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Edit.018 – 21st December 2015.

Edit.018 – 21st December 2015.
This Editorial at a Glance:

• All is not yet lost, far from it ;

The Toads at Toad Hall ;

Commutation Saga;

• Statutory Instrument to Steal;

• The FSV~RRB CFA self-investigation Saga ;

•  Casualties of Corruption .

All is not yet lost, far from it…

Dear Reader,

We are reaching that time of year again where we ought to review progress in the achieving of legal and social justice for all serving Firefighters and especially Fire Service Veterans, Widows, and Beneficiaries.

Those who are serving and have served their communities with honour and distinction, and who on truly tragic occasions, paid with their very lives to do so.

It has been a successful year in which exposé after  exposé continues to reveal the extent of the great frauds perpetrated on all Firefighters, nationally, locally, and both present and past who have been denied not only the actual worth of their pension but the intended ‘fair play’ morality which lay behind the actuarial design of the Firefighters’ Pension Schemes in the first place.

Envy is one of the root and base causes which motivates those politicians in central and local government and indeed those who daily maladminister these pensions which were, but are no longer, placed trustingly in their soiled hands.

Trust is long gone.

A sacred trust which they have knowingly and malevolently betrayed in the past and which these clerks continue to attempt to do so today.

It is not difficult to find a prime example of these base instincts which includes envy, which  are not only practised on a daily basis by these ‘pension practitioner experts’, but are actually enjoyed by those who practice in unsupervised and tacitly approved abuses of power whilst engaging in unbridled brass necked organised criminality, which even the local Chief Constable of Lancashire has not the courage to challenge.

Such,  of course, is the power of Freemasonry but by opening up their cabal to the limelight of Public scrutiny, a disturbing phenomenon for them, the Bugler helps to destroy their mythology that they are a simply a charitable organisation.

Indeed they are, but exclusively devoted to administering this ‘charity ‘ to the pockets of their very own their Brethren in the ‘Grip’.

There was an expression in Belfast… “sell your Soul for a penny roll…” and of course many do to their regret later in life when the times comes to pay the price for their Soul, as they well know, having throughout their pathetic lives engaged in practices which they now find in their old age to be repugnant to their returning sense of decency.

Putting the logo of a set of dividers and a set square on their coffin will not change a thing when Judgement Day comes in the vain hope that their God might also be in the ‘Grip’…the price must finally be paid.

The Toads at Toad Hall

…As the Lancashire Firefighters disrespectfully but accurately describe their illustrious ‘leaders’.

But as we all well know in the 20th and now the 21st Century respect must be earned and is no longer automatically ascribed to a rank or more accurately a ‘manager’ by rote.

One has not got to look farther than the Lancashire LFRS for all that is wrong in a UK Fire & Rescue Service. This ‘organisation’ is an icon of corruption. An ‘organisation’ because one can hardly describe it as a proud Fire & Rescue Service. A service which likes to praise itself in self-aggrandisement and furthermore actually believes its own warped propaganda.

The LFRS is in all its corrupt simplicity a disgraceful organisation where once its proud progenitor, the Lancashire County Fire Brigade, set the national and international standard in corporate integrity and human universality and in all that was professionally advanced and futuristic.

Today the LFRS and its senior ‘managers’ set the ‘standard in scandals’ in all that is wrong within the UK Fire Service.

It is quite simply a disgustingly corrupt anti-democratic organisation where ethnic, gay, and gender minorities stay as minorities with absolutely no prospect of fulfilling their God given Rights, destinies, and ambitions.

The LFRS existence is simply an affront to any decent thinking person in that it rejects every single tenet and concept of Human Rights and dignities in this 21st Century.

This corruption is a canker which even affects the 25 bovine politicians who were elected and sent there by the Electorate to be responsible for a public life saving service and to ensure common decency, fair play, and ethical compliance with the laws of the land, and in particular to ensure the dignified treatment of those who serve in its ranks both present and past.

These corrupt and lazy politicians have not the common courtesy  to reply to a single letter of concern ever addressed to them; have not the civility of a common thief because they fiddle and steal their expenses; and by doing so thieves like O’Toole and criminals like Holland set such an appalling example to the likes of the Gardiners of this world by lending them the thin veneer of their own respectability  and providing the umbrella of tacit ‘approval’ and under which the Gardiners and Hamiltons and others shelter, whilst robbing the Public purse blind.

There are more honest men locked up.

All hyperbole?

Well how else would anyone describe 7 response mouse clicks on automated ‘Read Certificates’ out of the potential of  25 in response to disabled FSV~RRB open letter to Chairman F.DeMofetta, none of which included DeMolfetta himself?

Twenty five bone idle political layabouts who stand in line every month with their grubby hands out clutching their expenses claims, many of which are simply a tissue of inventive lies and creative fraud.

One of whom CC O’Toole, and his criminal associate ex-CFO Holland, who collectively refuse to release their own individual personal publicly paid expenses when asked to justify their worth to the Lancashire Community an action which might involve something foreign to their nature such as the simple expedient of having to tell the old fashioned Truth, just once in a while.

What must the international Readers of the Bugler conclude when reading about this political and criminal cesspit called the LFRS?

They must ask themselves is this the norm of British democracy? But surely this is supposed to be the democracy and not some African banana republic and if we are to believe the British who believe themselves to be such paragons of political virtue, what are these international Readers then expected to believe when the British claim to have invented, and continually espouse, their parliamentary system, the ‘Mother of all Parliaments?

