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Edit.017 – 5th October 2015.

Edit.017 – 5th October 2015.
This Editorial at a Glance:

• A Thieving Magpie takes flight;

• The Problem of The ‘Barbarian’ Hamilton remains ;

•  FSV RRB guide line of truth is finally secured to his PRFs.

•  The Hardship Route  – The Choreographer of  Corruption.

•  The Master Thieving Magpie caws off into his sunset –  A Thief of Democracy.

Nemises Alights

Dear Reader,

Before reviewing current events which will be reported in detail in ‘Current Affairs’ shortly it would be useful to return to November 2014 of last year to reappraise the detail of important events which took place during that month. ‘The Journey of Truth Chapters 4’ is a good point to start though for a more detailed look at the ‘Barbarian’ you might  Go Here .

Early in that month the Bugler had reported that Brendan ‘The Barbarian’, Head of Human Resources had been physically ejected and suspended from the LFRS HQ for sexual harassment and racism.

Of course as we well know this laddie, as Constable Plod might put it, had ‘previous’ having been ejected as Head of Human Resources from the Gtr.Manchester Probation Trust under a secret non-disclosure agreement for precisely the same reasons.

Clearly Hamilton had served his purpose and his Lamplighter Masters had decided it was time to send this embarrassment down the road once more…but his knowledge of their collective brigandry posed a problem of rather serious magnitude as we have seen, and shall see…

A magnitude and potential cost to the Taxpayers which was reported in the ‘Journey of Truth Chapter 5 and once more, currently,  this unresolved issue has raised its head to trouble CC Frank De Molfetta current Chair of the CFA and its somnambulant Councillors .

There are crude analogies about excrement which the Bugler will not quote here but suffice it to say this is what happens when De Molfetta and others engage in corporate corruption. It contaminates a whole organisation, then rubs off and sticks to individuals, some of whom might actually be innocent bystanders.

Mr. Gardiner joined the LFRS as Data Protection manager in late 2010 but little is know about his prior employment though one can rest assured if he was recruited by Holland, Warren, and Hamilton he will have come via the Lamplighters connections and he will have fitted nicely into this sty.

In December 2014 he was also suspended for fiddling his expenses to the tune of £38k, mileage claims, having caught, it would appear, an infection from the bad example of CC D.O’Toole no doubt on the basis that if O’Toole can appear to have got away, so far, then so could he.

Indeed, Gardiner’s primary role became the protection of his Masters Holland and O’Toole’s expenses records which became and remains the subject of repeated applications under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which for the moment, is where this issue rests, but not for long.

If their claims were lawful and honest what is there to fear on their release?

But there is yet another problem because O’Toole also has ‘previous’ in this also unresolved matter of fraud because as we have seen from the actual records the Bugler has in its possession, released of his County Hall activities, his fraudulent (over) claims are confirmed in his own hand.

Given all this, it is a reasonable assumption that within the LFRS  the fiddling of expenses was endemic ranging from Holland,  Warren, Hamilton, LFRS solicitor A. Harold, to Gardiner himself who upon his resignation, or as it has been described, he ‘held up his hand up’ and resigned, he marched off into the sunset with his proceeds of crime to the tune of  £38K from the Lancashire Taxpayer to set himself up in business.

Lancashire Taxpayers are nothing, if not charitable.

An irritant to Gardiners perpetual ‘defensive’ work was the constant and determined probing of FSV RRB over the matter of the release of his Personal Record Files for which he had made application on the 3rd November 2010 prior to Gardiner’s arrival.

These PRF files subsequently reveal the actual truth, as opposed to the misrepresentation, which had been repeatedly presented to him over the preceding years by Warren, Hamilton, Hutchinson, Wisdom  Gardiner himself.

These truths had the potential to hazard Warren and Warren must be protected at all costs until his Masters’ purpose is served when he will inevitably join Gardiner, Hamilton, and Harold on the long slither to obscurity.

Hit 1Meantime Hamilton remains suspended on the Taxpayers’ ‘freebie’ for 10 months now.

Once more exercising the Lancashire Taxpayers ‘compassion’, while others work for an honest living at the LFRS.

