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A Journey of Truth – Chapter 14.

A Journey of Truth – Chapter 14.
This Chapter at a Glance:

• Historical Records for Posterity;

• Corrupting Democracy ~ Cause and Effect;

• The Waddington Amendment;

• Secret Report • Poisoning the Wells of Truth;

• Contempt of Court ~ Disabled FSV~RRB Statement;

• clerk Nolan shoots his career in the Head;

A Paranoid Vexatious Attack on Democracy.        

Historical Records for Posterity

Before we continue with the evaluation of clerk Nolan’s ‘report’ perhaps Dear Reader we might remind you of the Purpose of the Chapters of the ‘Journey of Truth’.

At first glance the JoT might appear to be simply a repetition of events elsewhere on TMB website, but that is far from its function.
The function of these JoT Chapters is rather like an historian laying out the final record Chapter by Chapter as this scandalous criminality advances and unfolds to its final Nemesis.

An unassailable record set in time…

The JoT Chapters use and consolidate the core material from Editorials and the Current Affairs Volumes which record events from two points of perception, firstly the Editorial  – an overview and  broad but hopefully concise comment on the current headlines and events – and secondly the Current Affairs Volumes which look in detail at specific topics whilst presenting supporting evidence which collectively, when consolidated and condensed in the JoT, will present the achieved historical record in perhaps a more readable historical edition adjusted by

time for those who wish to return to this saga to see how matters actually transpired in the end.

Though one aspect, which will never change, which is the recording of confirmed evidence set against the yardstick of criminality.

Because there is, as we all know, no Statute of Limitations on crime, no matter how long it may take to bring these criminals before Lady Justice, and no matter how long this scandal may run, these delinquents whom the Bugler highlights should be ever mindful, whilst looking over their shoulders, that the inevitable day will come with the heavy handed knock on the door, when no matter where their employment is, nor their domestic location may be,  there still remains no place to to hide and no hole deep enough to hide in because someone will always to find them and will always call them to account…

Even today the guards of the WWII concentration camps continue to be exposed and brought totteringly to Justice, and perhaps the long long nights and the continual drip of fear they have endured is all part of their deserved punishment?

Corrupting Democracy ~ Cause and Effect

Democracy can be corrupted by several leading methods of sedition.

By direct attack from the streets of a political movement, right down to the subtle abuse of the law by misusing it for a function it was never conceived, nor drafted for.

Here is such an example…

In late 2016 the Bugler made a joint Freedom of Information and Subject data request to the LCC in which the LCC was asked under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Data Protection Act 1998 to release all the information currently held by them on the Bugler.

As part of those requests and in contravention of both relevant Acts the LCC released, in error, into to the public domain, a secret (unredacted) report submitted by clerk Nolan a practising and licensed solicitor(lawyer), an ‘officer of HM Courts’, who is also the paid part time clerk of the CFA .

This report, marked ‘NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ was submitted on Monday 15th February 2016 in secret to the Full CFA Committee under the provisions of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 which provide a deliberate exemption from public disclosure regularly misusing relevant legislation in an affront to Democracy.

In particular this Schedule provides protection from disclosure of the identity of any individual and their(usually) sensitive welfare issues discussed under Paras 1, 2, 3, 5 referred to in these behind closed secret sessions by the CFA councillors present which was the original spirit of its intent to provide sensitive privacy to any serving employed individual.

As one might expect the only time these councillors ever wake up is when they are accused of corruption when in reflex action they rush behind the ‘screens’ of this abused legislation to hide their corruption from public scrutiny.

This gross abuse of legislation in the Banana Republic of Lancashire is in keeping with many other Local Authorities and long overdue for revision.
Just look at the date, almost half a century of insults to Democracy. It is time for it to go…

This type of secret cabal is normally described as a Part II meeting in CFA parlance during which the members of the Public present under Part I are required to leave the building.

Clearly 1972 was, for those in power over the proletariat,  anarchic times and the ‘cake eaters’ had to be kept in check.

