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A Journey of Truth – Chapter 8.

A Journey of Truth  – Chapter 8
This Chapter at a Glance:

The Beginning of the End?;

The Master Manipulators of the Truth;

• Warren in ‘Distress’ – Desperation and Panic Set In;

• Salary Scales ?

• Nemesis Cometh – A Barbarian’s Bid for Freedom;

• Selling the Lie- CC F.De Molfetta(Lab)-Chairman Lancs CFA ;

• The Truth ;

• Hamilton – The ‘Benefits’ of Corruption and Criminality;

Hamilton – A Final Question?

The Political ‘Fall-out’ – 13 days to General Election;

• Reflections and a Challenge.

The Beginning of the End?

When the LFRS, in the great cover up of its pension scandal  in March 2007, commenced to defend its lamentable record of pension maladministration it did so by deciding that it best defence was to publicly attack those it had a special duty of care and respect for, its Fire Service Veterans.

In particular its disabled Fire Service Veterans, who had not only brought the LFRS failures to its attention, a fact quickly and conveniently forgotten by Warren(the pension Scheme manager) who, with the first misleading words out of his mouth in reporting the ‘success’ of his pension management vigilance in September 2007 to the full Committee of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority, had taken 7 months to keep this ‘success’ a secret from the CFA whilst exploring the depth of his failure and assembling those politicians and his subordinates who could be relied on to do his bidding in an envisaged massive cover up.

All dissenting voices were to be subdued or silenced by the simple expedient of bullying and the threat of total pension stoppage leaving those ‘rebels’ and their families destitute.

A fact which actually occurred, though apparently that was a ‘mistake’, rather than making an example of one, now deceased rebel, disabled Fire Service Veteran-WH.

The regime changed and CC Wilkinson the then Chairman of the CFA and deceitful Fire Service Veteran who failed to declare an ‘interest’ whilst chairing CFA meetings on his pension melt down and who actually denied  that he had an ill-health Fire Service pension himself, was not re-elected and this ‘turncoat’ was replaced by another ‘turncoat’.

CC G.Driver CBE who currently continues for the next 16 days as the Bugler’s own County Councillor until the 7th April 2015,  on the promise of the disabled FSVs votes, which he received, then became the Conservative Leader of the LCC and promptly did a complete volte fascia is currently seeking re-election to the LCC in the same constituency.

Driver has much to lose, but much has already been lost. His political credibility and his integrity.

Driver set the tone of  tacit approval for all kinds of thuggery  by his example of appalling ‘leadership’ which the Warren’s of this world quite literally aped.

Driver -aka- ‘Girl in Finance’ and other creative nomes-de-plume when writing in his ‘own local newspaper’ the Lancashire Evening Post is a publicly acknowledged thug, bully, and political deviant, who has not hesitated to resort to personal violence on his political opponents when the mood took him if he was petulantly not getting his way.

Driver and the mob of gangsters he has let loose in the LFRS is counting on the Lancashire Evening Post (LEP).

The Editor of the Lancashire Evening Post has already guaranteed and demonstrated to Driver  and his chums in the LFRS that there will be no news coverage under the guise of compliance with the laws of defamation whilst conveniently ignoring the ‘Derbyshire Principle’ and in the process denying its readers significant local Public interest affairs.

How else can it explain its complete lack of coverage and interest in a local major Taxpayer funded organisation which now has two of its senior civil servants under suspension, one for alleged racism, and the other for alleged fraud?

Does this explain the LEPs plummeting falling sales and the exponential vertical rise in the readership of the Morning Bugler?

Driver and now, CC De Molfetta with his Labour Leader CC Mein who sits mute on her hands, thinks his and their virulent activities are safe from the Public gaze, but they will be wrong because there exists the Morning Bugler and because they underestimate the level of outrage among their employees at County Hall and in the LFRS at their, and their minions, corrupt practices and the erosion of their civil liberties and rights exemplified by the latest  brass necked thuggery of Warren in conjunction with his Masters.

It is easy to set vicious ‘dogs of disgust’ loose but quite another to control them…

Surely Driver cannot expect the largesse of the LEP to extend to allowing him exclusive access to its columns so that he can defend his ‘record’. Can he? Can LEP afford the further haemorrhaging of its already haemorrhaged readership income by pandering to a such a political embarrassment?

