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Edit.040 ~ 16th November 2020

Editorial 040 ~ 16th November 2020
This Editorial 040 at a Glance:

• If it is War ~ Then Unremitting War is what they shall have;

• War it is ~ But which war?

• Johnson’s Message to Disabled Fire Service Veterans et al;

• The Judiciary;

• Statistics ~The Month of October;

• The Storm Clouds have gathered ~ the Storm Cometh;

• Mass Bankruptcy in the UK FRS ~ The Red Hole?

If it is War ~ Then Unremitting War is what they shall have…

If it is war these corrupt Judges want; the DWP Junior Minister and his Secretary of State Cabinet Minister for DWP Pensions want; and ultimately the Prime Minister and his Master wants then it is unremitting public war they shall have; we have the will and the means…   

It is clear that under no circumstances will the UK disabled Fire Service Veterans, their Widows, and their Beneficiaries be allowed by this Complicity of the Corrupt to have their ‘privileges’ of Justice and Fair Play whilst under the direction of Prime Minister Johnson’s corrupt, chaotic, and puppet government; but that does not excuse those who serve them well in their craven vassalage.

Disabled FSVs and their Beneficiaries have declared that they shall have Justice and Fair Play within a 21st Century of created Transparency regardless of the consequences to individuals including, but not limited to, tyrannical and corrupt Judges and Ministers who serve their Master well whomsoever that might turn out to be?

War it is ~ But which war?
In the UK a right wing fascist putsch occurred in England early in 2019 and passed into history without barely a mention.

The question is who is the Master who organised and led this right wing putsch against UK Democracy; this illicit seizure of power particularly by the non-elected casual workers at No:10?

It certainly cannot be this cunning masquerading buffoon Johnson who ran away (twice) at the first challenge to his ‘management’ claiming he is sick .


Nor can it be his associate rabble rouser Nigel Farage operating as usual behind a cloud of smoke and mirrors; nor can it be his departed penny whistle Cummings and his two C’s pals.



It can only of course be the lead political Master Freemason in Parliament Sir George Ian Duncan Smith M.P. (GIDS to his chums) who hides in the media darkness.

A Puppet Master (who cares about a Papal Bull!) to his gang of Ministerial Cabinet Minister puppets all recruited to this right wing fascist putsch which daily threatens the democracy and thus the stability of, if not the UK, then England.


One has only to look at the destruction wrought to England and its international reputation by GIDS and his incumbents in just one year when they flagrantly chose to breach International Law because it suits.

Who do these EU ‘foreigners’ really think they are?

But what will GIDS achieve in the remaining four years…total bankruptcy?

A politician who giddly failed to survive vote afer vote of lack of confidence within the Conservative Party of which he was the then ‘Leader’.

Pure power with accountability, for nothing, and to no one when it all goes horribly wrong and the reputational damage to England which can never be undone.

But surely we all know this ?

The problem is that ‘Masons lack intellectual rigour and they in turn recruit ‘masons with even less intellectual capacity than themselves ending with a chandelle down into a black hole full of mind numbingly incompetent non-entities…

Just look managerially at how they individually and collectively fail to perform at this time of England’s national crisis…headless chickens with a jester for a leader who bizarrely imagines he is another Churchill.

Currently GIDS has lost control of his loose cannon Johnson propped up by GIDS’s former employee Cummings and the other two C’s only to be replaced and shored up by a newly minted ‘Lord’ Lister to ‘muck out the stables’ and get a grip.

A sure recipe for further and future disasters, while Covid runs rampant throughout the land and deaths rise to biblical proportions…Rome continues to burns to ashes…and historically yet another ‘empire’ descends into mayhem via corruption.

Next we will have people on the streets whilst these fascist amateur ‘revolutionaries’ devour each other;  it is but a question of time.

Lately we have heard that Johnson, one really cannot describe him as a Prime Ministerial  material, decided he would speed up his plans to curb the judiciary. This is simply because he received a bloody nose from the Supreme Court and because he continues to act like the thug-under-training he was at Eaton all the while playing the cunning public fool; a jestorial act so transparent that it brings ribald comments in both ‘Houses’ and across the International political spectrum.

A Peter Pan with nose growing Pinocchian propensities, hardly statesman like, is he?

And who is supporting GIDS from the rear? It can only be the DWP head of this pantomime horse?



None other than the cigar smoking Right Honourable Thérèse Coffey P.C. (Privy Council) M.P., Secretary of State for the DWP,





and dragging along with the rear end of the horse her very own jockey Guy Opperman M.P. the very Under Secretary of State for pensions.