Shortly the Bugler will, at FSV RRB request, publish an open letter to Warren of his ‘experiences’ during the long 5 years it  took him to finally acquire his PRFs on Monday 14th September 2015.

But even their acquisition was not without its Gilbert and Sullivan melodrama which simply, in a plethora of  more falsehoods and smear from Warren, reflects the frantic besieged state of Warren’s unenviable position, a position he delighted in putting disabled FSVs through on his ‘hardship route’.

Now that he knows the feeling he can rest assured it is only the beginning because he and others with him will indeed be fortunate to retain their political and ‘professional’ reputations, or indeed their personal freedom, by the time this is all over.

The disabled FSVs have nothing to lose.

Nevertheless we should end this Editorial on a happy note from the original ‘Fun Factory’  and what better way can the Bugler do this than to reproduce Warren’s emails the product of a febrile mind set on deceit to the very end…

When FSV RRB requested his PRFs and ultimately resorted to the Information Commissioner it was already against the already established background whereby a Ms. N. Hargreaves had already ‘Assessed’ the Bugler’s subject data(PRF) request in March 2010 and found that the LFRS refusal to provide this was in contravention of the DPA.

It is to Ms.N. Hargreaves credit, and ultimately with the  vigorous  support of Ms. S.Egerton and Mr. N.Malik who made a file storage inspection visit to the LFRS  that they succeeded against the wishes and ‘lost file’ intervention of the ICO’s Mr. Andrew White the FoI Triage Team Leader, who seemed to develop an unhealthy partiality with Warren, in legally forcing the LFRS and Warren to the point where it was a case of either deliver FSV RRB PRFs, or face legal consequences.

Accordingly on the 9th September 2015 it was by prior arrangement that FSV RRB and the Bugler attended at FS HQ to receive his PRFs.

Unfortunately Mr. Warren was nowhere to be found and a wholly innocent but uneasy Mrs. J. Wilson, Warren’s secretary, was left holding the uncomfortable baby.

It is particularly reprehensible that subordinates are put in a position where they have to be ‘economical with the truth’, but of course that would never trouble Warren’s conscience.

Appended below are the subsequent ‘dramatic’ emails from Warren.

It seems we were expected to believe that SHQ cleaners no longer possess the necessary keys to do their after working hours task.

The simple facts of the matter is that these histrionics were for the benefit of the dullard CC De Molfetta who Warren rightly treats as a moron because like an opened mouth hooked fish  he buys his lies every time whilst all the while FSV-RRB’s PRF remained on Warren’s desk:

From: RB
Sent: 27 August 2015 12:52
To: bobwarren@lancsfirerescue.org.uk
Subject: Collection of PRFs

Dear Sir,

I will be at Fire Brigade Headquarters on 8th September 2015 @ 1400 Hrs to collect and sign for copies of all my Personal Record Files. Please acknowledge by return to this email address… R.B.


From: RB
Sent: 09 September 2015 12:43
To: SHQ – Warren, Bob
Cc: Demolfetta, Francesco – cllr
Subject: PRF
Importance: High

Dear Ms. J.Wilson,

Thank you for seeing myself and Mr. Burns today.

You have indicated that your are Mr. Warren’s Personal Assistant and because I have made contact with you today I am sending you this note for Mr. Warren’s and your attention.

On the 31st July 2015 Mr Warren in responding to the  Information Commissioner’s Determination invited me to collect my long sought after PRFs(5 years) and as a consequence I sent an email from my home in France to Mr.Warren on the 27th August 2015 which was received by your server on that day.

The email stated that I would be present at 14:00hrs today to collect and sign for copies of my  documentation.

I am disappointed that Mr. Warren was not present for our 14:00hrs appointment because as  I explained to you, and Mr Warren knows, I live in France and had made the expensive journey to the LFRS HQ for the specific purpose of obtaining copies of the PRFs which it had been decided by the Information Commissioner, are legally available, and lawfully mine.

You stated that Mr.Warren was not present and neither was Mr. Harold the LFRS  solicitor, the latter  who you stated was off sick though you did not state what role he might have to play in this simple exchange of documents; my signed receipt for my documents.

You confirmed, when asked, that as the diary minder for Mr. Warren that you had made no entry for him for this date and time.