In a rather sly but obvious move cNolan also invoked Paragraph 7 which states that the information to be discussed is prevented from public disclosure because the Information shared may be ‘information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime.

It seems the consideration was to attempt yet again to prosecute the Bugler for revealing the endemic corruption at the heart of the LFRS and the LCC but all it needed was the equally corrupt moronic councillors to buy into it.

Of course, guess who it might it be, that would head up this ‘prosecution’ only the two sweetheart clerks Warren and Nolan who would naturally share the professional fees income sweet cNolan would generate and then share with his chum  cWarren but unfortunately the Councillors were envious of this potential dip in their jingling money bags and they would not sanction it.

This was not because of their high minded integrity or their protection of the public purse but a decision driven by envy because they had not thought of it first themselves…

Naturally all this dissimulation by the sweethearts was deliberately intended to not only deceive and manipulate the interest of those councillors present and rarely awake, a subterfuge which cNolan finds amusingly easy, but was to be used to provide a personal platform for clerk Nolan (a Nolan easily manipulated and directed by an admiring

clerk Warren who will assassinate him in time ) to attack and smear his opponents behind closed doors with the possible side benefit of acquiring some juicy  legal work income for both their pockets .

Nolan needed no encouragement because he was still smarting from a factual exposé the Bugler published(as a good Christian Xmas present to him) which publicly reported on his ‘rainbow coloured’ activities in the public domain involving his usage of a particular hardcore gay website on which he made public statements which are clearly incompatible with his role as a public servant in his Statutory  Ten Question unaddressed ‘appointment’ with the CFA.

A website for whom it appears he acted as a voluntary legal adviser writing deliberately and misleadingly, by appearing to write on behalf of his then employers as an Employment Solicitor at Russell Jones & Walker.

Perhaps it became a case of past tense because they did not know this and were not best pleased?

Nolan is nothing, if not multi-faceted though how multi-faceted should remain a dark secret…

Nolan it will be recalled in a rather ill conceived and immature ham fisted reaction called in some favours from his heavies in the Masonic, his chums in Blue, which resulted in no less than 4 perplexed pencil sucking  ‘Bobbies’ arriving in the wee small hours at the Bugler’s  front door to lay on the heavy breathing ‘advice’, about which they themselves had not the vaguest notion what they were doing there in the first place.

It seemed that Nolan thought he was victim of a sexual hate crime though he offered no evidence or proof, nor did the ‘Boys in Blue’ actually elucidate, or identify who the alleged perpetrator might be, to the Bugler.

In the event, following a complaint to the Lancashire Chief Constable by the Bugler of his institutional abuse of power based on Nolan’s falsehoods the CC assured the Bugler in writing that no complaint had been preferred against him; that none was contemplated; and that no written entry had been recorded against him either.

This resulted in Nolan being placed on another 6 months watch by the Solicitors Regulatory Authority(SRA) following another report of malpractice by the Bugler.

The SRA were, it appears, already aware of Nolan’s professional ‘activities’ including in Haslingden Lancashire where he did a runner before the SRA closed the practice down for financial malpractice.  He is nothing if not but the sweet rascal he seems.

According to reports Nolan’s unsuitability to practice law (as a member of the HM Courts) which already stand at 3and counting, but not including his activities in respect of this revealed secret report(which will add to his total), has by his witless contraventions of the associated relevant laws, including the law of libel as we shall see, exposed himself once more.

To paraphrase Bugs Bunny you have to admire a maroon…

Nolan needs to rest on his spade for a while…he has touched  bottom…though no pun intended.

The Bugler in all this does feel rather aggrieved because he thought he was helping sweet clerk Nolan to ‘out’ himself into the light of day because that apparently is what he and his ilk believe they should do and because the Bugler believes in Democracy he thought it was his compassionate duty to help  him in assisting this complete exposure, though the word ‘exposure’ can be fraught with risk these days…

Now before Nolan squeals once more about sexual harassment and hate crimes and before the Bugler deals with the litany of half truths, lies, and self immolating smears purporting to be a fair and balanced  unsolicited report which he issued to his somnolent CFA councillors, there is just the small matter of the irritating law called the Waddington Amendment.