Indeed Driver has so much to lose.

He can lose his personal Taxpayers income and his political leadership which has become the personification of all that is wrong with Conservatism in Lancashire and lose  it to the likes of O’Toole, ever eager to replace him.

Driver has also become a complete political embarrassment  in which he thinks that by maintaining his silence for the last 4 months that the gullible Electorate, which he treats with measured contempt, will have forgotten his antics, but he will be wrong.

Driver set the tone and approval for other thugs like Warren and Hamilton in his nominal employ who now find themselves under siege.

As hostilities deepened the Bugler emerged to lead the rebellion at the request of those individual disabled FSVs, their Widows, and families for whom he was ultimately to speak, a situation which remains unchanged today…

The LFRS and the CFA with its political leaders mustered all its devious staff with Warren at its head to lead a campaign to smear, obstruct, humiliate, and punish the Bugler.

No weapon of corruption was to be ignored the final intent of which was to remove the Bugler’s pension and put him into bankruptcy. An objective as the Bugler will report shortly with evidence of the complete pre arranged complicity of a local Circuit Judge called Butler.

This campaign with all its tawdry nuances of the corrupt abuse of elected power was fully endorsed by those in political authority and in supervision over Warren.

It is always easier to start a war than it is to finish it . It is simply now a matter of questions.

Who will the last man or woman standing be?

Which political Party will pay the heaviest price in the polling booths in 16 days time for allowing the abuse of disabled Fire Service Veterans , their Widows, and their families; those who became disabled serving a Community which has now turned its political back on them?

Which individual politician, local civil servant, or uniformed member of the LFRS will pay the heaviest personal price when all this comes to a dirty and unseemly finger pointing conclusion, as sure it will?

‘Tis certain that the Bugler has nothing to lose…

And now, to yet another example, of where unbridled corruption leads.

The Master Manipulators of the Truth
Wilkinson01DriverOTooleDe MolfettaWinterbottom01Holland03CFO Kenny





    Wilkinson                  Driver                  O’Toole                DeMolfetta           Winterbottom        Holland             Kenny    

WarrenHit 1Hit 1Hit 1Lister-05Butler





    Warren                Hamilton                          Harold                          Gardiner                        Lister                      Butler

More Personal exposes to follow…

Warren in ‘Distress’ – Desperation and Panic Set In

WarrenBy any evaluation Warren is in a completely perilous predicament of his own making.

He is likely to lose his job; his pension; his home if mortgaged; and his personal liberty. To say little of the non-existence of any future employment.

When Warren set out with his motley crew to subdue the Bugler and those he represents he could not have envisaged how disastrously all this would turn out. But he ought not to be surprised. Perhaps when he regularly quaffs from the cup of limitless and unbridled power he loses control of his perspective on life?

For example, Warren placed himself in a position with Harold (the LFRS in-house) solicitor and Lister the LCC Head of Pensions, where in conjunction with Judge Butler (of whom much more later) they complicitly set out to deceive the UK Court Judicial system and ‘Lady Justice’ by the use of illegal devices, perjury, and the suborning of their own (coached) primary witness Ms. Joan Drinkall MBE (LFRS Rtd).

All of which Judge Butler publicly states he did not observe with his ‘Nelson Eyes’ and ears ‘forgetting’ two of his own Court Officials and 4 independent witnesses from the Public gallery who later testified in Witness Statements currently held in the Court records.

What can De Molfetta et al have been thinking of? That they were going to get away with it? That no one would blow a whistle on them? But much more of this later…

Surely Warren knows that he has been here before, twice in fact.

Once at the Bournemouth Further Education College and

then again at North West Rail where on both occasions he became such an embarrassment, as now, that he was ‘encouraged’ to leave or  jump, depending on your perspective. But more of this also later.

Warren’s behaviour does however have a certain resonance with Hamilton’s ‘departure’ from the Greater Manchester Probation Trust and perhaps when the Bugler investigates Gardiner properly we may well hear such a resonance again.

The first intriguing sign is always when someone has no public ‘history’ of their last employment like Warren, Hamilton, and Gardiner. It is always inevitably the harbinger of rather strange happenings elsewhere as we have seen.

It is noteworthy that when Warren regularly gets himself in one to these recurring nightmares and desperation sets in he panics. He would be of little use on any ‘fireground’ except as kindling.

