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Vol37 ~ 19th February 2021

Current Affairs ~ Volume 37 ~ 19th February 2021
This Volume at a Glance:

The ‘Performing Cronies’ mired in corruption at the UK Court of Appeal:

• Mrs Justice Falk DBE ;

• Mr. P. Cobourn ~ Case Progression(or not) Section ~ Court of Appeal;

• Mr. Justice Fancourt LJ ;

• Fancourt LJ ~ First ~Fire Service Pension ‘Experience’

• Fancourt LJ ~Second~ Fire Service Pension ‘Experience’;

~ The Mystery of the ‘Missing’ and ‘Found’ Court Tape which ‘Disappears’ again;

• Complicit Conspiracy to Pervert the course of Justice at the Court of Appeal;

~ Presentation of Evidence ultimately to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police;

~ The Litigation ‘Trail’;

~ Commentary on ‘LCFA & TPO & NIreland Papers’;

~ Commentary on ‘The Falk Papers’;

~ Commentary on ‘The Fancourt Papers’;

• The corrupt Judicial/Political ‘Cronies’ in the ‘Dock’ :

~ Mr. P. Cobourn ~ Registry Clerk;

~ Mr. M. Chowdhury ~ Manager of the CoA Registry;

~ Mr. Justice Fancourt LJ ;

~ Master A. Meacher ~ Recorder;

~ Sir Peter Coulson PC ~ Former Deputy Head of Civil Justice ;

~ The Old Master of the Rolls ~ Baron Etherton PC of Marylebone City of Westminister;

~ The New Master of the Rolls ~ Rt. Hon Sir Geoffrey Vos ;

~ The Lord Chief Justice The Lord Burnett of Maldon;

~ Minister for the Disabled ~ Mr.Justin Tomlinson M.P., Go Here ;

~ The ‘Pensions Minister’ ~ Under Secretary of State for the DWP ~ Mr. G. Opperman M.P. Go Here ;

~ The Cabinet Minister ~ Secretary of State for the DWP ~ Rt Hon. Dr.T. Coffey PhD., M.P.

They have to hang together, or hang alone…

Mrs Justice Falk DBE

But first, to Mrs Justice Falk whose career hangs by a thread; she would be unwise to trust to the gallantry or ‘honesty’ of her colleagues at the Court of Appeal in future.

One hopes she learned from the mortification; the searing experience of a gross breach of trust; and the Public cashiering of her rank which she received on this first occasion, but who knows if there will be a second chance the ‘Children’s Case’ might determine so?

One wonders if Falk LJ was placed before a Jury of her peers on the Clapham Omnibus how she would fair?

They would have to consider, using standards well above those of a ‘remote’ the Judiciary, that she was plucked from obscurity as a successful tax avoidance solicitor and carried away to an atmosphere of the silence of loyal secrecy and sotto voce conversations where she would have been dressed in judicial robes and buckled shoes.

A place where she had to repeat an Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance to H.M. The Queen , and, an Oath or Affirmation Judicial… “I , Sarah, do solemnly sincerely and truly declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second in the office of Judge and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of this Realm without fear or favour, affection or ill will.”.

All rather heady stuff and to be then ritually ‘awarded’ a D.B.E., or Dame Sarah if you prefer, not for services rendered, God Forbid you would receive a ‘gong’ for tax avoidance ~ though you should), but meritless because the post demanded it, all before her admiring family; it would no doubt turn many a head.

However, it is important to remember that Mrs Justice Falk DBE will , for her part, have cultivated the personages to make all this happen, particularly those in political life for their clear intention was for her to carry a political message to the heartland of the Judicature on behalf of UK womanhood whilst ignoring the fact that the Judicature already had a number of eminent and highly accomplished female Judges in law and judicial experience, higher in Rank; the only question seems to be the balance of genders on which the then Master of the Rolls, Sir Terence Etherton PC QC seems to have evened out the ‘score’.

But we must leave the ephemeral and return to the bus…where Lady Justice Mrs Falk found herself; sent with a de rigueur agenda, called ‘No!’ to any first Appeal.

This case involved adjudicating on a Fire Service national pension issue of law about which she knew little or nothing.

An issue which directly affected the lives of 11,000 disabled Firefighters, their pensions, and their Beneficiaries, though clearly the portent of all this was lost on Falk LJ if she was still in thrall, and she was, if her first Judgment was anything to set out a stall by.

It is supposed, though we shall never know, that Falk LJ after giving her initial Judgement concluded that she may have been hasty and in error because she then set about reviewing her own Judgment; but can she do that, ‘No!’.

In the real world that is how it works and it is perfectly reasonable to identify and correct your own errors but that is not how it works in these hushed corridors where her proposals caused consternation and horror.

But not for the reasons the Bugler and those he represents might think, but because it was in flagrant disregard of the instruction she had been sent to Court with, but by whom?