The author, a good right wing Lamplighter if ever there was one, …God Bless him! 

The Waddington Amendment

In his dissimulation, Nolan failed to bring to his councillors attention, whilst manipulating them, knowledge he was privy to as a lawyer and cannot have been unaware of its implications, both as a lawyer, and as a gay participant in the rainbow ‘movement’.

It is, and remains, the duty of a sworn ‘officer of the Court’ and his Statutory duty as the CFA Monitoring officer for Nolan to honestly and truthfully place unbiased information before these CFA councillors.

He also has a special subordinate duty of care to them as an employee, so that they might(those that remained awake long enough) reach a fair and balanced conclusion on this figment of his fevered imagination, his report, or smearing propaganda by any other name.

Nolan surely is aware of, and must detest, the Waddington Amendment, a cornerstone of 21st Century freedom of speech where so-called hate crimes of sexual orientation are concerned.

In 2008, the rather infamous and shady Justice Secretary Rt Hon Jack Straw MP proposed, in yielding to the rainbow movement, to sweep away the freedom of speech on such questionable matters until stopped in his tracks by a former Lancashire QC Mr.David Waddinton, former MP for the Ribble Valley, and lately Lord Waddington GCVO, Baron of Read who inserted a freedom of speech clause into newly proposed anti-homophobic hate crime legislation entitled the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008.

Lord Waddington’s amendment provided a protection for “discussion or criticism of sexual conduct or practice” to the law on incitement to hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation.

He told Peers: “What is needed is what we have now got, a Statutory provision that says that one mustn’t assume from mere discussion or criticism of a sexual practice that there is an attempt to stir up hatred, one must look at the circumstances and the manner in which the words are spoken to see whether they were in fact threatening and driven by hate.”.

Tory and Liberal Democrat Peers were given a free vote on the issue and the Government was more overwhelmingly defeated than the year before. When the issue was first discussed, Lord Waddington’s move was backed by 81 to 57 in a late-night vote. And when it was returned to the Lords by the Commons, voting was 178 to 164.

Crossbencher Lord Dear, a former Chief Constable and Chief Inspector of Constabulary, a co-sponsor of the move to strike down the Government’s plan, argued the “free speech” clause had helped the police.

He told Peers: “Prior to this House approving the Waddington Amendment a year ago, the police regularly received complaints from homosexual groups that exception was taken to remarks that homosexuality was deplored on religious grounds. They were forced to act.”

“With the Waddington Amendment the police are released from a virtual strait-jacket that was imposed on them before”, he added.

“They can exercise common sense and good judgment on the day and they can police with a light touch.”.

Lord Waddington speaks to the House of Lords. Go Here.

This is what the Statute law states…the ‘Waddington Amendment’…

Schedule 16 Paragraph 14 After section 29J insert—

29JA Protection of freedom of expression (sexual orientation),

In this Part, for the avoidance of doubt, the discussion or criticism of sexual conduct or practices or the urging of persons to refrain from or modify such conduct or practices shall not be taken of itself to be threatening or intended to stir up hatred.”

And of course set in its proper context this is what this anti-heterosexual  ‘report’ of Nolan’s to the CFA is really all about.

An immature emotional outburst meant to obscure the facts and truth of his and Warren’s professional corruption; a response in spite and spleen  and a further immature abuse of his  (The Bugler’s 10 Questions unanswered) ‘appointment’, by the deliberate misapplication of the law by a so called law officer.

What Nolan objected to was the Bugler’s factual revelations of his questionable conduct which was incompatible with his public ‘appointment’ as a civil servant whilst misusing with guile the law under the guise and pretext of the discharge of his professional practice as a part time legal clerk to the CFA.

Nolan of course has repeatedly failed when invited by the Bugler and his ‘associates’ and indeed the interested Taxpaying Public to answer the 10 Public Question posed to him concerning the shady nature of his ‘appointment’ as a part time clerk to the CFA.