You also stated, surprisingly for a PA, that you were unclear what documents I was here to collect and in fact what a PRF was?

Given Mr.Warren’s  extensive correspondence with the Information Commissioner and your position as his PA I find that difficult to comprehend.

I can only conclude that Mr.Warren has rejected the ICO’s Determination without explanation to either myself or the Information Commissioner.

Nevertheless I indicated to you that at 14:00hrs on Friday 11th September 2015 myself and Mr.Burns will return to Service HQ to allow Mr. Warren a final opportunity to pass to me my Personal Record Files in compliance with the Information Commissioner’s Determination.


From: SHQ – Warren, Bob [bobwarren@lancsfirerescue.org.uk]
Sent: 09 September 2015 15:57
To: ‘R B’
Cc: Demolfetta, Francesco – cllr
Subject: RE: PRF

Mr B,
The role of the Solicitor in this exercise is to hand over the copy of the PRF to you and to obtain a receipt. I had no role in the process.

The Solicitor as the point of contact has the documentation under lock and key in his office. He has unfortunately  reported absent  from work this week, due to a leg injury and as such I am unable to obtain access to the documentation until his return. So I cannot exchange the documentation on Friday.

If necessary I will either arrange to see Mr Harold over the weekend in order to obtain access to your copy or if this is not possible or he is not able to return to work on Monday I will arrange for the locks to be forced to provide you with your copy after Monday next week.

I do not intend responding to your other points other than to say I do not accept your interpretation or the inferences you draw, particularly in respect of the Information Commissioner.

Bob Warren  


Dear Mr. Warren,

Thank for this information and your plan of action over the weekend for locating my PRFs in respect of Mr.Harold and your further plan for Monday morning if you are unable to locate Mr. Harold.

I am sorry to hear that he is injured but common gossip throughout the LFRS indicated that he was off sick with stress all of which I find a little confusing though you must know the position better than I.

I find it rather odd in the absence of Mr.Hamilton and particularly Mr.Gardiner your Data Protection Officer that you declare that you have no knowledge of the involvement of the Information Commissioner who actually refers to you in his correspondence?

Meantime I will contact you at 12:00hrs on Monday morning to see what progress your plans have met with as my personal expenses in this matter continue to rise…


Copied to Chairman of the CFA and the Information Commissioner.



From: SHQ – Warren, Bob [bobwarren@lancsfirerescue.org.uk]
Sent: 10 September 2015 17:49
To: ‘RB’
Subject: RE: PRF

Mr B

My email of yesterday stated the position and I indicated that I would arrange for the forcing of the lock if I could not make progress before Monday, with a view to exchanging the documentation after Monday. I am hoping I can see Mr Harold before Monday or he will be in work on Monday in which arrangements can be made. If however I need to force a lock and then have to search further for the documentation because it is not where I think it is, then it is difficult to set a specific time. If you are intent on picking up the documentation on Monday I can only suggest a time of 3.15 pm, but I cannot confirm definitely until I have the copy of the PRF, which will not be until sometime on Monday. Alternatively a firm appointment can be made during the rest of next week.  

Bob Warren   


 From: RB

Sent: 09 September 2015 22:48
To: SHQ – Warren, Bob
Subject: RE: PRF

Mr Warren

Can you inform me by email at what time I can collect my PRF on Monday , as I need to make arrangements for my return to France as soon as possible.



In the event FSV RRB, the Bugler, and a female independent witness Ms.WH, who had previously acted for the Bugler during Court proceeding to assist with his hearing deficiency and was thus a witness to other interesting Court activities to be revealed later, attended at LFRS HQ at 13:00hrs on Monday 14th September 2015.

Mr.Warren descended from the upper floor via the main ornate staircase and handed FSV RRB two receipts both of which he signed and returned one, and then a box file, contents unknown, was passed over to FSV RRB.

Neither Ms.WH or the Bugler’s presence was acknowledged and neither spoke.  Mr Warren then departed in the direction of the rest room.

Contrary to subsequent SHQ gossip this was a joyous occasion and it is yet again a figment of a fevered mind that would suggest that in any manner FSV RRB’s demeanour could be described as ‘aggressive’. One need hardly wonder who the author of that spurious and malicious conclusion might be?

