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Edit.026 – 17th September 2016.

Editorial.026 17th September 2016.
This Editorial at a Glance:

• The Megalomaniac & his Little Helper;

• Jawohl ! Mein Fuhrer;

• The Agincourt Salute.

Dear Reader,

This week, no doubt anticipating a very uncomfortable CFA Full Committee Meeting on Monday the 19th September 2016, our local despot, the clerk Warren,  has attempted to make sure that his understanding of the Bugler’s correspondence in circulation is complete; so that his mendacity can be up to his usual high standard next Monday, but as a consequence  he and his Little Helper have had rather a severe panic attack.

The clerk’s problem is that the Bugler has taken the initiative from him and correctly brought his Complaints concerning CC DeMolfetta’s Misconducts in Public Office to the LCC who are in charge of ensuring that CC DeMolfetta and indeed all the County Councillors comply with the LCC ‘Code of Conduct’ regardless of their assignment.

Clerk Warren no longer controls the flow of censored and dissimulated information he regularly fed to the elected Members of either the CFA or the LCC since April 2002.

In effect he has lost his grip on the control of views and events which he dissimulates, which is all rather calamitous for him, though extremely good for local democracy.

History teaches that when such a miserable clerk turned tyrant has been allowed to seize power and control and abuse it there can only ever be one final solution to all that ails him, his termination.

So what we are seeing now is the beginning of his end.

In isolation, insecure, friendless, surrounding by ‘baying wolves’ of one sort or another all eager to bring him down but with only one Little Helper who he will also throw to the wolves before it becomes his time to go…

Who should be surprised, he least of all, because this is what the lust for power driven by narcissism inevitably leads to.

On the 14th September 2016 clerk Warren sent the following unsolicited letter to the Bugler clearly driven by all the factors mentioned above. Go Here.

It is a curious little letter in all likelihood drafted by his Little Helper trying to be one of the big ‘boys’.

Clerk Warren is clearly outraged that the Bugler and ‘his group’ had the temerity in this democracy to circulate certain documents to the elected Members of the CFA bypassing clerk Warren.

Indeed if he read the documents properly they were sent to Ministers of State in the government no less, who are actually also Parliamentarians in the frontline of Democracy.

The sheer effrontery of it all.

What a shame, what an affront to this minor bullying despot who had issued a Putin like decree that democracy does not exist in his fiefdom. 

Indeed  he  has  instructed  that  it  be banned and any of  those  who  serve  under  his  iron  fist  at LFRS SHQ will be ceremonially sacked ‘pour les encourger les autres’ should such a single thought  of such a freedom cross their minds. An attitude reflected in his published threatening emails to his supposed subordinates.

His megalomania knows no bounds in which he informs the Bugler that he and ‘his group’ has forgotten that he has assumed total control of the Fire Authority and speaks for them.

What dare we ask happened to that other menial who as far as we all know is the actual Clerk to the Fire Authority, Nolan?

Mark-Nolan2Well, Nolan now takes up the place of Harold in the murky slithering undergrowth and look what happened to Harold, and what will happen to him.

Nolan a mere child posturing as a big boy has already unglued himself several times and will do it again.

How is it that he failed to answer the 10 simple Questions the Bugler put to him publicly about his odd ‘appointment’ which took place without this Public post being advertised; without the production of a short list of candidates; without an interview panel of elected Members; without the Public announcement of a Public Appointment in the local press?

How very odd indeed.

And odder still, and he should know as a practising solicitor, how is it that he must surely have known, as a self proclaimed expert on employment law, that he directly contravened Section 7 (Appointment on Merit only) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, and the 2010 Equality Act.

For once clerk Warren and his Little Helper are stuck for a usual smug disingenuous statement. He informs the world that the ‘Authority’, presumably meaning himself, will not be responding further to this correspondence.

Well, actually it was not addressed to the Fire Authority it was addressed to the Coalition Leaders of the LCC, but perhaps clerk Warren has taken over that role as well by personal decree?

It seems, in a rather portentous statement that the Bugler and ‘his group’ ought to know full well that he, the Authority’, acting in his next extended role as ‘Judge and Jury’ has decided that these minions were being vexatious yet again but as we well know this was not clerk Warren’s grand idea but that of his Little Helper who has worked on it (and been paid by the Taxpayer) for the last 6 months.

The problem is it is unlawful to retain secret data on people, for example the names and alleged misdeeds of disabled FSVs , their Widows, and their Beneficiaries without their knowledge and permission, and thus contrary to the 1998 Data Protection Act. An action being studied by the Information Commissioner.

The Little Helper who knows this and knew it when he placed his draft tome before the elected members of the CFA has thus made them, at a stroke, complicit in yet another criminal act.

Really this Little Helper needs to go back to law school and study some more…

Indeed these disabled FSVs, their Widows, and their Beneficiaries were, and will continue to be, ‘vexatious’. It is called the pursuit of Truth and Justice in a Democracy.

Portentous totalitarianism hardly matches the description of next paragraph which in the Bugler’s ‘umble opinion ought to have been written in 20 point type particularly the ‘I’ bit.

The clerk and his Little Helper are simply aghast that we failed to follow their instructions.

The wonderful modern expression ‘lost the plot’ applies and frankly it is not the only thing these clerks have lost. How about that other hilarious portion of their anatomies, their God like minds?

Hit 1 Pray do tell us dear mein Fuhrer when last we marched under your colours and orders?

Even his usual departing bullying and threatening last paragraph lacks his usual warmth and hateful conviction.

Perhaps it is all to do with ‘the group’ Agincourt salute?

Well at least it has provided us all with the greatest horse laugh we have all had in a long time; the clerk could do well to keep up his  good work of this calibre but the fact of the matter remains he has lost control of events which is leading to his downfall…

The only question which remains is who will the ‘Lamplighters’ sacrifice, a stupid DeMolfetta, or the vain glorious failure of a couple of clerks, because Nolan is now inextricably linked to clerk Warren and when he goes down he will take Nolan with him?