A CFA who were themselves also complicit in denying potential, decent and honest candidates,  their legal opportunity to apply for this unadvertised appointment which is all rather rich coming from a Labour Coalition.

It is all the more shameful because Nolan claims that his specialty is employment law presumably representing those who have been disenfranchised by people like him of their equal opportunity employment by underhand people such as Nolan having a job’ fixed’ for them by a handshake?

Nolan under the direction and the unforgiving control of that other clerk Warren, as he shall with time find out when the sacrificial time comes, is already proving to be an embarrassing liability to the CFA and will continue to be so unless he is removed from the CFA and his empty post properly and legally advertised.

This next example, one of many,  is why the Bugler regularly describes the CFA  and the senior management of the LFRS as a corrupt and corrupting organisation which ought to be the subject of a Public Inquiry a request which has now been placed before the relevant incoming new Secretary of State at the DCLG.

Now, which part of any law, according to this shady clerk Nolan an apostate of the Catholic Church, and his controller Warren construe that the outlaw gang of disabled FSVs breached?

 Secret Report  ~ Poisoning the Wells of Truth.

In returning to the analyses of the detail of  this secret unsolicited report which was delivered by clerks Nolan and Warren on Monday 16th February 2016 to a CFA Meeting behind closed( Public Excluded) doors we know the report was meant  to remain secret but a FOIA request to the LCC by the Bugler revealed all.

The recurring question which arises was what, other than pure personal hatred of the Bugler, motivated these sweet narcissistic clerks to take this radical action?

Particularly on the part of  exposed c(lerk)Nolan who strangely seemed to take exception to the Bugler’s 2015 Xmas present of his joyful ‘outing’ ?

This secret tome presented to the CFA, which was intended never to see the Public light of day, took 3.5 months to compile consisting of around 4000 words of spleen for which of course the co-author part time cNolan got paid.

The problem was, and is, that whilst the Derbyshire Principle prevents public servants from issuing proceeding for Defamation it does not in this instance prevent persons publicly named and defamed in this secret report from suing its authors and their employers.

Failing in his Statutory duty to the CFA, cNolan forgot to legally advise the CFA they should insist in redacting the document’s contents before incorporating it into their Minutes.

As a legal consequence the CFA now runs the risk of litigation by class action or individual issuance of proceedings for defamation because they were not advised that this was the risk they ran in retaining this document in their Minutes un-redacted.

Of course each litigant will have in their possession an affidavit from the Bugler which states that the named person has had no input whatever in the Editorial content of TMB and that their association with the Bugler was purely coincidental in the common pursuit of their Civil Rights in seeking redress for their pension underpayment.

This is the value the CFA ‘purchased’ by the  handshake when it employed an ex-schoolboy with an arts degree followed by a 9 months(perhaps) conversion to common law at a law college.

The CFA paid the peanut and boy what a monkey it bought…

In this great original work cNolan lays an accusation before the CFA, in apparent attention and sympathy seeking, that the Bugler made an allegation about his “homosexual promiscuity”.

Such a statement has never been published on “The Morning Bugler” and in fact in his secret report the words are entirely his own(with cWarren’s senior editing) though why he was minded to expose(Ooops!) himself again on this sensitive and private subject in public might be viewed as some form of voyeurism, but who knows?

This a matter for him to address publicly not the Bugler.

The fact of the matter was that this secret report was provoked  in the Autumn of 2015 by disabled FSV~RRB launching a broadside against these two sweet clerks under the title of ‘J’Accuse’ in which, blow by blow, evidence by evidence, he laid the charges against the LFRS but in particular against these two clerks which he then circulated to every single CFA councillor.

Both these corrupt, and corrupting characters, once more found themselves and their employment under huge direct threat  only this time by disabled FSV~RRB; a threat which they had to address very promptly and how better than with a ‘secret grooming’ report to the renowned moribund Elected Members  of the CFA.

The second tine of this attack was an accompanying direct attack on Democracy meant to muzzle these troublesome pension dissenters, or, once more, to attempt to.

