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Edit.016 – 12th September 2015.

Edit.016 – 12th September 2015.

This Editorial at a Glance:

• The Politicians return from their ill-deserved vacation;

• The Party games are over ;

• The Autumn of Nemesis is upon us our opponents ;

• The Journey of Truth re-commences.

The Autumn Nemesis – To Give What is Due

Dear Reader,

After a rather desultory summer the yah boo politicians have returned from their ill deserved vacation whilst the remainder of the worker bees have continued about their lawful occasions  earning an honest living.

The nights draw in and the Spring Lambs now well fattened face their own Nemesis, just like the rest of us.

The barley has been harvested and is well on its way to the breweries and the wheat to be mixed with the Canadian hard wheat to provide us all with  that wonderful daily staple of bread made by the most admirable English bakers in the world.

But while all seems well with this particular part of the world and nature drifts inexorably towards its Autumn mists and hibernation others begin to stir…

The old warhorse Rozinante looks out over its stable half door and stamps his shining fetlocks whilst snorting with ill-disguised impatience because as his Master,  Miguel de Cervantes, erstwhile Don Quixote, was often heard to quote in his strange human language…

miguel de cervantes









…and thus it is time to ride to war once more…

Indeed there is much evidential evil still to report and perhaps the words evil and war are too dramatic to be used in this context but the fact remains that if good men will do nothing then evil will undoubtedly prevail.

Well that Dear Reader is for you to contemplate and for you to decide….

For the Autumn Nemesis is at hand and there are still many windmills of sheer brigandry yet to be demolished… and so to work.

Recently on a more prosaic note the Morning Bugler maxed out in its page expansion hence the recent refuge under service interrupted Maintenance Banner whilst behind the scenes deep technical work has taken place to allow the four fold increase in the potential pages available for future editorial content. So thanks for your patience.

And indeed there is much more to report as usual supported with irrefutable evidence of wrong doing in the LFRS; the DCLG; the Pension Ombudsman; and sadly the Judiciary.

A particular Sword of Damocles will shortly be removed from the hand of Warren and his vagabond cohorts and the Bugler’s unbridled ride on the Journey of Truth will recommence.

This sorry saga will be concluded when the Fire Service Veterans involved have decided it is concluded and that pure justice has been achieved, and not one minute before.

Today it is a matter of certain encouragement to note that before the clock strikes midnight well over 1000 actual visitors will have physically visited the Morning Bugler.

All of those involved in this terminal fight to correct this  wrong are encouraged by all those visitors and we collectively thank you for your actual and tacit support…

Now it is time to lead old Rozinante from his stall and mount up…the Journey of Truth beckons.