Instructions to refuse an Appeal from all these (let us assume for sake of argument) 40,000 supplicants which would cost H.M. Government incalculable restitution of

their decades long underpaid pension benefits.

It seems Lady Justice Falk repayment to the ‘establishment’ for all this razzle dazzle had just commenced but in her naivety she did not seem to realise this is how it works in the Judicature…she sold her Soul for a penny roll… now she must pay the Piper.

But in an ignominious and historical decision which until this point was unheard of, she was unceremoniously dumped from her case…the only question which remains to this day is who authored, controlled, and is responsible in law for this conspiracy in the first place and who then continued to make a debacle into a judicial disaster of unparalleled proportions?

The consequences of  this monumental Public confidence embarrassment which are still reverberating throughout the Rolls Building at the Court of Chancery; at the Court of Appeal, The Old Bailey, at the Strand, London; and with the Public at large; but there is more to come, much more…

Given the inherent resistance within the Judicature to the political application of ethnic/gender quotas, which have yet, after decades of ‘experiment’ proved unworkable including within the Fire Service, the predictions that this Falk LJ  meteoric rise  was a disaster in the making and when it happened, it did so, spectacularly.

So where does that leave Mrs Justice Falk DBE today?

Human nature being what it is she has become a victim of her own ambition and the continuing object of smirking derision, snide remarks, and whispers behind hands but is she in a position to make amends to the disabled Firefighters?

That is unlikely and before anyone reaches for a tissue they should be reminded to remember that unlike herself the Fire Service 40,000 in economic distress will remain in economic distress and as far away from Fair Play and Justice as they were when all this began 13 years ago; so much for democratic equality ?

And of course many of the disabled Firefighters will continue to die alone in penury unlike those in the Judiciary expounding their glowing tributes to Lord Etherton(MR) at his recent valedictory without giving these 11,000 disabled Firefighters a single thought.

Death remains certain in Life, ask a Firefighter…

Dame Sarah  will not be  turning her heating down; or still visiting the food banks; or taking the cheap cuts of meat; nor  still visiting the ‘bargain’ racks at supermarket ‘closing time’, as the supplicants who came to her Court are, whilst continuing to count their hard earned, underpaid pennies…

Before we leave Lady Justice Falk (a former member of the Magic Circle) with her regrets including her failure to make her magic work with disabled Firefighters, we must ask who was actually responsible for all this conspiracy?

In the first instance it was Sir Terence Etherton PC QC, now, Lord Etherton of Marylebone in the City of Westminster, an Essex boy done good, though there may well be less printable expressions including ‘The Only Way is Essex’, or ‘TOWIE’ with all its connotations not something the Bugler would care to have attached to him.

But was it his hand that rocked the cradle?

In the final analyses the responsibility always continues to rest with the Lord Chief Justice.

But it did not, and does not end there, and the disabled Firefighters with their underpaid Beneficiaries have not gone away, will not, and the fighting goes on.

Then came Mr. Justice Sir Timothy Fancourt from his ‘controller’ with his continuing brief of, ‘No!’.

It is time we called him to account but before then more ‘games’ and more corruption…

Mr. P. Cobourn ~ Case Progression? ~ Court of Appeal

The Bugler presents a prime example of ‘dirty work at the xroads’ at the Court of Appeal; there will be more. The Court of Appeal is mired in corruption. Who will save its reputation? Cometh the hour Cometh the Man?

It is difficult to contemplate that the Lord Chief Justice and his new Master of the Rolls, (who both have a copy of the ‘Coburn Letter’ in their possession, or if they have not, why not?), have failed to take Public action on this corrupt conspiracy and its implicit denial of Human Rights  and Justice.

Indeed they have failed in arrogance to even observe the mere civilities of acknowledging personal letters from disabled FSV~FMG to them.

The time has arrived in this Century to banish such arrogance and to provide the transparency in Justice which the Citizens of a 21st Century England and the President of the Supreme Court demand. No more Mandarin whispers; no more handshakes, nods, winks, and smirks…deliver Justice or it will become a major political problem, if not so already.

The Bugler must assume that if either of these two Judges, the highest in the land fail to take immediate action by investigating the corrupt practices of a conspiracy presented to them that they also are complicit in this denial of Justice.

If they fail to do so there can be no better reason for taking this case directly to the Supreme Court and if necessary to the European Court of Justice because in the latter case these events took place whilst the UK was still a Member State of the European Union…

Once more the Bugler and his 11,000 compatriots and Beneficiaries demand in dignity their Human and Civil Rights and that their case be placed before a Judicial Panel of Integrity (3 or more Judges) to deal with this simple Point~of~Law.

Why are we being underpaid the wrong pensions and benefits?

We seek no special treatment which we will decline; and if the Law does not find for us, so it falls; but we will require a full and  detailed explanation in law why the Law and thus Justice does not fall for us…

J’Accuse…The Letter…Go Here.