Consubstantial with this Warren immediately institutes an even more heightened regime of terror and oppression with witch hunts on those who might be likely to blow the whistle on him whilst ignoring those above him, his Masters, who are usually the first to blow the whistle themselves when they realise what a series of monsters they have created and then let run amok.

And now Warren is faced with another nightmare. How is he going to sack, dispose of, or ‘let go’ Hamilton without an unhappy Hamilton dragging him and Holland et al with him into the bog of lost careers?

Using stolen Taxpayers money?

One doubts if he is really up to this intellectual challenge…

Salary Scales ?

Recently the Bugler attempted to obtain publicly available information on Salary Scales for the posts of heads of departments within the LFRS. The purpose of this information will become clear shortly.

Clearly Warren in desperation, and now panic, knows the purpose for which the Bugler seeks accurate information on, in particular, Hamilton’s salary scale.

Whilst Warren was drafting another threatening letter to the Bugler in which he attempted to muzzle and censor the UK democratic rights of a free press, such is his unbridled power, that he was issuing two emails to the entire LFRS, in an affront to democracy, by attempting to coerce and bully the staff of the entire LFRS into silence.

The first email stated that in future the Bugler was to be regarded as persona non grata and that any attempt to contact the LFRS for any reason by this paid up Taxpayer of Lancashire was to be rebuffed.

Clearly removing his mailed fist from his velvet glove he then issued another email shortly after in which he stated that any support given to the ‘Voice of the People’ would be regarded as a disciplinary offence a procedure which he controls entirely himself and in which he has given himself the power to peremptorily dismiss his fellow employees.

Does this mean that any Fire Service Veteran who it is adjudged by any member of Warren’s  staff, and is stimulated by the Bugler’s work on pensions to raise a pension query, or any query, is to be determined as ‘vexatious’ and thus a pariah who is to be ‘black balled’, ignored, and dismissed?

How long is this ‘black ball’ vexatious list likely to be? Will it include all 2000 Lancashire Fire Service Veterans; the Pensions Ombudsman?; the Information Commissioner?; to say nothing of the national media?

Whilst the LFRS clearly exists in a Warren bubble of totalitarian terror and thuggery fortunately the remainder of the UK does not.

Here we see yet another stark example of total power corrupting totally simply confirming what is already known that Warren controls and manipulates everything within his the LFRS remit.

Kenny might consider he is the Chief but it is just illusionary and hollow Warren controls the politics and politicians, the budgets, the promotions, and the day-to-day minutiae but presently he has lost two of his loyal ‘enforcers’ who will not return and now he finds himself rather exposed to his own corruption.

Warren is clearly disturbed by the accuracy of the information which the Bugler has in its possession and may well suspect that there is a mole within the LFRS.

Only one?

As the Bugler reported only recently Service HQ is leaking like the proverbial Titanic and by stupidly bullying and treating with suspicious all those around him he is thankfully acting as the best recruiting sergeant for the  Scarlet Pimpernels that the Bugler could ask for.

There is stupid and then there is Warren.

The Bugler advises a book at bedtime read, namely, Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar… ‘et tu Brute’? Or perhaps in poetry, the allegorious Ancient Mariner instead of an Albatrous around his neck he has an FSV pension…

Perhaps Warren is, like Driver, relying on the LEP’s silence?

Warren’s practices of criminality which everyone knows about but cannot speak out  for fear of the sack should lead him to conclude that he would be unwise to count on any ‘loyalty’ in the Sheeple because what they are experiencing is simply an erosion of their civil liberties and rights, and though Fear is as ever the modus operandii of Warren and his ilk, he is now experiencing Fear first hand for himself. 

Where will all of this end? In a counter revolution of Civil Rights within the LFRS?

Warren et al should be ever mindful that  there will always be those true to their debt to Glorious Dead of the 20th Century who fought and died for freedom of speech and there will always be those of courage who are prepared to speak out…

In avoiding the Bugler’s request  for salary scales Mr. Taylor, whilst honestly and immediately confirming his own, attempted to mislead the Bugler and those on the email circulation list which included the Leaders of Lancashire CC by indicating that the information which was sought was on the LFRS website, when he knew full well that it was not .

But given Mr.Taylor’s at risk  ‘spin doctor’ circumstances as the public purveyor of the LFRS economy of truths his actions are hardly surprising.

