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Edit.039 ~ 6th September 2020

Editorial ~ 039 6th September 2020
This Editorial at a Glance:

• Readers’ Comments ~ 5th Column ?

• The Bills Mount Up;

• LJ Fancourt ~ The Tape and the Transcription ?

Readers’ Comments ~ 5th Column ?

Dear Reader,

Regularly ‘The Morning Bugler’ receives unsolicited comments from Readers purporting to not only represent themselves, but who are in fact 5th Columnists working for Freemasonry.

Recently a well known Lancashire 5th Columnist and great chum of the corrupt Fireman and County Councillor Wilkinson, Go Here, contacted the Bugler in dire distress because he was agitated that TMB was going to write an expose on the machinations of the FBU in general and within Lancashire in particular.

Indeed such was his agitation that he did not hesitate to use an expletive ridden email pressing to know what this expose might say all under his pseudonym of ‘Jack Custard’, who it might be added, was universally known in the Brigade to be as ‘thick as workhouse custard’.

This pseudonym commenced with his first email in February 2015 with a simpering “Dear Mr. Burns (or may I call you Paul)”… using his email address which he continues to use as… scubabum9023@gmail.com , a play on words in this thing laughingly called his damaged mind which probably was occasioned by missing a decompression stage on his journey up to ‘enlightenment’ as the ‘Brethren’ call it; a ‘bum’ who imagines himself to be another Jacques Cousteau though he might have done better to describe himself as Inspector Cleauseau, or Clueless.

This was another corrupt and criminal character who spent a large amount of his time avoiding duty between spying for the LFRS management/Brethren within the Lancashire FBU and abusing the facilities to recharge his ‘scuba’ cylinders at one of the Flyde FRStations until he was ‘discouraged’.

But this Jack the Lad ‘Custard’ otherwise known as ‘Tony Harris former Chair of the Lancashire FBU is not above using the membership of the Brethren for his own salvation when, for example, in another drunken spree with great chum Wilkinson(Fireman and County Councillor) they stole one of the old 3 wheeled invalid carriages and were duly stopped by the Police but having given the appropriate handshakes they were waved on their merry way…

Doubtless this loose cannon on the deck caused a great sense of relief to Winterbottom the Brethren’s boss in Lancashire when they finally waved him off on his way in 2005 to sunnier climes in Spain with an ‘ill health’ pension as his final reward for services rendered.

In responding to Harris the Bugler encouraged him not to waken the ‘Sleeping Giant’ but he was not to be assuaged sending one of his thugs round recently to the Bugler’s home with a ball bearing gun to vandalise it…the Giant is Awake…and the Police are dealing with this, indeed Interpol will in due course knock on the Harris door because Harris continues to live in Spain with his criminal proceeds of fraudulent crime  in the  I’Alfas del Pi region near Tuelada. The Spaniards are averse to criminals living in their midst especially those with questions hanging over their heads regarding criminality in another jurisdiction…

Perhaps in the pseudonym tradition the Bugler ought to sign himself off as the famous ‘Eliot Ness’…

Next we have another correspondent Peter J. O’ Brian  who writes politely thus…

“The Pensions Ombudsman is not a civil servant, neither are any of his staff. They are eligible for membership of the PCSPS (as are staff of assorted public bodies) which hasn’t been non contributory or defined benefit for some years now, it’s various forms of money purchase these days.

Your assumption is understandable as the first PO was a civil servant, as were his staff, all drawn from the DWP. They were soon replaced by a mixture of pensions lawyers and CII or PMI qualified pensions professionals. I hope this comment is helpful.”.

One assumes at this point of first contact that this correspondent is bona fide though why s/he chooses at this point to write about TPO is puzzling? Perhaps it is just a coincidence.

Could it be that the with the advent of Mr.Timms M.P. the new Chair of the DWP Select Committee for Work and Pensions who announced in July his intention to investigate scamming within the pensions ‘industry’ and in addition indicating that he would take evidence from the Bugler on the misconduct of the TPO, and one assumes TPR, in their joint failure to protect the interests of the lowly individual pensioner, including Firefighters; the latter a situation which both heads of these organisation have repeatedly been made fully aware of and repeatedly so over the foregoing years?

Now turning to ‘Mr. O’Brien’ I regret his information is not correct or at the very least intended to mislead. He states that the staff at both the TPO and the TPR are not Civil Servants. Why if this is so does he then continue to state that they are entitled to join the PCSPS which he fails to spell out as the ‘Principal Civil Servant Pension Scheme’.

Now why on earth would anyone who is not a Civil Servant want to join this Trade Union for example if they were by occupation Butterfly Catchers? Statistically these Civil Servants are classified by rank to pay scales in the HMG’s organogram?

Of course this so called confusion is easily answered by HMRC who will hold these ‘Civil Servants’ income records as PAYE payers which TPR/TPO fail to publish.

Next Mr. O’Brien suggests that they are not members of a pension scheme when the very Civil Servants he writes of are indeed members of the Principal Civil Servant Pension Scheme.

Then there is the matter of how qualified these Civil Servants are for the posts they now hold when Mr. O’Brien in a sweeping whitewash brush informs us all they are pension lawyers when only 2 were/are and those who joined last year held no experience of pension schemes in their previous occupations as solicitors and as for ‘qualification’ CII and PMI are simply organisations anyone can join for a fee and do not issue nationally recognised qualification by examination; and are not recognised by any educational establishment; or HMG.

This all pervasive mystique of ‘independent’ organisations a la TPR and TPO protecting pensioners investment is the greatest scam of all which the Bugler has written extensively about before, which is meant  to mislead ordinary pensioner that these two organisation are proactive in protecting their pensioner investment in any Scheme they have signed up to, whether compulsory or not, and that both TPR and TPO will actively ‘police’ these schemes when in fact when a complaint is brought to their attention, which is not a press headline, that the very last thing they do is to take any action whatsoever unless it is in the interest of the pension ‘industry’, or HMG whom they assiduously serve with the scantiest  regard to ordinary pension holders.

Now Mr. O’Brien I hope that it will be helpful when I give honest evidence to the Select Committee about my experiences with TPO and TPR, and that it is helpful in protecting your Civil Service pension?

The Bills Mount Up

In the interim, work continues on the assembly of financial documents, to be presented as examples of  individual pension underpayment claims against Fire and Rescue Authorities, for the incorrect and unlawful underpayment of pension; all set out in rank by rank example.

The format will be different from originally which dealt only with the mathematical reimbursement claims.This time it will be integrated with the Statutory Instrument showing how and why in detailed practice the underpayment has been accrued.

LJ Fancourt ~ The Tape and the Transcription ?

Meantime, disabled FSV~MFG awaits the Tape and its Transcription of the LJ Fancourt  Court of Appeal Hearing held on the 3rd July 2020 which the Bugler will publish. This should provide an insight to Readers how this Hearing was held and the calibre of it in Judicial terms.

The Clerk to LJ Fancourt, Mr. Brilliant, has been more than helpful, the 1 hour tape being promptly passed to the transcribing contractor’s UBIQUS who seem to be entirely at six and sevens, and until this is provided the Barrister Mr.J.M.C-B cannot review it and then we can all troop back to the Court of Appeal.

Thus, as in days of yore, they also serve who stand and wait…but not for long…

In the likely event that his eminence LJ Fancourt [the parachutist] does not deign to reply we must begin to assemble the evidence against him which he has so generously provided us with.… all to be reported in Current Affairs…Go Here