Mr. Justice Fancourt LJ

The Bugler and his Compatriots had sympathetically thought Lord Justice Fancourt was just a young fool knowing nothing about Fire Service pensions, which he demonstrated regularly, but one who knows quite a lot about land, land contracts, the building trade, and arbitrating those legal arguments. 

However, as matters have transpired he is more than just a fool, he is a calculating self preserving criminal who conspires to corrupt his subordinates and to obstruct and deny Justice…

The standing questions remain, who are Fancourt LJ’s ‘controller cronies’ and who are they working for?  Because Fancourt LJ must believe he has the necessary support of ‘authority’ in this judicial hierarchical system to act as he does whilst acting in the belief that he has a Judge or Judges above him approving of his actions. There can be no other conclusion.

Is he for example working under the authority of the most senior Judiciary the Lord Chief Justice and/or the Master of the Rolls; surely this is unlikely but until they act to clear their good names they must be implicated even if only as knowledgeable accessories after the facts.

These senior Judges seem unable or incapable of grasping the Bugler’s analyses and that their own personal and judicial integrity becomes suspect if they fail to immediately deal with this canker at the heart of the Court of Appeal.

Who else might be involved other than these senior Judges who constantly pride themselves on their judicial integrity and independence from the political executive of this far right wing Nationalist IDS putsch controlled Government and as we reflect on ‘Holocaust Memorial Day’, and hear the at times glib words spoken, we all know the horrors which Nationalism leads to…but the speculating Bugler has as ever a list of judicial candidates in mind…but not necessarily the then MR who in his waning days has his legacy to defend against all comers….

Fancourt LJ First ~Fire Service Pension ‘Experience’

The Hon Fancourt LJ ‘arrived’ on the high judicial plain at the High Court on 11th January 2018. Usually a ‘new boy’ will spend 6 months in the Lord Chief Justice’s Office finding his way around, certainly Falk LJ did.

Fancourt’s current position is President of the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal, his ‘field’ of expertise, but quite some way from complex Fire Service Pensions.

One has to ask why he became involved in a field which was so outside his discipline of knowledge and practice; what purpose was he meant to serve and who sent him?

Early in 2019 on the 6-7th March Fancourt LJ was given his first test piece in the Court of Appeal. It involved Fire Service Pensions concerning the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority who, in test cases were being challenged locally and nationally by serving Firefighters about what was, or was not, pensionable Pay and Conditions(PaC) of Service.

For an outsider to grasp this is quite a challenging proposition, which includes the Bugler with over 36 years Service in attempting to update and understand the current PaC wreckage left behind by Blair and Prescott who, afraid of the industrial/political might of the Firefighters, set out to dismember the entire Service in the late 1990’s which commenced with Prescott bribing the then Chief Fire Officers to sell out their comrades, which was not difficult.

This successful Labour PaC attack allied with disestablishment of personnel and catastrophically diminished budgets, led to the loss of innocent lives and continues to do so, but consequentially led to the fragmentation of National Pay Agreements and the growth of ‘local agreements’ all the FRSs thought necessary to keep what was left of ‘Fire Cover and Emergency Response’ appliances on the streets; where it all remains today.

There is no question that Firefighters care more about the safety of their local communities than ever a local politician/employers did.

If there is one thing Firefighters are extremely accomplished at it is their knowledge of PaC simply because their employers have an appalling and endemic reputation for sleight of hand and duplicity for decades.

It was to test what was, and what was not, pensionable pay that these multiple test cases in Mid and West Wales were brought on Appeal before the Court of Appeal.

The Bugler is bound to ask the FBU and the Judiciary, with due respect to the Firefighters involved, why was their case more important, which looked to their future retirements, than for those who are in retirement and being fraudulently underpaid and unrepresented by a Union who claims to fight for ‘everyone’ including their Out-of-Trade Members including the Bugler and the disabled FSVs and Beneficiaries he speaks for?

These test cases were set down before Fancourt LJ over 2 days on the 6-7th march 2019. The Appellants(Firefighters) and the Respondents(FRS) were heavily legally represented.

The employers had much to lose and the fates had finally caught up with their duplicity.

Fancourt’s ‘Approved Judgement’ is an interesting read from a Judge who clearly had not done his historical research work which is a repetitive professional failure in his approach to his judicial work.

It seems today that inexperienced Judges are prepared, in using a common idiom to ‘blag’ their way through a complex judgement.

It used to be called bluffing and was part of a stock phrase in that… “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time”…

If, for example, Fancourt LJ had done his homework properly, not superficially, he would have known a  few salient facts.

For example that  ‘allowances’(fuel and light) sometimes referred to as ‘subsistence’(meals away from home base) or ‘out of pocket expenses’ within the Fire Service had never attracted nor been jointly recognised as pensionable.