When the group departed the building a backward glance showed Mr. Warren scurrying up the main staircase taking the steps two at a time. Perhaps he concluded that he was being pursued by the very Devil himself, or the ghosts of those he had stepped on, on the way up this staircase to his green pastures?

Either way it is clear that this incorrigible liar’s time is running out…

The ‘Hardship Route’  – The Choreographer of  Corruption


So the Master Magpie, the Thief of Democracy Mr. Max Winterbottom DL JP takes flight for his final green pastures. He is politically no more…a nobody just like all the rest of us.

The Mandarin Whisperer…

One may well ask in a few weeks time who Winterbottom was and what role he played in this Lancashire pension debacle and what the legacy is he left for the ‘leaders’ of the LFRS and his replacement?

Rather than reiterate a pen sketch of Winterbottom he is to be found in the Pantheon of scoundrels and vagabonds of the LFRS already published on the Bugler. Go Here.

But in the hypocrisy that passes today for civility the Bugler should wish him well in his retirement…Go Here.

Perhaps the phrase ‘Thief of Democracy’ is rather underserved and harsh but only if you were not one of those who found themselves on the LFRS “Hardship Route”.

The Winterbottoms of this world see themselves as ‘protectors of the Realm’ though precious few, if any of them, actually find themselves serving on the front line, and seldom at the sharp end.

They see their role, which is actually an insult to those who

have served at the sharp end in the actual protection of the Realm, as the inner protectors of the ‘establishment’ upon which the ‘Realm’ is supposedly grounded.

They see it as their self-delusional aristocratic role, though many like Winterbottom come from Uria Heap origins themselves, to ensure that the ‘right’ people get the ‘right’ appointments to do the ‘right’ job, the ‘WASP’ acronym fits the bill.

Those who can be relied upon to perpetuate the ‘right’ values and which the Winterbottoms of this world have decreed are the ‘right’ values and only those which he will tolerate or allow.

Winterbottom in the application of these ‘virtues’ at the LFRS did not hesitate as we will report later to acquire the ‘right’ Judge; to pack the ‘right’ jury; and to regularly gerrymander the votes taken within the CFA to get the ‘right’ result, and even to personally writing the ‘right’ letter of refusal.

Winterbottom decided the result he required and then set about gerrymandering the result ‘persuading’, with his puppet Warren, the hesitant of the righteousness of his ‘recommendation’.

The Bugler is sure he enjoyed this smirking use of his power to defeat democracy the very essential which the unwashed die for, but not him, or his ilk.

The Manipulative Mandarin

Winterbottom01The Committee which Winterbottom and the Lamplighters particularly favoured for manipulation and the theft of democracy was the (publicly boring) Resources Committee which as you might expect controlled finance with all its attendant fingers and which reached into every corner of the LFRS ‘management’ structure.

This control including such matters as Pension Appeals (IDRP) thus defeating the law and its good intentions and as we shall see is used more and more frequently to hide the departure packages paid to errant managers ‘leaving’ the LFRS, machinations which are carefully and  tactically buried under featureless and  boring statistics which avoids the use  names and positions.

This is how the likes of Hamilton and others will be paid off…

But there is a problem.

It is called Pickles and his Statutory Instruments 2014 No. 2095 Local Government England. The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 Made 5th August 2014 Part 3 Sections 6-10.

This requires the CFA to disclose when asked under this SI, coupled with the FoIAct, to release copies of the documented decision  upon which any decision they take behind closed doors with the Public excluded are based, for example, the ‘reward package’ of those leaving the employment of the LFRS.

It is, as Warren is regularly wont to say, Taxpayers money after all.

Of course the Party political composition of this Committee is ignored with the focus being placed  more on the Masonic structure and its Brethern rather than the Party politics, a structure which was easily achieved and carefully controlled by Winterbottom, thus ensuring the ‘packing of the jury’ for those matters he wished to control which always ensured the ‘right’ result.

One other culpability point has been overlooked and that is the annual signing of the public records, as a true lawful record, which this Committee are required by law to produce.

