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Edit.037 ~ 12th July 2020

Editorial 037 ~ 12th July 2020
This Editorial at a Glance:

• Major Website Review.

The Morning Bugler ~Website Review

Dear Reader,

currently the Bugler is reviewing the website. Primarily to correct typographical errors; to correct such items as broken links; and to update, mostly politicians, as they depart.

As a matter of interest TMB has nearly 1000 ‘links’ the highlighted ‘Go Here’ links which direct and transport the Readers’ interest to documentation held in the database, or visually in a relevant other page, or more usually, in the two Libraries, or all of those.

For example, using the ‘nuclear option’ of a broken link identifier software recently, turned up 28 broken links ~ 2.8% of the installed 1000 links which can be frustrating if following a particular line of thought.

No one knows why a link can be broken, sometimes it is the Bugler’s error moving editorial contents around; on other occasions no one has an answer, but it must be corrected and that operation has now been carried out.

Shortly, since inception, TMB will reach a landmark 250,000 visitors to the site (not hits ~ which are extraordinary and a different mathematical measure) on an otherwise boring topic but not if the quality of one’s life depends on it.

Visits which are currently running at about 1000 visitors a week the Readers of which are downloading considerable volumes of documentation. TMB is therefore serving its design function which is to educate those who wish to checkout whether their pension or their benefaction is correct, or not.

Notwithstanding this there is also the need to update the names of the various post holders, both political and bureaucratic ‘players’ , as the march of time extracts its toll on life on them.

For example, updating the DWP Select Committee Membership recently helps TMB Readership to know if its Membership or their particular constituency MP is gainfully employed on their behalf in protecting their pensions from predatorial vagabonds, or they are just there for the money, and to hear themselves talk.

It should be said it gives the Bugler a certain amount of vicarious and perverse pleasure to review these past ‘players’ productivity and general usefulness and then to hit the ‘Del’ key vigorously on the basis of …neither use nor ornament !

Meantime, there is much to report within the Second Citadel of Justice within Current Affairs Vol-35, Go Here.