Common-sense on both sides prevailed but today’s ‘allowances’ have a completely different meaning.

If Fancourt LJ had read enough of the Editions of the National Joint Council (NJC) ‘Greybooks’ he would have noted the gradual shift rather than from the start waste expensive court time and the taxpayers money in reprising the known; but why was he sent there?

Had he been sent to say ‘No!’ in the supplied knowledge that were he to say ‘Yes!’ this would cost FRS’s large sums of money which they would have to pay back into their respective local ‘Firefighters Pension Fund’?

He wasted valuable time, presumably to educate himself, perhaps, in paraphrasing, a phrase he was to use later that said it all … “took some reading” by also reprising the Judgements of other Judges vastly more experienced than he; those who had  already made the correct judgments in earlier test cases brought before them on the same subject.

This was his first stumbling block which he failed to recognise before opening the case if he was to deliver ‘No!’.

Namely that he could, without trying, make a complete fool of himself in a ‘discipline’ he knew nothing about whilst castigating the decision of Judges much more senior and accomplished than he, whilst attempting to deliver a ‘No!’

Two benchmarks failed to register with him at any point which were that the Fire Service employers saw an opportunity early in this century  to ‘move the gaol posts’ on pensionable pay with an inexperienced young workforce.

This was coupled with an opportunity to balance their ever decreasing budgets by ‘saving’ their outlay on Statutory pension contributions to their Statutory local Firefighters Pension Schemes.

After having bored everyone ridged with his perambulations for his benefit, Fancourt LJ then suddenly without preamble took a mighty leap of faith simply stating the obvious that all Firefighters pay on Day Crew Manning was pensionable.

How he might explain his failure to his ‘controller cronies’ was clearly something he would just ‘blag’ his way through on another day.

Next continuing to throw ignorance and caution to the wind  and encouraged by his own decisiveness and as a sop to the FRS employers he thought he had better throw them a ‘bone’.

Thus completely ignorant of the purposes of the ‘bone’ served by Appellant Firefighter SkHane within International Urban Search and Rescue corps about which Fancourt LJ had not the vaguest notion, he decided to reject  Firefighter SkHane’s reasonable Appeal.

Firefighter SkHane thought reasonably that he ought to receive pensionable pay whilst providing 24/7~365 day/night cover for the UK Foreign  and Commonwealth Office as … “an active arm of Diplomacy”….

No one at this 2 day Contest knew the foggiest thing about USAR (it was all about employment Contracts) including Fancourt LJ and regrettably the otherwise splendid representing barristers Mr Short QC and Mr Grant (Ms Naomi Ling was, of all, of particular note) who were publicly acknowledged by Fancourt to all have considerably more experience in the discipline of Fire Service Pensions Law than self-evidently he did.

What an embarrassing state of affairs for any Judge to find himself in, particularly one who spent 2 days crassly ‘blagging’ his way through this whole debacle with one purpose in mind which was to say ‘No!’, but which he simply could not deliver…

In 1989 the Bugler, as part of his 1980 development work in Lancashire in International Rescue; under the admirable political direction of Dame Louise Ellman CBE of impeccable integrity, was nominated to apply on behalf of the UK Government (Mrs.Thatcher) to the United Nations Disaster Relief Organisation(UNDRO) as the first worldwide registrant to provide  24/7~365 day/night cover in the provision of a mobile fully trained and equipped International Rescue Team subsequently described by the Foreign  and Commonwealth Office as … “an active arm of Diplomacy”… which is where it is to this day.

The genesis of this original team was further developed over the years that followed within every volunteering FRS in the UK where the UK wide committment continues to  remain on ‘standby’ today.

The fundamental individual skills for each individual volunteer was, and is, drawn from Firefighters of all ranks and genders on the assumption (to a certain extent) that the bedrock of their skills are grounded on those they already possess by training as frontline Firefighters.

To become, as it is known today as a USAR volunteer, requires further enhanced repetitive training (and subject to rejection) with a fundamental humanitarian commitment to the final objective of this cadre, of an all terrain, all climate, fully equipped skilled rescuers.

Firefighter SkHane was such a skilled volunteer and  trainer.

But there is a family price to be paid for this humanitarian commitment which is not necessarily reflected in the deservedly, though parsimonious, enhanced pensionable pay these volunteers should receive.

It is more than just about money; a fact highlighted by their attendance at incidents of special note nationwide not necessarily for the contribution they will make, but in the contribution that will make to their exercise of their skills and in accumulating experience for use in a foreign field, including Europe, on another day.

However, Fancourt LJ  could only see a Contract in front of him because clearly he had not the perspicacity to see the larger humanitarian picture, or perhaps as we by now conclude,  he did not want to.

The analogy is clear.