Mr. Taylor  also hoped that by referring the request to the acting Data Protection manager in Gardiner’s (under-suspension) absence that by the time(20 days) the information would be supplied the current crisis afflicting the LFRS will have passed and the information will no longer valuable to the Bugler  who is paradoxically actually protecting his and his colleagues employment.

Mr.Taylor evaded the point which is that if the LFRS do not supply accurate information then the Bugler is at liberty to speculate and it will in journalistic licence.

Whilst the circulated CCs Mein, Winlow, and De Mofetta  who might be bemused by all Mr. Taylor’s  posturing, the Bugler suggests that they pay attention to this latest emerging LFRS debacle, because it has serious political and personal  criminal consequences for all those who have knowledge of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, and  knowledge of a fraud under the Fraud Act 2006, and who fail to report such a crime to the Chief Constable because any such failure will make them implicitly guilty.

Perhaps Mien and company should seek some legal advice on this last point?

Nemesis Cometh – A Barbarian’s Bid for Freedom

There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile.

He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.

He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,

And they all lived together in a little crooked house…

When the Bugler published the Hamilton’s suspension in early December  with a roundup of his activities in Journey of Truth Chapter 5, Go Here, it laid out the stark choices which all those who lived in this ‘crooked house’ faced including, the enemy within…

Hamilton clearly had his ‘insurance policies’ of knowledge on all those of a corrupt practice and criminal mind and especially on  those who have and will threatened his continued employment.

They in turn have little choice in the matter because he could in turn threatened their employment and, if the due process of Law runs its natural course, their actual personal liberty.

Call it blackmail if you will, or as it has been put on the LFRS grapevine ‘he has too much on them to be sacked’ but one thing is as certain as tomorrow’s sunrise they will all find that there is no honour among thieves.

In the 5 months which have elapsed since his suspension, during which there has been much clandestine negotiations between Hamilton and his Freemason Masters, he has remained on full pay and emoluments with an opportunity to prepare the ground for his inevitable departure.

Including the opportunity to reallocate any of his personal financial resources, to avoid later any future DWP Benefit means testing which would inevitably disbar him from seeking disability benefits for his ‘disabilities’ which have resulted from falling off his roof in Bolton last summer…

One thing is sure that the poetic justice and the irony of Hamilton’s(the deputy pension Scheme manager) situation apropos DWP benefits is not lost on the disabled Fire Service Veterans.

A cover up and secret deal using whatever means at their collective disposal, including the Public purse, will have to be concluded regardless of the cost and that will require the input of the CFA political leaders, including the single recorded vote of approval of all individual Elected Members of all Parties and of Independent Members.

This is particularly difficult right now because all Party Members  will have to vote on Party lines or the Whip when the full Combined Fire Authority  next meet on the Monday 27th April 2015.

Members can expect that their personal vote to be scrutinised by their Electorate and it is bound to have an effect at the local government and General Election polls on the 7th May 2015 if such a vote is not taken, or is deliberately deferred, or not even presented to the Committee, at which point the Electorate can draw its own political conclusions at the polling booth during the 7th May vote.

The next part, the political ‘sale’ of any final deal to the Public and the Committee involving a Hamilton’s ‘pay off’ by the ruling Party on the Fire Authority, namely Labour and by the Chairman of the Fire Authority CC De Molfetta is what Warren fears most.

This is what Warren usually describes as ‘tricky territory’ which is to provide a ‘hardship’ route for Hamilton’s to escape from Justice once more, a la the Greater Manchester Probation Trust by using a Chairman who is both a vacuous fool and malleable because he likes the taste of power, but whom Warren really cannot trust to deliver.

To that end Warren will produce a comprehensive briefing note which he will discuss/train De Molfetta on and then on the 27th  day retain him on a very short intellectual leash(rather like De Molfetta’s dog) in case he might get more delusions of imperious grandeur, or forget his lines.

Not that Warren will be particularly disturbed by any of  this because there is no doubt that he will use Hamilton’s ‘departure’ as a practice dry drill for the inevitable day, sooner or later, when he will walk the ‘hardship’ route himself clutching his ‘insurance policies’ and quoting the example of Hamilton’s deal to those who have authorised his ‘escape’ from distress.