Johnson’s Message to Disabled FSVs et al

It is unlikely that Johnson will ever have heard of the ‘Hardship Route’ of the LCFA,  or the plight he continues to authorise and is responsible for,  during which he has and and will continue to impose, on disabled Fire Service Veterans et al.

But it is certain that GIDS will have via the Temple in Lancashire because as the Minister of State at the DWP for a record 6 years (2010-2016) during which this human disaster unfolded he was in addition kept fully informed by DWP Baroness Altman (another uncaring failure) via the Bugler,  and now currently by his unctious DWP Cabinet Minister the Rt Hon Thérèse.

A rather odd cove, who Dear Reader you will enjoy reading about, and her even odder cove her ‘jockey’ Under Secretary Guy Opperman M.P. who have been ordered by GIDS at all costs to block the due process at Court by recruiting ‘friendly’ Judges (for services rendered) which when unsuccessful will give rise to a monumental bill for HMT which will  entirely destabilise this putsch government.

Especially when in the mind’s eye of the electorate, they become aware of what is happening in their name to these former heroes and heroines who served their nation honourably…

Rt Hon Thérèse was given the instruction that she was to recruit/order/direct key Judges, the highest in the land, by giving them the hard word, and by insisting that they were to corruptly block the ‘due process’ passage of disabled FSV~FMG’s case through the High Court of Appeal; and when failing that to harry him on his way to the UK Supreme Court; and ultimately failing that the European Court of Justice, especially at a time  when the UK tax coffers are all but empty and cannot absorb the rather colossal underpaid pensions bill they are about to be presented with.

If Johnson paused to think, that he got a bloody nose from the Supreme Court, he might pause to think again when the bell goes for Round Two; disabled Firefighters against their own government.

Round Two will be centred on his complicit bare faced act of hypocritically corrupt criminality when the Bugler et al take their cases to the Supreme Court on points of law including judicial criminality and denial of Justice.

Simply because they have lost complete confidence in the impartiality of  the Master of the Rolls whose  fingerprints are  all over this perversion and obstruction of due process, a ‘work in progress’, which is resulting in a denial of fundamental Justice.

So much for an independent Judiciary…

The Judiciary

A tyrannical Judge, the second hightest in the land the Master of the Rolls, true to the great traditions of Oliver Cromwell, is currently demonstrating his corrupt powers in the service of this GIDS/Johnson/Coffey’s corrupt government in thwarting innocent Citizens rights to Justice by misusing, abusing, and coercing individuals within his corrupt fiefdom by threatening their employment and career ambitions unless they are seen to be ‘good and pliable’ vassals within a corrupt Judiciary at the Courts of Chancery and Appeal…

These bidable Judges both junior and senior seem to think that we are engaged in the idle chatter of the idle masses and that all of this which is to follow will be just so much hyperbole and melodramatic nonsense.

The Bugler is disappointed, but not surprised, that they would think that way; it seems their disrespect of us, and for us, is boundless…

In thinking so they have thrown down the gauntlet and we have picked it up and they ought to be patient until we present the evidence to the ‘idle masses’ to consider; idle masses those who can these days rapidly express their displeasure and who ultimately vote.

It is always easier to start a war than to stop it and they sorely underestimate our capacity for a public war and the hidden resources we can call upon to achieve Justice, think back to first National Strike of 1977/78.

If their Lordships think this in their arrogance then they are indeed fools, as well as corrupt fools…

By their arrogant disrespectful disdain they have called upon us to demonstrate our collective will and our innate capacity to bear any burden, fight any foe, to recapture what was lawfully earned and is rightfully ours…

They must surely  know we do not lack courage…

 In the Kingdom of Irony it seems only a few months ago the Judiciary with pension resolution problems had to call of the mighty Firefighters to help them win their case at the Court of Appeal; eaten bread, it seems, is soon forgotten…

But before the Bugler lays out the individual consequences to these corrupt fools and their Masters, who seem incapable of thinking through the long game, firstly some interesting brief TMB statistics, for the month of October 2020.

Statistics ~The Month of October

In the month of October 2020, 7000 (not hits) actual visitors from across the globe visited the TMB website and read 35,000 pages of evidence of fraud and corruption in which the failure of this UK Johnson led Conservative putsch government was highlighted; recognising as it does Johnson’s failure of Prime Ministerial  duty to those who served this nation with courage and distinction.