One wonders, if on one not so fine day, Fancourt LJ was on holiday in Italy and was buried and entrapped under a building by an earthquake; his thoughts with time on his hands and a building on his chest, might turn to the Firefighter SkHane’s of this world and how soon he/they might come to find him?

Perhaps during reflection he might be glad that he did find that Firefighter SkHane (Virtute duce comite fortuna) was worthy of this pensionable pittance and also whether, or not, out of a personal sense of humanitarian duty Firefighter SkHane was still on his way?

There still are those, like Fancourt LJ , as that Irishman Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde  who in a script for a play wrote… “The cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” .

Firefighter SkHane should appeal…as indeed did disabled FSV~FMG to Fancourt LJ at the Court of Appeal…

But before we leave this topic the Readership would wish to know that Lancashire in-service Firefighters also won their day in case law at the TPO who actually recognised what the law was and what Justice actually means by fining the LCFA a measly £500.0 awarded to the Claimant for ‘Injustice’.

The times they are are indeed a changing and are about to change some more…

It is estimated that the LCFA will conservatively have to find £4million from their depleted reserves to pay into the Lancashire Firefighters Pension Fund which they ought to have done in the first instance…they will not be alone in having to do so.

That is the price their clerk Warren the LCFA’s Pension Scheme Manager brought by fraudulence to Lancashire’s door.

Fancourt LJ Second ~Fire Service Pension ‘Experience’

Dear Reader,

what follows is an example within the UK Judiciary of the criminality of a High Court Judge. One hopes that it is unique but as the Bugler has stated before Mr. Justice Fancourt LJ could not so Misconduct himself in Public Office without the certainty of a ‘safety net’ beneath him, in other words, another higher ranking Judge or Judges, approving or initiating his actions.

If he has done so without such a ‘net’ then he ought to be suspended from his duties pending a medical evaluation for his fitness to practice the duties of a High Court Judge at the Court of Appeal.

But first the Bugler must remind his Readership how Mr. Justice Fancourt LJ managed, once more, to find himself involved with Fire Service Pensions and the redoubtable disabled FSV~FMG.

You may recall that Mr. Justice Fancourt LJ was ‘parachuted in’ to replace Mrs Justice Falk on the 3rd July 2020 who it increasingly appears with hindsight was about to change her mind and allow disabled FSV~FMG to take his case, and by implication other similar cases, to the Court of Appeal.

In the ‘cover up’ which followed Fancourt LJ managed to ‘lose’ 27 minutes from the 3rd July 2020 Court Hearing tape and its transcript and then on the 14th January 2021 12:36hrs in an email to the Appeallant from Fancourt LJ’s Clerk it seems the ‘missing’ 27 minutes tape have suddenly been ‘found’ and sent to the transcriber Ubiqus.There is the reasonable speculation on the ether that the new Master of the Rolls had Fancourt ‘find’ all the tape but as of this moment in February 2021 the mystery remains unrequited…

Ubiqus has failed numerous requests to respond to the Appeallant and now it seems the Appellant is required by Fancourt LJ’s Court to make another application ( the original payment having been fully remitted) for the same ‘missing’ tape which they now say has been ‘lost’ then ‘found’ and now gone ‘adrift’ at Ubiqus.

Interestingly a glance at Companies House records show that on the last submitted accounts by Ubiqus it appears to be bankrupt? Does the Court of Appeal financial system not monitor the liquidity of their contractors?

Of course Falk LJ could not be allowed to change her mind because the Appeallant (and others) would find Justice within the Law before a panel of eminent independent and experienced Judges at the Court of Appeal.

Thus the ‘Fire Pension Minister’, the Under Secretary of State for the DWP, Mr. G. Opperman M.P.; his ‘boss’ the Cabinet Minister ~ Secretary of State for the DWP ~ Rt Hon. Dr.T. Coffey PhD., M.P., (who are aware of all this) and ultimately the FRSs will be presented with a huge ‘bill’ about £4Bil for fraudulently, for decades, underpaying pensions to 11,000 disabled FSVs and the Beneficiaries; a sum of money which will simply dwarf the ‘little local pension budget difficulties’ which the FRS nationwide are about to experience from the recently victorious in-Service Firefighters and their pensionable pay…

Needless to say both Ministers of State are fully aware of all these circumstances and have their fingerprints all over it Opperman in particular and cannot deny political culpability because the historical paper trail the Bugler laid out leads directly to their doors. All any Reader has to do is follow the guidelines from the TMB historical libraries.

Is political disgrace and departure to the ‘back benches’ the price they are both willing to pay?

Later we shall see, whether or not, both these politicians have personal and/or political integrity when we look in detail at them in accountability. It will make a fascinating read as the truth emerges …

Meantime, back to the main story line…

Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice

Next, the Bugler will present all the documents in transparency to the new President of the Supreme Court.