Desperate situations, require desperate measures, as we shall all see with the drafting of this ‘Save the Titanic’ secret report which was never meant to see the light of day, which to their absolute horror has risen from a watery grave into the light of Public scrutiny in a spectacular own goal which has provided a complete snap shot of their nefarious activities and all those thus engaged at the LFRS.

A flattering snapshot because it was sourced entirely from the “The Morning Bugler” which has publicly presented consistent evidence against these clerks, their superiors, and their Combined Fire Authority.

What was it Bugs Bunny said about maroons?

In this, their latest defense in depth, an amusing diatribe of hatred, their Mithridatian gift to the Bugler, who has lived in the wilderness for 10 years and more inuring himself to their poisonous intents by cultivating and ingesting various hilarious antidotes such as reporting their newest ‘hottest’ amusing criminal antics on the Morning Bugler, whilst they remain guarded by the Lamplighters’ motifs of a goose, a stag, and a ram which honk, grunt, and bleat whenever anyone approaches  to expose them as they lie together on their corrupt golden fleece beating each other with olive branches  on a royal bed of corruption…Aaah the Scythian beauty of it all.

Another self-evident pyrrhic issue in this report is the sweet clerks’ repeated reliance on the LFRS ‘victory’ in a  Civil Court action against the Bugler which they hoped would cover up their maladministration and malfeasance to justify their pension fraud.

The problem with that was the Bretherns’ use of the irascible and ill-tempered  Judge ‘Nelson’ Butler and his little petulant foot stamping exercises; his racism; his embarrassing failure to run his own Court; and his general lack of savoir faire and couth.

Well, what would you expect from someone in Court who calls themselves an Irish Catholic and has been decorated by the Pope with a Knighthood of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre a clan who converts their loyalties at the jingle of a bag of coins?

And who above all else supports himself with his arrogant version of the law which competes with his complete blustering ignorance of the real law.

In a Judge one hears you all cry… yes, indeed.

However the major problem with all this ‘lamb to the slaughter’ stitch up  was that whilst  attempting to, and fixing the verdict,  ‘Nelson’ Butler and his Brethren forgot to inform the stumbling bumbling cWarren and his conspiratorial chums in the well of the Court  that  good

old ‘Nelson’ had it all well in hand with the result that while Butler was ‘screwing’ it at one end cWarren was ‘unscrewing’ it all at the other.

Unfortunately for them all, before six bright eyed Court eye witnesses(including 2 Court Officials) much to old ‘Nelson’s’ extreme exasperation, who knew exactly what the ignorant perjuring clerk Warren was doing in his choreographed conspiracy to suborn their own lead witness Ms.J. Drinkall CBE, whilst Butler (almost) speechless watched on powerless to act because if he done so he would have had to reveal his dirty hands.

So he could not scream at cWarren to desist because he had the ‘fix’ well in hand.

All that was needed was the music of Gilbert and Sullivan…but more of that when we come to the exposé on Butler…

In the meantime Dear Reader, especially if you have been lectured to by the British establishment on how perfect the Judiciary are you are in for a real treat.

All the way from the ‘arranged’ shooting of the Bugler at dawn following his fixed ‘trial’ to the simply awful and heart wrenching case of Butler’s complete moral and legal meltdown in his failure  to provide refuge and succour to the Zombie Children of Leyland Lancashire earlier this year.

Little wonder then that Butler retired 10 years early in May 2017 for an early shower.

Was that to follow other self serving pension ‘opportunities’, or was  it to get the dirt off himself from the Zombie Children, or to hide  from the exposed embarrassment of the Bugler’s bent ‘trial’ in front of the Lord Chancellor?

In the fullness of time all will be revealed…

On Friday 27th October 2017, over a month ago, as the sweet clerks will by now know the Bugler applied for the 6 Witness Statements(Two Court Ushers and 4 x Written Statements) made to the County Court Clerk at the time of his ‘trial’ .

This unrequited request as yet unfulfilled is just a little crowd warmer and a judicial test for the real Pantomime  spectacular to come.