All they require, and are entitled to by law, and because they paid their pension contributions, is that Johnson pays these disabled Fire Service Veteran, their Widows, and Beneficiaries their just dues.

But of course we recognise that this Prime Minister is himself corrupt and does not hesitate in the great British tradition to declare in the International Forum that he will

 breach, with the contempt he reserves for ‘foreigners’, any International Law which he and the UK a short time ago signed up to.

It is not coincidental that the USA from western Virginia monitors TMB; in the company of China in the vicinity of the Forbidden City; nor indeed Russia from central Moscow.

Neither is it coincidental that TMB withstands regular ‘brute force’ attacks on its digital defences by intrusives from weird and wonderful places which only exist in the Clouds behind disguised UK digital masks…

This simply illustrates the international support the Bugler can call upon to defend his website from his own alleged UK ‘democracy’.

The Storm Clouds have gathered ~ the Storm Cometh

Once more a stark reminder to all those who touch this honourable case with corrupt hands.

You knowingly take your professional careers in your own hands….but so be it.

The Bugler is sure Ms. Coffey will have heard this ancient Gaelic curse from her Celtic antecedents…

May the grass wither from beneath your Feet;

The Woods deny you Shelter;

The Earth a final Home;

The Dust a Grave;

The Sun his Light;

And Heaven its God….

You should not go there …

From Tim Farron M.P. former UK Lib/Dem Leader (unabridged) originally to the Pensions Minister Mr.Guy Opperman M.P.; in 2019 and now from the Bugler at this time to the Right Honourable Thérèse Coffey P.C. (Privy Council) M.P., Secretary of State and Cabinet Minister at DWP, who has been in post over 15 months replacing the Rt Hon Amber Rudd M.P who most certainly was also aware of the FSV’s pensions problem…


“ From: tim@timfarron.co.uk


Sent 29 October 2019 08:48
Subject: (Case Ref: TF111169)
Sent 29 October 2019 08:49



Dear Guy

I write to represent my constituents who have approached me with regard to their concerns over a “black hole” in the Lancashire fire-fighters pension scheme and potential massive underpayment involving thousands of disabled Firefighters and their Pension Beneficiaries, which amounts to millions and will potentially bankrupt the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, even though the firefighters are entitled to this money.

From what l understand, this matter has been raised with you previously and to date l am unaware of what action the Government propose to take to right this obvious injustice?  In summary, the principal scheme in payment from 1992 was the Fireman’s Pension Scheme until closure to new entrants in 2004.  Members paid 11% per month into this scheme deducted at source.  Historically, every Fire Authority Pension fund was “underfunded”.  This meant that the 49 Fire Authorities routinely started every financial year with their pension pot empty and concluded the year with a substantial deficit, after having paid the Statutory pensions due to their retired Fire Service Veterans of whom a substantial number are disabled through service injury; to their Widows (Half-50%) and Beneficiaries.  Simply put, if the pension is miscalculated or wrong, then everyone suffers.

At the end of the financial year the Fire Authorities would then routinely reclaim all this pension expenditure (in arrears) as part of the grant aid which they would receive from central government via the Home Office (The Fire Service Department) by reclaiming 100% of their total pension expenditure the previous financial year.  Problems came to light in August 2014 when the Essex Gazette headlined an article that the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) has “discovered” a black hole in its pension accounts amounting to a deficit of £15 million which had been accumulating unnoticed since 2006.

HM Treasury required immediate repayment of this huge deficit (with interest) to them and to the taxpayers, or face further commercial compound interest penalties.  Bankruptcy loomed and the money had to be found from the Essex reserves.

It soon became clear that Staffordshire and Cheshire FRS found themselves in a similar position and it was a reasonable speculation that if this recurring “error” had afflicted 3 Fire Authorities beginning in 2006, then it is likely to have affected all 49 Fire Authorities over the following 8 year period.  It seems likely, but still uncertain at this stage that, when the first year of change came around in 2006, Fire Authorities made the usual 100% annual reimbursement claim. 

At this point Fire Authorities, in the complex pension accountancy procedures which were mandated, were required to pay back 20% of this annual grant by the DCLG/H.M.Treasury after discharging their statutory duty to pay disabled Fire Service Veterans their injury pensions but they either failed to make this payback to the correct value or simply failed to pay it back at all.  Fire Authorities simply cannot claim ignorance because they are in daily communication, via their behind the scenes ‘Fire Finance Network’.  It is a reasonable assumption that, when one Fire Authority ‘discovered’ that they had failed to reimburse the DCLG/H.M.Treasury properly, and because they assumed DCLG Firefighters’ Pension Team would not ‘police’ their own rules effectively, what happened it would appear is that false accounting was not picked up.  Did Fire Authorities take an extra 20% grant aid ‘bonus’ to which they knew they were not entitled?