The Bugler’s maternal Grandmother was a Scot from Glasgow, a weaver, it is unlikely that being the canny Scot by reputation that The President of the Supreme Court is that very little will ‘get by him’.

The Right Honourable, The Lord Robert Reed of Allermuir says, in his first public statements, that he aspires to ‘transparency’ in his Judicature which one presumes includes the Lord Chief Justice and his Court of Appeal.

A welcome aspiration, which the Bugler will assist him with; because it is clear, if his Lordship cares to look, that from the Bugler’s perspective that ‘transparency’ has not yet arrived at the UK Court of Appeal since 30th January 2020 indeed the reverse is occurring; a monumental corrupt cover up …

The Bugler advances the point he has repeatedly advanced that those who interfere with this noble case and cause with corrupt hands will pay the price with their careers if they demonstrably continue to sit on their corrupt hands and do nothing.

In their comfortable collective and secret arrogance they believe they are the Law rather than the servants of the Law and are the servants of the Citizens of this State who pay their handsome benefits including, and ironically, their future pensions.

The current Lord Chief Justice is fully aware in his bailiwick of this conspiracy intended to pervert the course of Justice yet he knowingly has failed to act.

He will surely go down in Judicial history as the first LCJ in modern times to be publicly accused with full supporting evidence of knowingly perverting the course of Justice, by failing to act…

He thinks that this tiresome matter will fade away as he stands within his closed ranks but, whether or not, the Bugler and his compatriots fade away they will be replaced by others but the LCJ and those who support him will have  taken their place in Judicial history with his personal and Judicial integrity and the Rank he holds for this Nation in tatters, unlike the mere Firefighters who oppose him, and who seek with dignity, their Human Right to Justice.

The letter to clerk Cobourn invited his response by 16:00hrs on Friday 5th February 2021 which anticipated he would fail to respond, but within the letter it contained another lawful duty under the Data Protection Act 2000 which he has subsequently also chosen to ignore. Apparently he is above the Law.

The Bugler predicts that the first ‘cannon fodder’ to be sacrificed will be menial Coburn which will certainly raise a cheer with his subordinates, and his Manager Mr.Chowdhury…

The letter was also a final invitation to the LCJ that he commences to palpably deliver Justice, and to be seen to do so; and by his subsequent recognised failure to do so an already publicly damaged Court of Appeal is now damaged beyond measure, worldwide.

Unwisely the LCJ thought it was all so much bluff because clearly he is not familiar with the ‘language of the streets’ wherein these disabled Firefighters have spent most of their working lives.

The ‘street rules’ are that you ‘play’ to your fair minded rules of integrity until you are sure your opponents are “playing” to their rules of duplicity and abuse of power, then it becomes, as it should, open season…

The LCJ and his complicit colleagues and their staff have been so wrong all the way along but then they have never been publicly challenged and put in their own ‘dock’ before, have they?

The Bugler and his compatriots’ next step is to present, as promised, the detailed documentary evidence of complicity and conspiracy within these ‘closed ranks’, not only to the Public, but to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan  Police Dame Cressida Rose Dick DBE QPM whilst publishing that evidence on TMB as we collectively proceed…we shall have Justice…we know it in our Hearts and we have nothing to lose.

The documents will be placed in the 2020 Section of the Correspondence Library under the appropriate title of the’LCFA/TPO/NIreland’, ‘Falk’ and ‘Fancourt’ Papers, free for the world to download.

It is regrettable that this democratic right has to be exercised because it is now clear that the disabled Fire Service Veterans and their Beneficiaries are to be disrespectfully denied their Human Rights and Justice because they had the temerity to ask…

“Why, since 1992, are we being underpaid the wrong pensions?”.

For the Library. Go Here.

The Litigation ‘Trail’

Since Litigation Commenced in 2015 the ‘Papers’ have as usual been carefully archived in the Bugler’s Libraries in the appropriate Library section and  ‘Year’ with a link back to central databases held in both the UK and on ‘Cloud’ elsewhere for security reasons.

Speaking of databases, it is a matter of some interest that disabled FSV~FMG’s ‘EFile'(the judicial system) lodged and sealed(issued) papers remain on the central Ministry of Justice EFile database/repository which includes files from disabled FSV~FMG lodged for the use of Court of Chancery and( with a new EFile Case Number) for Court of Appeal in spite of Cobourn’s best attempts at ‘dumping/losing’ the paper case files at the the CoA Registry…

Signing in to attempt to remove these on ‘EFile’ will provide the (on notice) Webmaster the final proof to be handed to the Metropolitan Police  of Cobourn’s uncontrolled criminality, adding yet another criminal act which will undoubtedly get him jailed…

It has been decided following requests to adopt a more centralised approach in helping the Readership follow the litigation trail all the way from the LCFA to the European Court of Justice, in the event that once more the UK Judicature  continues to deny its disabled Firefighters and their Beneficiaries their Human Rights to Justice, which it is currently doing at the Court of Appeal in deliberately failing, at the behest of the current UK government as we shall reveal,  to address the simple question … “Why since 1992 have successive UK governments, most particularly the current government, failed to pay their disabled Firefighters and Beneficiaries their well earned pensions?”.