Perhaps their ‘democracy’ is just formalised corruption with a thin veneer of international respectability? How embarrassing…

When it is lazy and corrupt at the LFRS political top what can one expect from a lazy, scruffy, and spineless person who seeks to use the outmoded title of Chief Fire Officer when in actual fact he is just a ‘manager’ and an appalling one at that?

A manager who daily wades through the suppurating stream of corruption which flows out of the door of his so-called Headquarters(or as it is colloquially known by the serving Firefighhters as Toad Hall) but who seeks not to do a single thing about it.

Why is that?

Simply because in achieving his illustrious appointment he achieved it with the glad handing ‘Grip’ of his neighbour in Ormskirk Lancashire, fiddler O’Toole.

Kenny was, and is, professionally corrupt himself and thus part of the ‘stream’ in which he also slithers.

But all is not yet lost… far from it.

Commutation Saga

The victories are starting to come, both large and small, national and local, as the Firefighters learn to fight again and awaken to the collective and individual deceit which they have been exposed to in matters pay and pension during the preceding decades.

The erosion and then the destruction of their trust is almost complete.

Regularly the government bays out its mantra based on and deliberately meant to exploit, the envy of the Firefighters pensions by other co-workers of this land.

The government conveniently, in its tissues of lies, fails to remind the Electorate and these co-workers that the Firefighters have, and continue to pay for their pensions, at an extortionate rate the government actually imposed!

And if that was not sufficient injustic to then have them pay with life and limb whilst the self-same government then seeks to deny the Firefighters the very pensions they have paid for in this hard earned cash , blood, sweat, and tears.

And where pray tell us all where are these mealy mouthed politicians are at  3 A.M. in the morning when the  price is being paid?

Well tucked up in their, or someone else’s, protected bed far from harm on the mean streets…

There remain parliamentarians of all parties and ranks who remain committed to their vocation, which is not a function, but characteristic of strong human beliefs and personal ethics.

A saving grace reflected in the 58 cross party co-signatories of Mr. John McDonnell MP’s  Early Day Motion, a sledge hammer to crack the corrupt nut of a Coalition government who played every dirty trick in the book to avoid paying the overdue bill of commutation due to Firefighters who were the innocent victims of an interdepartmental wrangle between the Government Actuary Department and the ever lazy and guileful civil servants at the DCLG who are actually meant to ensure that Firefighters are justly and promptly rewarded.

And still these government departments in combination with the Fire Authorities procrastinate and delay over the commutation issue whilst pointing accusing fingers at each other after Parliament has told them to pay the bill.

Who actually runs this country? Parliament or its not so civil, servants?  

Well this issue is also simple. They are all guilty of playing the game of envy and fraud an issue which is easily encapsulated in the Firefighters’ statement … we paid the price now YOU pay the bills…

But all is not yet lost… far from it.

For the latest on this Commutation saga. Go Here.

Statutory Instrument to Steal

Then we had the small simple matter of a Statutory Instrument to Steal.

Why should all young Firefighters in the 1992 Scheme between the ages of 18-20 have had pay pension contributions for no accrual or eventual benefit in their final pension?

Because WE the government say so, and WE are the government, and WE can steal from you if WE decide to do so, as indeed they did.

Now when this government is finished procrastinating once more and FIREFIGHTERS have their money back with compound interest because if the FIREFIGHTERS owed this to them, they would certainly insist on compound interest from the FIREFIGHTERS would they not?

For the latest in this saga. Go Here.

The FSV~RRB CFA self-investigation Saga

Then there was the small matter of disabled FSV~RRB who fought for 5 deliberately procrastinating years to obtain that which was rightfully his, a copy of his Personal Record File, and when the rock was lifted at the suppurating LFRS HQ , over which CFO Kenny allegedly presides, corruption in all its vitriolic malicious whimsy finally seeped and slithered out before the Public gaze.

And pray tell us do, what did the Bovine Leader of the Lancashire CFA CC. F. DeMolfetta who clearly cannot read, understand, speak, or write the plain man’s English and his herd of accompanying bovines do? Nothing.

But it is necessary yet again to remind these councillors that if they have been made aware of fraud and corruption, and they most certainly have, and they individually failed to investigate and inform the Lancashire Chief Constable of their suspicions then they also are just as culpable as those who are guilty in criminal law in the first place.

But all is not yet lost, far from it.

For disabled FSV~RRB’s response and his observations on this latest CFA self-examination saga. Go Here.

Casualties of Corruption

The corrupt casualties at the LFRS HQ are beginning to mount and more will inevitably follow as they bribe their way to freedom via the likes of CC DeMolfetta and Mattinson his finance wizard when their time comes to escape retribution and the law, as come it will.

But there is no time limit on criminality nor the execution of the criminal law.

As the Bugler predicted last year Hamilton leaves with his rewarded racism in ‘wages of sin’, but he had also served a more important  purpose in giving the ‘Grip’ to those of the Brethren who were not asked to pay back a single penny of their alleged  ‘overpayment’ in 2007/08.

He leaves with his pension intact for transfer to another local authority when the dust has settled and he thinks he is forgotten all the while drawing his DWP Benefits. My, how crime pays at the LFRS. But he is not forgotten.

And then there is Gardiner who skipped town clutching his £40k of stolen expenses and his pension only to pop up on the radar at the Pendle Community Centre after the ‘Grip’ got him a comfy temporary job to while away the hours until they can find him another suitable appointment for his talents, probably as an auditor working in the LCC councillors expenses department, thus finding a new home for his intact pension.

My, how crime pays at the LFRS. But he is not forgotten either….

But all is not yet lost, far from it.