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Edit.025 – 20th August 2016.

Editorial.025 20th August 2016.

This Editorial at a Glance:

• Rats and a Sinking Stinking Ship.

Rats and a Sinking Stinking Ship

Rats Jump ShipDear Reader,

With great haste and having only his own well-being as ever in mind another Rat has abandoned the LFRS sinking stinking ship, solicitor Harold.

In the first century Pliny the Elder wrote in his ‘Natural History’ that "when a building is about to fall down, all the rats desert it."

A more modern proverb suggests that rats always leave a sinking ship because living in the cesspit of human nature they become aware of water entering the ship some time before the Skipper is alerted.

Skipper Kenny is always the last to know…

As their nesting places are flooded with Truth and Justice, these rodents are impelled to flee the ship. Their continuous shrill cries of alarm quickly summon the rest of the rats from the hold. They build up into a large, frightened mass of rodents making a panicky exodus.

This is, of course, a final calamity for the rats, since they will try to swim to eternity and usually do and we as former caring Firefighters must assist them on their way…

So are we witnessing a growing Exodus of Holland’s crooks ?

Let us see who remains to carry the Clerk's can of self immolation?

Lister and Wisdom out of reach of Clerk, but not the Bugler…

Hutchinson saved without promotion for the final sacrifice?

Mattinson who fiddled the books to pay off Hamilton for his two year Taxpayers holiday…

Kenny who will take early retirement as the Rats continue to leave and the panic of accountability sets in ….

Nolan who encouraged the Clerk  and DeMolfetta to place the Fire Authority in breach of their Statutory duty and in breach of the Pension Statutes.

DeMolfetta who is for the political high jump of impeachment. A fall that the Clerk and Nolan his Apprentice

set him up to take…what a corrupt fool.

As a former bus driver would you trust this person to drive your bus?

My how quiet it has all gone as fear stakes the corridors of Hazeldene like the ghost of John Clitheroe.

It is but a question of time or as it used to be put on the Recruits Course… ‘It is all about Mind over Matter’…I don’t Mind and you don’t Matter…

So for the moment, until we meet again, for we most certainly shall, what did Harold achieve?

He tried to fix a disabled parking ticket at Salford Town Hall and got seen off…

He tried to stand for re-election as a Ward Councillor and unfortunately the Bugler saw that move off…

He tried to repeatedly obstruct the Information Commissioner  for clerk Warren but the ICO he saw him off…

He choreographed the suborning of his only witness Drinkall MBE at the trial of the Bugler but all that has yet to be revealed along with the 6 Witness Statements who saw His Honour ‘Nelson’ Butler, clerk Warren, Pension Manager Lister, and Drinkall conniving and  treating the Court system with unbridled contempt.

Harold’s and these other ‘rats’  problem always is the long arm of the law which does not have a Statute of Limitations on its length.

If I was Harold he should wait for the day to come when in that peculiar way in which the boys in blue knock, his door will resound to the thud of penal authority, but then he informs us in his memorandum of departure he will be at home spending more time with his family.

So Harold’s veni, vide, but did not vici, which is hardly a inspiring record for anyone to be proud of, is it?

Several months ago Harold had had enough. He had enjoyed his criminality but Warren wanted to drag him deeper and deeper into the swamp of criminality but the damage was done the crimes have been executed and only retribution, Justice, and a final price to pay remains, as he will find out….

Aaah the clerk…more and more isolated as his cronies abandon him principally out of a sense of selfish self-preservation. With less and less support. He is not to be trusted as he continues to sacrifice those around him. If he is prepared to sacrifice his political master DeMolfetta then even the CFO, Kenny is far from safe.

Surely clerk Warren did not think that all this would end any other way?

It remains the rule of his unprincipled jungle that there is no honour among Holland’s thieves and vagabonds…