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Edit.031 – 13th December 2017.

Edit.031 – 13th December 2017.

This Editorial at a Glance:

• Chair and Members of the Parliamentary Select Committee Work & Pensions(SelCom~W&P);

• The Pension Regulator (TPR);

• The Pension Ombudsman (TPO);

• The Home Office Firefighters Pension Team(FPT);

• Parliamentary Accounting.

Parliamentary SelCom ~ Work & Pensions.

Dear Reader,

In the days and weeks which follow the Bugler, in his role of Whistleblower, will report in detail on the dialogue which is continuing with SelCom following the Members’ kind invitation to prepare and submit ‘information’ to them in respect of the Parliamentary Scrutiny of Fire Service Pensions particularly in respect of maladministration which has amounted to the corporate complicit criminal defrauding by all those engaged in the systematic defrauding of disabled Fire Service Veterans pensions and consequently, their Widows, and Beneficiaries.

These criminal activities are detailed, highlighted, and evidentially supported, in the Bugler’s report entitled 'Fire Service Pensions~Scrutiny' to Parliament via SelCom which consists of Parts 1-5 over 77 pages.

This document will be published on TMB.

The Pension Regulator (TPR).

 TPR as a consequence of the Bugler’s report to SelCom TPR have now confirmed that it has initiated an investigation into all these criminal activities, the associated Fire Service Pension Schemes, their providers, and the staff involved.

In particular the collective self-evident failure of Statutory duty which requires all Pension Scheme managers and their staff to immediately report such maladministration to TPR for investigation, and who if found in default, will be the subject of applied financial sanctions, both individual, and corporate.

The Pension Ombudsman (TPO).

In testing the public TPO system available to all trusting pensioners with pension complaints UK wide ~ whether Fire Service or not ~ with scant pension knowledge, the defrauded dissenting disabled FSVs of Lancashire,  in addition to disabled FSV~RRB’s simple pension Complaint which has now remained unaddressed before TPO for 3.75 years; disabled FSV~FG pension Complaint; disabled FSV~RT pension Complaint; and the resurrection of disabled FSV~PB’s original pension Complaint which led to a miscarriage of Justice, have now all been placed before the Pension Ombudsman Mr. Arter and his staff to see how they continue to deal with these Complaints.

In effect the efficacy of TPO as an expensive Taxpayers supported organisation is collectively on public trial.

All these Complaints with their current attendant arising correspondence will be published on the TMB with particular attention on how the performance of all the staff involved ~top to bottom~ measure up against their own publicly stated values of honesty, transparency, and integrity who are duty bound to support those with scant pension knowledge to reach a rapid conclusion on an pension Complaint impacting on their personal income and which they have trustingly placed before TPO either now, or in the past.

At the end of the day the Public will judge, have their say, and if necessary call for appropriate  SelCom action.

The Home Office Firefighters Pension Team(FPT).

The Fire Service ultimate Governmental control, accounting, pension scheme administration, and advice to Fire Authorities Local Pension Boards is the remit of, and rests with a 3 man Team of civil servants at the Home Office, known as the Firefighters Pension Team, Messers M. Sherratt; A. Mooney; P. Perry.

A remit which they recently confirmed in writing… "I am replying as an official who deals with firefighters'(sic) pensions".

It is long overdue, as unpublished email communications between this Team and the LFRS confirm, that they give a personal accounting for themselves on an issue of corporate fraudulence which one of their number a Mr. A. Mooney, has been directly involved with in a secret dialogue with the LFRS management since 2007, advising them how the issue can be dealt with.

This 'Team' continue, in writing, to refuse to engage saying rather bizarrely that Firefighters Pensions Schemes are not their responsibility, which begs the question, what exactly is their responsibility given their 'Team' title and what exactly do they do for their pay? If they are not 'involved' why are they advising the LFRS? how to reject legitimate claims Go Here.

The Parliamentary Accounting.

 In the future, in response to Members Private Questions, the Ministers responsible for this criminal state of affairs who have been repeatedly kept informed by the Bugler, will be required to give their Public accounting also.

All this and much, much, more during the coming festive season and the early New Year…