This cNolan and cWarren’s secret report was though unintended, most helpful  to the pension dissenters, because it formed the basis of a recent invited submission to the Parliamentary Select Committee for Work and Pensions as the sweet clerks will soon read.

So once more it seems that all at the Funny Farm are going to have another Happy Xmas when the Bugler publishes that as well.

A Pause to digress ~ There is an interesting notabena the Bugler should add at this point which these councillors are unaware of ~ not that they would care in any event ~  but it is that the web server at County Hall has an automated code built into its software in respect of their personal email boxes.

It seems that if the individual councillor’s email boxes have not been checked/opened for the past 12 months by their ‘owner’, namely, the loafing looting  councillor, the server flags up this serious abrogation of their duty by sending an email to the original senders of email letting them know their councillor is bone idle and self-evidently does not care either.

The question then arises why do these councillors receive a specific portion of their expenses for the provision of clerical services, for example to reply to their electors if  they are too bone idle to answer their email?

Should they not have this portion of their expenses automatically  removed from them if the server confirms that they never even opened their mail box once in an entire year?

Now is this not interesting because it is proof absolute just how lazy a particular  individual councillor is and who they are. 

But how does the Bugler know this? Aaah well, that would be a breach of journalist source at County Hall would it not?

Now returning to the secret report the purpose of which was two fold, firstly to perpetually  defend cWarren’s employment, and  secondly to muzzle the dissenting disabled FSVs and their ‘Voice of Freedom’.

But all that they actually achieved  was a spectacular own goal which drew more attention to their antics which leads one back to the usual conclusion that they remain grubby little criminals with warped convictions of life that only repeated exposure to corruption can bring about.

This duo in covering up their own criminality have the brass necks to ‘officially’ moan in this report about the perseverance of the disabled FSV, their Widows, and Beneficiaries which they say has created all this self-inflicted harm on the fading good name of Lancashire and its ‘past it sell by date’ of the LFRS with a consequential cost in incalculable amount in man-hours and finance to cover up which could all have been spared by the self-administered antidote of honesty, transparency, and plain old fashioned Lancashire decency.

An affliction on the good name of  all those innocent uniformed individuals who have the misfortune to serve in the LFRS; to be associated with a supine indolent group of expenses grubbing  Elected Members who by any standard of Public life are  incapable of being selected as a Parish Pump  responder, never mind to the board of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority and its subscribing authorities.

Councillors  who have by their abject and consistent failure  to do their public duty over a period  least 10 years  drained  the limited public finances of their Authority, and drained away their own self respect, the Public’s respect, and their collective ‘authority’ in return for knowingly condoning the corrupt criminality they see before them and then nod approvingly at the cover up when all that was required  was the slightest modicum of courage to root out the corruption which lies at the very heart of this corrupt LFRS.

Corruption which has now  been inadvertently highlighted and confirmed in an unsolicited report by their very own leading corrupter and his sycophantic legal clerk who, amongst others, have occasioned all this.

For the detail of this Secret Report with the Bugler’s comments. Go Here.

Contempt of Court ~ Disabled FSV~RRB Statement

Finally, it might be speculated by these criminals that all this promise of an exposé on Butler is just so much bluff and sabre rattling.

So to allay any such thoughts  and confirm their worst nightmares which will lead to the loss of their personal freedom perhaps they might be encouraged  to read disabled FSV~RRB written statement given to the County Court at the time which might provide them with some clarity, through the welcoming  bars, so to speak…

Les Cours Barrault

Antully 71400


To Whom It May Concern

Court Case(PR090110) LFRS -v- Burns

11th February 2013

During the above court case, second day 12th February 2013, I was sitting at the rear of the court, slightly elevated seating position. P.Burns is asking J. Drinkall questions relative to the case.

From my position I have a good overall visibility of the courtroom. Sitting in the public area(front part of the court) is Mr. R.Warren and Mrs D.Lister.

At approximately 15:50hrs I observed Mr.Warren accessing text/information from his mobile phone, this alarms me so I decide to concentrate on what is going on?