Now before anyone cries ‘Brexit’ the Bugler reminds its opponents that these underpayments are criminally fraudulent acts both here and in Europe whilst the UK was an EU Member State during which this corporate felony occurred and continues to occur and upon which there still is no Statute of Limitation either there, or here.

Meantime all these collective ‘Papers’ are to be found in the TMB Library in the ‘Correspondence’ Section ‘Year 2020 & 2021’. Go Here.  

Commentary on the ‘LCFA & TPO & NIreland’ Papers

When the Bugler and his compatriots commenced this journey for Justice, it was underpinned with decades, if not centuries, of joint Service; those who still applied the perpetual ethos within the Fires & Rescue Service of “What if ?”.

What if, this, that, or the other catastrophe, large or small, was to happen on this Pension Justice journey and within the envisaged scenarios which could, and did arise?

So the same professional mentality was, in anticipation, applied to every circumstance which could be envisaged, visualised, anticipated, and expected to be used by our unpleasant opponents, and whilst the Bugler and his comrades would rightly be expected to remain within the law,  our opponents, it could rightly be assumed, would not.

The LCFA did perform to the level of corruption which was to be expected of them using every dirty trick in the book, and then some.

But they suffered from the extreme attrition which was applied to them publicly by the Bugler and his compatriots; they wasted countless frustrating work hours, to say little of precious Public funds defending the indefensible, as the Bugler continued to march forward with the Law exhausting every possible legal procedure which in the end allowed us to advance to the TPO.

The LCFA , as expected, extended its handshakes to an eager TPO in the form of Mr. A. Arter and his nominated corrupt  stonewalling staff.

But once more exhausting attrition and finally the Law had to be implemented and bore fruit but it was, as expected, the fruit of denial.

However, in so doing TPO made a major error of judgment in which they allowed the Bugler to take disabled FSV~FMG’s case to the Royal Courts of Justice in Belfast.

Fancourt LJ seemed bemused why the Bugler did this?

Satisfying himself that it was to avoid an extra legal step of having to seek in England ‘permission’ to take this case to the Court of Appeal.

In part Fancourt was right but he missed several of the major benefits.

In fact Fancourt LJ is really not an impressive thinker as he regularly demonstrates he is simply a small fry lackey and as we shall see, he does what he is told to do on the handshake…

The opportunities presented were to run this case elsewhere before a senior accomplished Judicature at little expense which brought enormous benefits.

Firstly it allowed the Bugler to ‘ambush’ the LCFA and see how it would perform in a foreign and accomplished field which it could not control and as they demonstrated, they were completely flat footed for the first two (No Show), of the three High Court appearances and coming late and procedurally wrong(out of time) to the final Hearing.

It allowed the Bugler to look at, see and meet the wonderfully helpful people in the Belfast Registry and how it functioned first hand.

It allowed the Bugler in preliminary Hearings to look at how these simply vast Courtrooms functioned and to meet a senior High Court Judge Sir Paul Maguire who was to have the 500 page ‘bundle’ before him for 2 months which according to him he read from end to end, twice.

It also allowed the LCFA’s junior Counsel to ‘pitch the pitch’ and show the Bugler what she and the LCFA really had, which was a whole lot of nothing in legal and  pension Rules terms, and though a ‘technical’ failure on Jurisdictional grounds it confirmed in the Judge’s opinion, offered twice, that the Point-of-Law was “Winnable”.

In treating us with great personal civility and respect with which we had never been exposed to before, or since, ended with the award of ‘no costs’ against us thus allowing the LCFA to pick up rather a hefty bill.

One wonders if this had anything to do with Junior Counsel’s attack on the Judge in his open Court that he was allowing the Bugler too much helpful “audience”. She has much to learn…

This was a priceless refresher and brought a great sense of satisfaction that Justice at least had been seen to be done.

A small degression…the Bugler in his senior rank days was for a long period the FBU ‘operations expert’ for Scotland for incidents  during which its members had been seriously injured. This necessitated regular appearances at the High Court of Justiciary and Court of Session in Edinburgh in what he recalls was formerly the First Scottish Parliament.

There was one notable occasion  during which ‘Piper Alpha’ Judge, Lord Cullen who had a reputation for being inquisitive was grilling the Bugler on the matter of fireground hydraulics and having ground the Bugler for an hour to the point of exhaustion which the illustrious Lord refused to see the Bugler in exasperation concluded by saying that all he could think was that the water in Scotland was thicker than anywhere else and even His Lordship had the good grace to laugh…but never a hint of corruption was ever displayed to the Bugler in the many cases he attended there and like Belfast corruption never for one moment raised its ugly head.