Before then there will of course be the next nightmare of Gardiner another character who does his Masters bidding but , for the present, about whom the Bugler and the LFRS know precious little, but that will change…

In the interim there is now the additional complication of the reporting by the Bugler of Hamilton and Gardiner’s criminal activities to the Chief Constable, though a handy round of golf will probably ensure that any investigation will be delayed until the political waves have died down…

All in all tricky, a  tad tricky, where we have a troika of clowns Hamilton, Warren, and De Molfetta from Fred Karno’s Fire & Rescue Service Circus carrying between them a primed weapon of political mass destruction…

Selling the Lie- CC F.De Molfetta(Lab)-Chairman Lancs CFA

De MolfettaCounty Councillor Frank De Molfetta, a former bus driver, likes his appointment as the Labour Chairman of the Combined Fire Authority. He has drunk from the chalice of power and likes the taste. Indeed on the strength of it he acquired a smart new car on his ‘special responsibilities’ allowance which he polishes vigorously once a week.

He regularly visits Fire Stations but always accompanied by ‘eyeballing’ and name taking ‘minders’ in case he might have to engage in any form of democracy, but he likes the bowing and scraping. They all do.

He scurries about his neighbourhood dragging his reluctant pooch being careful not to allow it to defecate in this Editor’s view or vicinity. De Molfetta understands about dog leashes, he is on one himself, only it is Warren at the other end.

He scurries in case the Editor challenges him, for a third time, to answer the questions of his views on his disabled Fire Service Veterans and how horribly they, their Widows, and families have been maltreated by him. He seems to freeze, wave his arms about, and then go mute.

He is clearly a good Labour man and a caring Socialist.

And now for a little speculative crystal ball gazing inspired by the LFRS’s refusal to supply Public interest information and based on the knowledge and experience of how such matters are usually politically ‘dealt with’ in a corrupt LFRS and supported by accurate ‘sources’ close to this latest corruption.

At 10:00hrs on Monday 27th April 2015 at the LFRS Service Training Centre at Washington Hall(Re-named by the US Forces in WWII) Chorley Lancashire England the Chairman of the Combined Fire Authority County Councillor Frank De Molfetta will call the Committee to order and open this Meeting.

Part 1 will be open to the Public but when, of necessity, he has to convene the secret Part 2, during which the Public will be excluded only De Molfetta(Labour) and others will know in advance the true reasons.

The subject, which will be difficult ‘sell’ to the other 24 Councillors, that is if they are all present which is usually

not the case will be Brendan Joseph Hamilton’s ‘letting go’,’departure’, or ‘sacking’, from the LFRS.

Even in the Public excluded atmosphere of  secrecy it will be a difficult ‘sell’ because De Molfetta in complicit conspiracy with O’Toole, Winterbottom(A Deputy Lieutenant – and upstanding  Officer of the Courts) and Kenny’s intentions are; to mislead the Elected Members of the Combined Fire Authority; to  defeat any form of natural Justice; and to pervert and obstruct the due process of Law.

Simply because as these dire circumstances appear to them and for their own common personal good they have no other option, and indeed they will be right.

De Molfetta will explain, using Warren’s prompting sheet or following the words Warren at his side will point out to him, that since the last Meeting he(in emergency) he has had to exercise his devolved powers as Chairman by authorising the terms of Hamilton’s ‘letting go’ from the LFRS.

De Molfetta will explain in broad brief terms the circumstances which led to Hamilton’s suspension and which have now led him to exercise his devolved powers.

De Molfetta will indicate, whether or not in fact this is the case, because they will not be present to challenge such a statement, that he has had discussions with the victim(s), their Union representatives, and with Hamilton and his representatives including his lawyers and reached agreement which satisfies all those involved, but not the Public and Taxpayer.

He will state in reaching and implementing his decision one of his deep overriding concerns will have been for the good name and reputation of the LFRS (Warren is sure Mol’  will be pleased with that phrase), and of course adding, the especial need for Hamilton’s ‘victims’ to have  early closure.

He will state that unfortunately he is unable, as part of the legal agreement he has reached with Hamilton’s lawyers to discuss, publish, or circulate the mutual non-disclosure agreement(NDA) which he has authorised and thus he cannot take question from the Elected members present.

At which point Warren will pull this contemptible marionette down by his strings into his seat.