As Mr.Warren moves through the text in obvious sync with Ms. Drinkall’s answers to P.Burns questions I notice that Mr. Warren is also using nods of his head(affirmative-negative) to J. Drinkall whilst she is being questioned by P.Burns

At the closure of the day approximately 16:30hrs I approach the Court Usher(female) and report my observations, she confirms that Mr. Warren’s actions were also observed by her and the Clerk to the Court(male) and the matter would be brought to Judge Butler’s attention.

Having thought about the events of the day I came to the decision to report the matter to the Court Manager the following day 13th February 2013.When I outlined my observations to the Court Manager of the events of the previous day I was asked to make a sworn written statement which I did immediately.

Having exited the Court Manager’s office I met up with people who were also in the court the previous day. When casually asked about my views on the previous day’s proceedings I mentioned my observations of Mr. Warren’s actions. To my surprise three(3) people also saw what was going on. When told about my statement to the Court Manager they also reported their individual observations and completed statements to that effect.

So in total there were six(6) visual observations of Mr. Warren’s actions and four(4) written statements.

It is my opinion that J.Drinkall’s statement(evidence had been downloaded onto Mr. Warren’s mobile phone and Mr.Warren was influencing/guiding J.Drinkall through the questioning being conducted by P.Burns.

R.R.Berry – 13th November 2014.

clerk Nolan Shoots his Career in the Head

You will recall that the Bugler repeatedly asked cNolan 10 Public Questions concerning the manner of his curious ‘appointment’ as Clerk to the Combined Fire Authority; cNolan has repeatedly stone walled his opportunities to set the record straight.

Just a reminder, here they are, the 10 Questions, again:

Q1. Under what contractual basis was Mr. Nolan employed at the LFRS during the period July 2006-April 2007 and was his employment(even temporary) as a senior civilian appointee reported, approved, and Minuted by the appropriate CFA Committee particularly at a time of an LFRS enforced ‘No recruitment’ policy ?

Q2. Which sub-Committee in 2015, or Quorum, of the CFA was appointed to oversee and manage the appointment of the vacant post of Clerk to the Combined Fire Authority and who were its Elected members ?

Q3. When and in what public publications was this vacant appointment advertised in compliance with the LFRS own stated policies of equal opportunities and in compliance with the general principles and law of equal opportunity guaranteeing open competition and fair play which is reflected in the Equality Act 2010?

Q4. How many applications were received for this vacant post ?

Q5. Who selected a short list for interview and did this panel have Elected members present with LFRS ‘officers’ advising them whilst this task was accomplished? If so, name all of them ?

Q6. What were the written terms of reference issued to this panel for selecting individual applicants for the short list ?

Q7. How many candidates were selected for the short list based, on what written criteria, including compliance with ethnicity?

Q8. What was the date of the shortlist interviews ?; what was number of candidates who attended ?; and who was the actual panel on the day ?

Q9. When and where was the name of the successful candidate publicly announced and published by the LFRS Press Office ; in what periodicals and local media?

Q10. Have the panel’s individual assessment notes been retained and will they, after suitable redaction, be made available under the FOI Act requests to unsuccessful candidates ?

However, inadvertently in his over eagerness to do the Bugler and his cohorts down in his secret report he has spectacularly shot his career in the head without any encouragement from the Bugler.

Perhaps his co-author cWarren encouraged him to do so. Stranger things have happened in such a warped mind as Hamilton, Gardiner, and Harold have seen.

This is how this self-immolation was carried out …

“The same article goes on to infer the Clerk’s non response to 10 questions Mr Burns asks about the appointment of the role of Clerk to the Authority is untoward. Your Clerk is unable to answer, by virtue of the fact that he has not actually been asked the questions and in any event does not have the required knowledge to answer, having not been party to the recruitment process and decisions.”.

Strangely odd quote this by a different poor author…is this assassin clerk Warren at work?

So to sum up cNolan did not apply for a public vacancy which did not exist; it was not publicly  advertised; he was not shortlisted; he was not interviewed, because we must conclude cNolan was not there in the Temple.