Consequences of which Winterbottom will not have pointed out to  Messers DeMolfetta, Kenny, and Mr. Keith Mattinson the financKeith-Mattinsone manager who certify that these public record are a true and lawfully concluded record of their transactions and therefore by their signatures they become wholly liable both civil, and more importantly, criminal for any fraud they knowingly perpetrated in their collective or individual deceit of the Taxpayer.

All of which Winterbottom achieved but by the theft of democracy when it suited his malign purposes.

If driven to it in desperation one has to admire Winterbottom’s manipulative skills and those left on the bridge of this sinking ragamuffin ‘ship’ will miss the guidance of his sibilant hisses.

In fact he will be a very hard act to replace. He was good at what he did, but not quite good enough, his fatal error was to underestimate his opponents.

His, like Warren’s, was the bluster of a weak man unworthy of consideration in a real man’s world.

In his arrogance of abused power he failed to take the time to understand what makes Firefighters tick and who they really are.

Nor will he ever find out, because he is already yesterday’s ‘man’.

The massive detritus of his failure is self evident and his failure was ignominious.

Perhaps next time they might send a proper man to do the job?

So what is this detritus, this legacy, which he leaves behind?

The Legacy of Failure – A Thief of Democracy

Winterbottom01Well where does one begin to analyse the miasmic bog of corruption that Winterbottom has left his political Leader CC F.D.Molfetta(Lab), and ultimately his own successor, stuck in the middle of ?

In spite of using his accomplished wizard’s book of oily trickery Winterbottom nevertheless failed ignominiously to overcome his opponents, this trusty band of disabled FSVs, who are still standing with only two men down, and are still, in solidarity, to be counted after being exposed to the full might of his  foul venal trickery.

CC DeMolfetta comes from a different cultural heritage and may well not appreciate the subtleties of the works of the sublime English poet, critic, and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge but there is no conceivable reason why he might not try.

It is possible Winterbottom might, but unlikely that Warren will.

One of Coleridge’s seminal works was The Rime of the Ancient Mariner it tells the story of a foolish seaman who, encouraged by his stupid messmates, used his crossbow to shoot an Albatross.

Its consequences were to shackle and shape their destinies forever more.

It is rather a moody poem which perhaps indeed ought have been re-titled ‘Consequences’ but it is a suitable allegory of those LFRS foolish and stupid few ‘leaders’ who decided to shoot the Albatross of a disabled FSV-DW with the vain hope that it might melt away their fog of pension maladministration, with its  intrinsic responsibility, from around their necks.

But it was not to be…

This Albatross, FSV-DW(deceased), not only discovered where their ship of maladministration was stuck in the ice but by with honesty and good fortune led them out of their self-generated incompetence.

Indeed this Albatross was praised by this motley crew but nevertheless they shot the bird, not only for their own self-protection, but cynically for the warped gratification their discovery would bring when it was brought to the attention of their Masters…

However, they made a grave mistake in committing this crime, because it aroused the wrath of the spirits of the disabled FSVs who then pursued these malefactors until this very day, when once more, with ill fortune, this LFRS ‘ship’ finds itself becalmed, and stuck in its ice field  of deceit,  but without their faithful Albatross… but then the rot really did set in, but let Coleridge say it that much better than the Bugler…

The very deep did rot – Oh Christ!

That ever this should be.

Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs,

Upon the slimy sea.

De MolfettaIf CC F.De Mofetta thought that Winterbottom left him with only one poisoned chalice in Hamilton then he must think again.

It is not a question of one, but how many?

Winterbottom failed to cover up the huge embarrassment that Warren presented him with, the complete meltdown in pension maladministration for which Warren is the delegated Scheme manager.

Who now is to control the political meltdown as senior staff member after senior staff member is overwhelmed by their own corruption and exposes themselves to public scrutiny and accountability?

Who now has the political intellectual capacity or the nous to carry on without spilling these overflowing chalices of corruption, CC F. DeMolfetta?

Well there is political ambition coupled with imagination and then again there is DeMolfetta.

But where is this ragamuffin ship the LFRS bound ? The managerial rocks?

Who, if anyone, is on the bridge? Who is to take charge in the permanent absence of this master manipulator Winterbottom ? The ever absent CFO Kenny?