The Truth

De Molfetta cannot inform the CFA of the details of Hamilton’s departure, whatever the guise, because it will require  the authorisation and clandestine payment of 2 years salary to Hamilton which will amount to £200,000.0 from the Taxpayers purse as a reward for his abuses, including blackmail, and criminality.

De Molfetta cannot inform the CFA of the details of this  NDA, even if it exists, because to do so is to confirm a criminal act on his part.

The law in respect of  NDAs has now been changed in which it is currently a criminal offence  to use an NDA to cover up, or hide a crime.

De Molfetta also conveniently forgets that since the enactment of ‘The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014(August)’ any person can obtain a copy of any document upon which a local authority(LFRS) has made an executive decision or determination, as in this case, and there is no doubt that if Hamilton is ‘let go’ for any reason it will have to be publicly documented.

The LFRS can rest assured the Bugler will obtain a copy and publish it in full.

De Molfetta also acts in these circumstances directly contrary to the best interests of protecting Taxpayers public funds under his charge.

There is little doubt the the local representative of the national Taxpayers Alliance will have an enraged comment to make about this pay off to the Bugler.

If Hamilton had been duly processed under disciplinary

procedures and dismissed, as he ought to be, for gross misconduct in public office no ‘pay off’ would be required

Indeed Hamilton’s local authority pension will be frozen and thus there is no expenditure for the Taxpayers other than a routine disciplinary hearing and the prospect that his 5 months salary during the period of his suspension could be recovered in offset under the proceeds of a crime.

There is an all party CFA approved vacancy freeze within the LFRS and because Hamilton and Gardiner will be dismissed there will be a net gain to the Lancashire Taxpayers of £140k pa.

But because De Molfetta has chosen to corruptly abuse his Chairman’s devolved powers he and the CFA will be seen as rewarding criminality in their organisation, condoning corruption and racism, rewarding a criminal, and completely ignoring his employee victims for which he has a direct duty of care in law and for which he personally and the Fire Authority, can be and will in all likelihood be successful sued by their Union thus increasing the net loss to the Taxpayer with its attendant bad publicity and erosion of public confidence in a life saving service.

This is the price of corruption to the Taxpayer of a Labour controlled Fire Authority.

Of course if Hamilton is not ‘rewarded’ he will inevitably squeal like a stuck pig and pour out his ‘insurance policies’ for all the world to see.

This is the final price that corrupt officials in, and associated with the LFRS, will have to pay…there is always a price…

Hamilton – The ‘Benefits’ of Corruption and Criminality

Hit 1Assuming that the LFRS ploughs on regardless of Public and Taxpayers fury and because De Molfetta et all regard themselves as above the law, indeed in the LFRS they are the Law as they have repeatedly demonstrated, Hamilton will go on a freebie Taxpayers funded holiday for the next 2 years to the tune of £200,000.0+ and with DWP Benefits about a quarter of a million pounds…

During the period of his suspension and anticipating dismissal Hamilton will have moved his personal resources around in order in the future to avoid any DWP Means Test which would automatically be applied by the DWP to benefits which he will claim.

Hamilton’s public story line will be his claim when he leaves that he is leaving because his is not recovering properly from the serious injuries he suffered last summer when he fell off a roof at his home in Bolton and he finds difficulty in performing his duties at the LFRS.

Such a statement when challenged by the DWP will of course have to be supported in this minor matter by the unholy alliance at the LFRS with a handy Doctor’s note by those who have provided this ‘escape’ from Justice in the first place. They may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb…

Hamilton, because he will not have been sacked, can immediately claim/seek the Job Seekers Allowance at the rate of £73.0 pw for the next 2 years to the value of £7,592.0.

Hamilton will also be entitled to Employment Support Allowance at the rate of £73.0 pw for the next 2 years to the value of £7,592.0 enhanced by his National Insurance contributions.

Hamilton can also claim Mortgage Repayments relief from the DWP after a period of 6  months and for the following 12 months and assuming, from the area in which he lives, mortgage repayments may well be in the region of £10,000.0.

Hamilton can also claim Reduced Earnings Income Allowance at the rate of £66.40 pw for the next 2 years to

the value of £6905.60.  

All during the period of 2 years in which he intends to ‘convalesce’, rehabilitate’ himself, and prepare for the next local authority appointment which he has been promised by this unholy alliance he can also claim travelling expense reimbursement when visiting his publicly financed therapist whilst of course using his new Blue Badge.