At Governmental level there are, l understand, 4 civil servants in the DCLG Fire and Resilience Directorate, in particular, the Firefighters’ Pension Team (which now resides at the Home Office), who are nationally responsible for managing Fire Service Pension Schemes, which includes annual reviews. This begs the question, were these annual checks ever made and if not, why not?  It certainly seems that they either failed in their statutory duty to report all of this to the Pension Regulator.

In 2007 the Lancashire Fire Rescue Service “discovered”, it alleged, that Fire Service Veterans had not been kept informed (which they had) of deductible DWP benefits resulting in alleged overpayments, which amounts to gross maladministration.  It also appears that Lancashire have not been paying retired firefighters correctly, as set out in pension regulation, for example, if a firefighter retired on genuine ill health grounds, replacing illegally the B3 compensatory pension, due to that person under 1992 SI 192, by the ordinary lesser B1 pension a fireman would have become entitled to on choosing to end their career by taking early retirement in good health.

The 1992 Home Office Commentary’ was published to accompany and interpret the new legislation to avoid just such ‘errors’ in the laymen hands of pension providers.  In Lancashire this was ignored and the Commentary was not made available to retirees, though plainly intended to be.  When firefighters have applied to the service to have this error resolved, they have been rebuffed and, as l understand it, 11,000 firemen retired on grounds of ill health under 1992 SI 192, until superseded in 2006.  Given the scale of the problem, where many men may have been awarded an ordinary pension, when in fact they had a qualifying injury and as such, should have been entitled to payment of an enhanced ill health pension and compensatory injury award.  They should not be suffering financial hardship through no fault of their own and mistakes in the administration of the pension scheme appear to continue to this day with, it is alleged, no appeals procedure with Lancashire to have their cases heard?

Can l ask you to investigate, with a degree of urgency, what is happening within the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service pension scheme, which is affecting some of my constituents.  From all l have seen, there appears to be LCFA some £4.5mil to reimburse the Lancashire Fire Pension Service Fund which appears to have been ‘borrowed’ by senior officials commencing a decade ago whereby In-Service Firefighters were short changed on their future pensions.  If this money is paid back in full, which should surely be the case, the service goes bust.  However, Lancashire Constabulary Fire Authority Chair have offered a settlement to the Firefighters in which the LCFA will decide the date when the pay back will go back to, instead of 2010 which should be the only moral and correct date, and will make the payment of a final settlement of £0.5mil in to the Pension Fund.  Next the LCFA are going to have to find underpaid pension reimbursements for at least 167+disabled Fire Service Veterans, their Widows, and Beneficiaries when, not if, the LFCA are forced by law to pay back, with compound interest, over some extremely extended times of pension underpayment -two decades and more- the correct pensions which once more should have been picked up by the Pension Scheme Manager.  This ought to have been reviewed and corrected many years ago and calls into question why a serious investigation into how this pension scheme has been so woefully mismanaged has not been ordered to date? 

One of my constituents who is affected has suggested on a guesstimate calculation of his own underpayment, and based on a median figure of say £250k overdue per Beneficiary, the LCFA are going to have to scrape up around £41.8million, in addition to £4.5million, making around £46.3million out of a budget of around £55million leaving an unworkable balance of £8.7million.  Should LCFA go cap in hand to HM Treasury for support, l have little doubt that  HMT will reply …’ well this fault is down to the Scheme manager who had a legal duty to pay the correct pensions in the first place and run the Pension Scheme according to the law and you will have to pay the bills due from your own reserves.

If the first bill for £4.5million does not lead to LCFA bankruptcy, the second for £41.8million certainly will, resulting in the massive closures of many Lancashire Fire and Rescue Stations and an equally massive reduction in the uniformed establishment of crews (85% of running cost of the FRS are salaries), with a commensurate reduction of ‘fire and emergency cover’ over all of Lancashire.

If this dramatic and alarming unfolding story does not capture your attention l doubt what else will and l therefore ask for an urgent review to be undertaken.  I am more than happy to put you in touch with affected firefighters.  Seeing through their eyes how they have been poorly treated and deprived of what is rightfully theirs is worrying and the suggested criminality which is alleged, of knowingly covering these matters up, even more shocking.
Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely

Mass Bankruptcy in the UK FRS ~ The Red Hole?