Well one supposes that this  is all quite plausible because one supposes he was not congratulated by those not present by a special handshake which did not occur? Perhaps the clue in all this is in its Nolan Irishness ?

In maintaining an air of decorum it is the Bugler’s expectation that there will be no whoopin’ and no hollerin’; no punching of the air; and no rude wrist like male gestures because this clerk is very sensitive and he might get upset again and bring the pencil suckers around… again….mmm….

Now having regained the collective composure so to speak we must not forget that this practicing solicitor and ‘officer of the Court’, specialising of all things in employment law, did actually criminally disenfranchise those potential job applicants who ironically would have been local solicitors themselves.

cNolan has left his employment at Citation Professional Solutions in Wimslow and is now since August 2016 to be found at Stockport Borough Council.It seems that he is only able to hold down, on average, a post for 2 years over the 20 years of employment. As a former LCFB recruiter the Bugler might ask why would anyone hire his services on the basis of his perpetual motion? He list of noteworthy cases are historical with little of note in the long intervening years…

Presumably the Brethern  of the Manchester ‘family’ will have provided this ‘appointment’ as well?

Of course, he will be able to see more of his local Stockpot chum cWarren, who is no doubt counting the days for his next planned move himself …

A Paranoid Vexatious Attack on Democracy   

There is the presupposition that there is democracy remaining alive in Lancashire with the Conservative Leader Cllr Geoff Driver CBE(Award from the Queen) still on bail until the 23rd February 2018 on the holding charges of ‘perverting the course of Justice” and “intimidation of Witnesses”.

Both of which charges he is continuing to perpetrate at County Hall by sacking the former LCC witness, CEO Jo’ Turton and witness County Solicitor Ian Young who you will recall both failed to initiate their personal and the LCC’s Statutory duty of investigation of CC DeMolfetta ~ Chair of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority ~ who was impeached for corrupt practice by the Bugler and his ‘Gang’.

So we can hardly be expected to be sympathetic can we?

The LCC and Conservative Leader Cllr Geoff Driver CBE are not alone in their Hitlerite power crazed paranoia to control all those around them, indeed to control the very electorate who put them there.

The Lancashire electorate should be deeply and rightly concerned by this self-evident rise in power of the right wing extremists at County Hall and at the Combined Fire Authority/LFRS bordering on Natzism, driven by corruption.

The Bugler presents yet an another example of a paranoid power crazed, out of control, pair of clerks at the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority who must be brought back under control and disciplined by their Elected Members, or they risk the well founded accusation that the LCFA and the LFRS have become a right wing, feudally oppressive, racist regime, which knows no bounds …

Perhaps this is just journalist licence or hyperbole by the Bugler but as ever the Morning Bugler presents the

supporting evidence and its Readership reaches it own conclusions.

On Monday 20th June 2016 clerks Nolan and Warren introduced a new secret policy document entitled “a Formal Policy on dealing with Habitual and Vexatious Complaints”.

This policy proposal document was ‘noted and endorsed’(approved) by all Political Parties and Independents represented on the CFA.

You will note it was not challenged, questioned, or debated.

Abandon hope all ye who enter the Banana Republic of Lancashire…

The second stark underlying reality of this ugly report was that it proposed that those who died on the beaches; in the skies, and on the seas of this country should be forgotten.

And that the freedom which their lives was bought, which included  the freedom of the speech, and the press, ought to be ignored and that this tiresome TMB  Voice of Freedom should be attacked and muzzled to prevent disabled FSVs, their Widows and Beneficiaries being informed of their Civil Liberties and their Rights to pursue their legitimate grievances which the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority have not once in the preceding 10 years sought to address by a single meeting or the exercise of pastoral care in pursuing a resolution.

Because of the serious threat this document presents in a direct attack on Democracy in Lancashire the Bugler has decided to pass this LFRS policy document on to those who will undoubtedly find its contents and intent most disturbing.

For this repugnant attack on Democracy. Go Here