Then there is the matter of his local authority pension, which the Bugler readers will recall  Hamilton moved from the Greater Manchester Probation Trust to the Lancashire County Council Pension fund.

If he voluntarily resigns his LCC pension will be frozen but he can immediately move this under new legislation to a private pension Scheme and continue to ‘grow’ it for the next 2 years it until such time as his next promised local authority appointment ‘matures’.

At which point he will transfer his pension back under the benefits of another local authority Scheme bringing with it all these benefits in kind paid for by the Taxpayers of Lancashire.

All of this is still rather a gamble for CC De Molfetta et al because at the end of this 2 year ‘holiday’ which the Lancashire Taxpayers will fund to the tune of £232,089.60 plus reimbursements , with interest approximately a quarter of a million pounds, they will still  have to produce a comfortable new Local Authority appointment in the salary scale to which Hamilton has become accustomed, namely £100k.

If they do not then they will continue to gamble that by that time that any blackmailing secrets Hamilton holds on O’Toole, Holland, Winterbottom, Warren and the present uniformed incumbents will have either been ‘sanitised’ by them or public accountability interest will have withered away…but then again it might not…..

Who says crime in a Local Fire Authority does not pay?

Carl MasonMr. Mason who by comparison must be considered a ‘saint’ will be wondering how he got it all so badly wrong…

 Hamilton – A Final Question?

One final intriguing question remains which Hamilton has repeatedly raised by his statement which supports his, up ’til now, charmed life…

‘You don’t know how high I go?’…

Did he mean within the LFRS, or did he mean with the Freemasons, or did he mean something else?

As an Ulsterman might that include a Northern Ireland witness protection programme, way back in the mists of time?

 The Political ‘Fall-out’ – 13 days to General Election

Naturally the LFRS will deny this scenario outlined by the Bugler claiming that this is all spurious nonsense and that Hamilton will not receive two years salary, it will only be one!

Perhaps they will issue a Press Statement of denial to the media including the Bugler and the LEP. But how is the LEP going to print that and comment on it to its readership when its readership has been denied the ‘lead in’ to the story to begin with?

Their readership will not know what it is all about, will they? This is a plaiting sawdust problem is it not?

For the last 2 years or more the Bugler has directly informed the Leaders of the Labour-LibDem Coalition, CC Mein and CC Winlow at County Hall, expressing increasing concerns about  this LFRS growing steaming pile of corruption and where it was all leading to and where and which party it was likely to damage when it all ends in finger pointing and tears, but all to no avail .

The Bugler asked, nay implored them, to take joint firm political action because ultimately whether the LFRS likes it or not, and whether  Mein and Winlow likes it or not, the political chain of responsibility for all this leads directly

back to them through their ‘man’ at the LFRS, CC F.De Molfetta.

But until this moment 13 days from a local and General Election both Leaders are still sitting mute on their hands.

Is there a simple explanation for their couldn’t care less attitude? Are they themselves tainted?

Was CC Driver right when he alleged that Mein had fixed up one of her chums with a job at County Hall?

How many other skeletons might they have in their political cupboards?

Regardless of whether or not they take any action the political harm has already been done to their Parties.

How must the Party workers they take for granted, who are right now door stepping their way around Lancashire Constituencies going to feel at such wanton dereliction of their duty to them and their respective Party which they are meant to serve when these volunteers see such political harm done to their efforts?

No doubt the Electorate and the Taxpayers will make their feelings known 13 days from now…

Reflections and a Challenge

Perhaps about now Warren might take a moment to reflect that on this occasion he is not engaged with pseudo academics or track layers he is actually engaged with Firefighters.

Firefighters, whether retired or not, who will not hesitate to pay any final price and whom he wished he had treated with the civility and the respect which they had earned long before the Lancashire County Fire Brigade ever had the misfortune to hear of him.

There was, and is, a better way to treat disabled Fire Service Veterans, their Widows, and their families and there can be little doubt that Warren, right now, wishes he had never heard of them or their pensions.

But surely what must be clear, even to him, is that it is never too late to learn good manners.

Perhaps he might try some before we continue to the next stage in allegory of axing what is left of his career?

The Bugler has the axe, there is the gauntlet, pick it up if you will?