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Edt.012 – 30th April 2015.

Edt.012 – 30th April 2015.

This Editorial at a Glance:

• The Morning Bugler – A Thank You! ;

The Morning Bugler Statistics – Is the Morning Bugler going Viral, or not?

• The Morning Bugler Statistics at 30th April 2015.

Morning Bugler – A Thank You!

Dear Reader,

Without you the Morning Bulger is a meaningless exercise and currently that seems far from the case.

So our grateful thanks for continuing to visit our Website.

We cannot produce headlines every day but keep coming back. There are, you can rest assured, quite a few headlines to come looking at the stack of unseemly research material and evidence to hand yet to be published which continues to attack the injustice being perpetrated in the underpayment of pensions to disabled UK Fire Service Veterans, their Widows and families and its inevitable rectification.

With the exception of parts of Africa, for sad and understandable reasons, regular visitors come from all over the Planet not only to visit but to extensively read the Bugler's  contents.

There is simply no accounting for the purpose of your visits   but you are welcome nonetheless and intriguing though it may be why Russia and Vietnam, probably acting as surrogate cloud hosts, would want to regularly cyber attack the Bugler is beyond the Editor's understanding.

Surely such visitors would want to celebrate and re-publish the Soviet style antics of totalitarianism by the likes of Warren et al in the LFRS in attempting to ban democracy and freedom of speech in its workforce which will always

be opposed by the Bugler with the untrammelled publication of this repugnant and oppressive regime's corrupt activities?

On the other hand being regularly read by the occupants of the LCC County Hall in the UK is encouraging even though most, but not all, will be opponents unlike the cyber attack by someone in house in a Lancashire Darwen street which is also both understandable and quite flattering.

Unfortunately the impressions and views Readers carry away of the UK are far from flattering and as matters progress their perceptions will become worse rather than better and of course these impressions are formed from the actions, or the failure to act, of those in the ‘establishment’ who bear direct responsibility for this inglorious reputation.

Shooting, or as we have seen, attempting to smear or muzzle the Bugler's messenger rather than addressing the problem is the refuge of the inadequate.

International travellers might wonder, as they see it, is all this symptomatic of this strange land, and thus seek to avoid visiting it?

The UK's international reputation of democratic stability and  government integrity is everything and the sooner this rot is excised the better but one wonders if any politician has the courage?

The Morning Bugler Statistics – Is it going Viral or Not?

Casual interest Readers visiting this nerdy world may at this point ‘glaze over’ but it is, as ever , important to read the plain English bottom line…

Some time ago when the Bugler published its first Editorial 001 in late January 2014 it dealt with the practicalities and cost of setting up a Website bearing in mind that its sister publication the Symbol Seeker was already running successfully and though currently somewhat dormant the publishing of the SS 9th Edition allied with creating  and distributing a completely new  App for International distribution will bring refreshed activities  to this SS website.

Later in November in Editorial 007 an attempt was made to both understand and elucidate what the statistics being produced from the host server in the far off Clouds meant in pragmatic terms.

Although the stats were always there it was not until July 2014 that the actual formal recording procedures were actually invoked.

But to explain in plain English first you need to understand and that is a continuing process because nerdy opinions vary about precisely what this or that statistic might mean.

Nevertheless let us produce the Morning Bugler statistics and try to upgrade this understanding.

Traffic on the Bugler is monitored at 3 levels. Once on the ground in the UK and twice in the Clouds but all using the same basic data supplied to the Bugler by the Cloud Server.

In the Clouds two internationally recognised statistics programs are used AWSTATS and Webaliser which present the information both graphically and textually to the customer the Morning Bugler.

Website Traffic-These programs create graphical and textual displays of the information contained in the server web log files. Web logs contain plain text information about visitors to the MB such as how they arrived at our site; if the visit was search engine directed; any search term entered; and the IP address of the visitor.

These raw log files cannot be read intuitively. So, the programs take this information and break the data into visually readable chunks. In addition, the graphical displays indicate trends about the MB over the chosen timed period.

Hits-Because we often hear the term "hit count", we should once more take a look at what experts say this actually means.

Each time a visitor types in the Morning Bugler web address or ‘calls it up’ with their  browser, e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome etc , the website's Cloud server records it as a 'hit', the server then then directs the browser how to display the Morning Bugler  web page.  

That is regarded as the first ‘hit’ which  then initiates a further ‘hit’ counting process. The broad rule is the more the material on the site that is viewed, the more the ‘hits’. Hits are of course a measure of activity.

As the browser begins to display a Bugler page, it will continue to ‘hit’ the server for any additional elements it needs to build and display the page. For example, a logo will represent one hit as the server returns that image to your browser. Any background design constitutes another hit. Music or vox files, graphics(picture) files represents yet another. Therefore the more images in a website or page, the greater number of hits will be recorded.

Because of how hits are measured, this number is generally accepted as an inflated value and vastly different from true visitors but nevertheless taken overall it is also a measure of traffic which reflects interest.