However next came the English Court of Appeal and corruption did nothing but raise its, Λερναῖα Ὕδρα , or if you prefer its Hydra head…

Commentary on the ‘Falk’ Papers
It is the inexorability and inevitability of Justice which keeps many a ‘beggar’ going…thousands of them in fact.

Mrs Justice Falk was tasked with one simple brief only based on the CoA protocol which is that a Case (based on a Point- -of-Law) may only be advanced to the Court of Appeal with sufficient substance and prospects for a successful outcome.

In the first instance Mrs. Justice Falk did what she believed was de regueiur at this point, which was to immediately say ‘No’, without any research into the case whatsoever.

In this hasty approach she was assisted by Johnston at the TPO who herself simply used the chanted mantra of Wisdom, a layperson pension clerk, at the LCFA’s Pension Contractors.

A glance at the documentation now lodged in the TMB ‘Correspondence’ Library then records a shift in approach during which the case was treated by Mrs Justice Falk more seriously, after reflection, and a robust  3-way exchange with the Appellant’s Barrister and the LCFA solicitor, which is both healthy and normal at this point in Court preparatory work.

All working towards a judicial decision point on the 3rd July 2020 which never arrived; Mrs Justice Falk being extraordinarily simply ‘ambushed and defeated’ on the path she had laid out for herself and the Case leading, the Bugler assumes, to Mrs Justice Falk ‘reversing’ herself (which of itself is not abnormal) and then granting the Appellant permission to proceed to the Court of Appeal with his Case.

A brief evaluation of Mrs Justice Falk’s preparatory work to advance this Case to the Court of Appeal is clearly reflected in the released documentation but a more detailed analyses of what actually transpired, and by whom, follows in a forthcoming Bugler’s extended ‘Current Affairs Volume 40’ to follow…

The ‘Falk Papers’ have now been placed unabridged but redacted in the TMB Library in the ‘Correspondence’ Section ‘Year 2020’.Go Here

Commentary on the ‘Fancourt’ Papers

It seems that the Lord Chief Justice will not allow these ‘beggars’ to taste Human Rights nor Justice… inevitably we the Citizens will just have to take it from him…

Fancourt LJ was as we know parachuted into the fray at the last moment to deflect Falk LJ from her ‘supposed’ course of action.

It has been supposed that she intended to allow disabled FSV~FMG to take his case forward to the an independent panel of 3 or more senior experienced Law Lords to look at the Law and its simple application to the correct calculation of a compensatory pension; which since 1992 the LCFA and its progenitors had failed to do for reasons it has yet failed to explain…

From a governmental expenditure standpoint this ‘pension crusade’ had to be closed down at all cost but it needed to send the ‘right man for the job’ and had they known better they would have known that Fancourt LJ was far from the right man.

For his part Fancourt knew exactly what he was required to do which included consequentially being the career assassin of Falk LJ career which clearly troubled him not.

Not for him any ‘misplaced’ collegiate loyalty or even common human decency.

He knew what the consequences for Falk LJ were likely to be; simple public and professional humiliation and mortification.

How can someone who sits in judgment on others professionally practice self avarice before common decency? What a repugnant character.

Fancourt LJ came late and lazy on the day to his task without any visible preparation but was wilful enough to have his provisional Judgment typed up before the Hearing because in it he referred to the Hearing as taking place on ‘SKYPE’ when in fact it took place on the ‘phone.

It least he was consistent in his ineptitude but as we shall see later he and his accomplishes were equally inept…there must be a collective noun for morons…

Perhaps we should be grateful to MR Vos when he urged Fancourt to find the ‘missing tape’ which is still under process; its secrets to be revealed.

So Fancourt LJ was not only a repugnant character he was also thief of evidence as we shall see…

The ‘Pensions Minister’ Mr. G. Opperman M.P.
Does the Bugler know the corrupt facilitating role this Junior Minister of State, the ‘Minister for Pensions’, has played and is playing within the Court of Appeal? Who is helping him achieve this and does the Bugler know?

Indeed he does, but as the LCJ sees it it is just so much more bluff…be patient.

Secretary of State for the DWP ~ Rt Hon. Dr.T. Coffey PhD., M.P.
Does the Bugler know the corrupt role this Cabinet Minister has played, and is playing, within the ‘independent’ Judiciary particularly at the Court of Appeal?

A Cabinet Minister whose primary reference is the care for the disabled but this does not appear to include disabled Fire Service Veterans  and their Beneficiaries?

Indeed the Bugler has done and will continue to do the Met’s work for them; but as the LCJ continues to see it,  it is just so much idle sabre rattling but the inexorable moment of truth approaches; be patient, we have nothing to lose, he and the collective ‘they’ have only their careers and freedom…