WarrenWho is to keep sinking vessel afloat? Warren? He who supports himself with his last vestiges of hope, on his own sea of hatred, for those abandoning his sinking ship around him whilst refusing to help him bale it out? Now there is a surprise? What no honour among thieves?…

But then, as we well know, he has been here before in Poole College in Dorset, in Rail North-west, and in Manchester City Council? Get it wrong once, perhaps, but to get it wrong four times must tell its tale about his lack of intellectual and managerial capacity but it says much about his survivability when in Lamplighter ‘distress’.

But who ever said a thug had such capacities?


Holland03How, as Chairman, as the time fast approaches, will CC F. DeMolfetta publicly justify his refusal, in contravention of the law, to release the expenses records of his fellow Councillor on the CFA CC D.O’Toole and the former CFO Holland(presently government Fire Advisor)?

How, as Chairman, will CC F. DeMolfetta  publicly justify the criminal activities of his staff Warren, Harold, Drinkall(former LFRS), Lister (LCC-YPS) in the County Court before Judge ‘Nelson’ Butler.

How far, as Chairman, will CC F. DeMolfetta  publicly allow the LFRS; his misguided loyalty to the Lamplighters; and his failed loyalty to the Labour Party cloud his, what laughingly passes as judgment, in allowing this continuing slide into a catastrophic PR sink hole before he acts?

ButlerUntil he witnesses its consume of one of his own kind, a County Court Circuit Judge?

Only he can answer these questions…

MeinCorbyn01And what of the Leader of the Labour Party in Lancashire CC Jennifer Mein and her appointed Chair of the CFA  Labour Councillor F. De Molfetta?

How will she answer her national Party Leader Mr. Corbyn MP questions about what she knew, and when she knew it, and what action she took in respect of the failures of her appointee and in her repeated failures to protect the good name of the Labour Party?

How will they plead before Mr. Corbyn MP’s applied scrutiny of their misbehaviour set against his ‘new’ values of fair play and decency for those at the bottom and for whom they both had direct collective responsibility?

For they cannot plead ignorance as they well know in their regular receipt of informational emails from the Bugler.

The time for playing games is all over as Mr. Corbyn MP says “we do not have to take it any more” and in fact he should have added “we are going to pay the injustice; the indignity; and the hurt all back with interest”.

So when Winterbottom’s replacement arrives what instructions will he be bearing from the Lamplighters? How will he overcome the heavy burden of their public guilt that has become an obstacle to their success as such a ‘charitable’ organisation?

Will he come with the awful news for Warren that it is time for him to leave once more?

What other message can he carry? Carry on and redouble your efforts, more of the same; whilst ignoring the facts that the bilge pumps are clogged with corrupt putrescence and this ship is inevitably on its way to the bottom and then it is every rotten man jack for himself as the Public has already seen, and will see more of?

Surely the price is too high and Warren, Harold, and Kenny will simply have to go?

Winterbottom will argue in justification for his gigantic failure,  that all this was attributable to the ‘calibre’ of the staff that Holland recruited and bequeathed to him, thieves, rogues, and vagabonds like Holland, as every day more revelations waft out on the corrupt breeze from Service HQ.

Indeed those who are really rather like Winterbottom but of course not as intellectually, or morally, superior.

This of course will be his excuse to his Masters when accounting time within the Lamplighters comes around, if it has not done so already?

Given the perceptible and inevitable further collapse of morale in the LFRS is it mathematically possible to enter the realms on the graph of morale where it records negative equity?

Right now, those who have been involved in all this corruption will wisely be considering and preparing excuses their own positions for the exposure that is to come.

They will be considering whether or not they are ‘safe’, or to what extent they were guilty of being engaged with, or part of, this collapsing iniquitous regime and whether or not 12 reasonable Citizens of Lancashire in final judgement on them might judge them to be wholly culpable?

And so as Winterbottom opportunely unshackles himself from this pension Albatross and shackles it to the unfortunate DeMolfetta we must wait in fascination to see how the end will come, because surely it will… Justice demands it….

“For neither good nor evil can last for ever, and so it follows that as evil has lasted a long time, good must now be close at hand”…

Miguel de Cervantes…Don Quixote…