.


Justices ~

• Rt Hon. Lord Iain Duncan Burnett PC, Baron Burnett of Maldon; Lord Chief Justice, sacked;

• Rt.Hon. Lord Robert John Reed PC, Baron Reed of Allermuir President of the Supreme Court, in hiding;

• Rt Hon, Sir Geoffrey Vos PC, Master of the Rolls, away on the Cayman Island collecting his backhanders;

The British Empire had, and it seems in its present gloomy state to continues to have, an established and appalling record and reputation for casting aside those who served them on the front-line and which as their memory serves them ill and briefly they promptly forget the price paid to keep them where they and their Deities believe they should remain untroubled?

For the moment a subtle Thought for them for this New Year…

Má thagann tú le Síocháin ní dhéanfaidh tú dearmad go deo ar an Éireannach seo.
(If you come in Peace you will never forget this Irishman).

Má thagann tú le Cogadh ní dhéanfaidh tú dearmad go deo ar an Éireannach seo.
(If you come in War you will never forget this Irishman).