The above letter was written by an outstanding politician of integrity and personal courage swimming against the tide of corruption for which the Bugler, and those he speaks for, are truly grateful.

It is not the first time Mr.Farron, a Proud Prestonian, has been his own man, nor indeed one supposes will it be the last; but unknown to him when the Bugler was his local Fire Station Commander Tim was still a very young child in which this great trait of personal integrity and courage was inculcated in him by his parents good example.

One hopes that where one politician of integrity can be found there will be others. Perhaps Mr.Timms Chair of the DWP Select Committee and its Members might be others?

Tim and his staff, led by Jude, are due a special vote of thanks for this incomparable work which condensed a 13 year Pension campaign for Justice and Fair Play into what is an analytical and predictive report  particularly on institutionalised fraud within the current lead example, Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service.

A Service commanded by a new Chief Fire Office Johnston who will be the first to preside over it in ignominious bankruptcy; a consequence of his support and encouragement, as the then Deputy, to a fraudster clerk called Warren his delegated Firefighters Pension Fund manager. Someone he failed to sack because they were both Freemasons as indeed was the then CFO Kenny and the now Chair of the Combined Fire Authority CCllr Frank De Molfetta.

Some might say bankruptcy in the UK Fire Service is outlandish hyperbole and nonsense but the Bugler begs to differ.

Bankruptcy is not an unknown phenomenon in the UK Fire Service, but looming mass bankruptcy is.

Bankruptcy was first reported in the Bugler in Current Affairs Volume 03, 1st September 2014 when Essex, Staffordshire, and Cheshire FRS which all went bankrupt because of unreported maladministration leading to malfeasant theft in the administration of their Fire Service Pension Funds.

• Essex went into deficit to the extent of £15mil; but of course it was all covered up by Prime Minister Cameron, his Conservative government including his Pensions Minister Mordant and by this time the Bugler had been reporting these debacles to all and sundry since 2006.

For the full refresher of these events Go Here.

•  When Lancashire County Fire Brigade was reformed by national formula in 1974 is was described as the ‘perfect’ Brigade in size and composition terms. So taking the same measure and extrapolating Farron’s figures to the remaining 52 other Fire & Rescue Authorities and their 11,000 Pension Beneficiaries the Johnson administration can expect a gross underpaid Pensions bill.

This bill will amount to £2.75 – £3.00 billion GBP which is probably an underestimate…

•  Succeeding governments have a Contract with their Firefighters both in service and in retirement which commenced with Section 26 of the Fire Services Act 1947 and was reiterated in the Fire & Rescue Services Act 2004 (s34 ~ Preservation of existing pension schemes) which renewed that Contract, both retrospectively and forward from 2004, to honour their commitment to pay the correct entitlement to each qualifying Fire Service Pension Scheme Members and their Beneficiaries. Go Here.

• In Lancashire there are approximately 200 disabled Firefighters all being underpaid their entitlements under the 1992 Pension Scheme Statutory Rule B3 ill-Health and Rule B4 Injury Awards. Nationwide it is estimated that there are 11,000 qualifying Beneficiaries

A portion are in underpayment since the inception of the 1992 Scheme currently 28 years; this includes no included factor for Widows/Partners (the ‘Widows’ Half) and Beneficiaries whose pensions have been calculated from the original underpaid disabled Firefighters in the first place. In short, if the pension is miscalculated or wrong, then everyone suffers.

•All will be due by Statute Law Compound interest at 8% under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 Chapter 20.

 • Eventually Mr. Farron’s received a reply after the, by now, usual runaround in contravention of the ‘House’ protocol rules under which he must receive a direct reply from Minister Opperman.

• This also is reflective of the present political climate whereby a non-elected non-civil servant can at a personal unaccountable whim, deny access to the Prime Minister.

• This is what a putsch (coup d’etat) brings, absolute power, in the corrupt hands of the unaccountable faceless.

Mr. Farron’s replies which contained ‘slips of the lips’ truths will be reproduced in full with comments in a future Current Affairs Volume 037. Go Here.

At that time we will look at the age old question ‘What they knew and when they knew it’, and more importantly ‘what they failed to do about it’, or perversely, acted against their Statutory duty to the disabled.

This cannot but invoke the ‘Shawcross Doctrine’ against all those who in any manner acted perversely, indeed criminally, to deny these paid up pensioners and Citizens their just dues. Go Here.