Unique Visitors-Every computer is connected to the Internet via a connection with a unique identifier called an IP address. This IP address is logged in the server logs much like your phone number is logged in the caller ID of the person you dialled. For many caller ID mobile devices, a second call from the same phone will only display the calling number one time–even if the second call was by a different individual which means of course that visits are missed. Conversely, if the same individual calls the Bugler from two different phone numbers, both calls are logged.

The same holds true for measuring unique visitors to the Bugler website.

Unique IP address totals are incremented one time regardless of the number of times the visiting computer connects to your server. Therefore, if two people from the same office call up your website address for different reasons, they are counted only once yet reflect two distinctly different visitors.

By the same token, if one of these visitors later visits the Bugler website from home that evening, the visit is counted a second time despite the fact that the two separate IPs are from the same person.

So, unique visitors are measured as separate connections from a visitor's computer to our website's server and will generally reflect the number of different visitors.

Why is that important?

Because it is from this information coupled with the number and type of pages which are read that the level of interest, or intent, of an individual can be evaluated.

For example, the MB has very regular visitors which might be expected from the Lancashire CC at County Hall server which also carries the LFRS traffic and being able to establish which department they are in can be rather useful.

Bandwidth-This is a statistics which the average Reader will be unaware of but if the Bugler website is being successful this is also reflected in a rising bandwidth use statistic.

Bandwidth represents the total amount of data sent out from the Bugler’s Cloud server to the Readers.

All images and text take up space on the Cloud server  and when these files are sent to the Bugler’s visitor's browser, they represent the amount of bandwidth utilised.

For example Websites streaming video or large music files utilise significantly more bandwidth than all-text sites such as the Bugler. However as bandwidth increases significantly it generally means that interest  is increasing.

At the very beginning the Bugler was using a desultory amount of megabytes of Bandwidth compared to over a year later with a substantial increase in bandwidth to gigabytes which is simply  recorded as another indicator  of success.

Trends-All of this information when coupled together produces trends. For example the busiest day of the week for visitors; the pages and contents which are accessed the most; and significantly which nation, province, city, town, street, and computer visits the Bugler most.

More than anything, the data serves as a barometer of the Bugler’s  website's ability to grow and attract new visitors.

Robots-Spiders-Bots. These are automated programs which have a benign or malicious intent.

The benign is that they collect words and phrases such that when a potential Reader searches for the Bugler using the search engines like Google it immediately provide lists of where a particular word or phrase might be found on the Internet and thus also on the Morning Bugler.

The malicious intent is to access or swamp the website and subsequently provide the material for another cyber attack which is meant to block or overwhelm normal access to the returning Visitor but is usually requires a concerted efforts by world wide disparate groups having a common cause.

Perhaps we should coin a new word, a Warren attack, which is meant to disrupt democracy and impose oppression and censorship?

Favorites-The Morning Bugler achieves its crowning success when we see that the Bugler has been saved to the ‘Add to Favourites’ file of a visitor's browser. This of course corresponds  to the number of visitors who have found the Bugler website worthwhile enough to save. Saved pages on a browser are often referred to as Bookmarks.

In the case of the Bugler , a desultory 12 visitors on average a day in the beginning rose recently to 2117 in one day. So obviously a substantial number of new(unique) and/or re-visiting visitors found the site relevant, worthy, and interesting enough to them to save it for a return visit. The importance of this indicator cannot be understated.

First, it is a vote that the content has value for our visitor. Secondly, this valuable content is more likely then to be passed on to either another potential visitor by link or posted to another website. The latter could exponentially keep the Bugler on the course to greater search engine effectiveness through cross linking.

So, if the Bugler works even harder to earn these ‘Favourites’ votes by adding further excellent, valuable, and revealing contents, then the effort will be worth it and the objectives of decency, fair play, and justice will be rewarded.

Any website, in particular the Morning Bugler, publishing such issues as these is indeed a powerful weapon for democracy.

There is an old Bugler theory concerning a prize camels’ endowments which broadly but crudely states that if one wishes to buy a prize camel, or come to that anything, it is not necessary to know the subject matter in great depth.

Simply by comparative testing, that is comparing  like with like, then the ‘ top quality’  can easily be identified.

So it is with Camels. Stand in the desert and have 1000 camels march past, at the end of this exercise by comparative testing the best endowed camel  will have been identified and similarly with a website’s performance when comparing where it started from, assumed of course to be zero, and to where it is today.

Here are the Morning Bugler’s like for like comparative testing set against the first month of publication July 2014 and the current uncompleted month…

The Morning Bugler Statistics at April 2015.

July – 2014 to April 30th 2015.

Unique (new) Visitors                     July 2014                      April 2015

                                                                   505                               1270

Visits(One day)                                July 2014                      April 2015

       35                                   2495

Visits(Month)                                    July 2014                      April 2015

                                                                 1,574                               18,846.

Visitors Last Week.                                                                      7,309.

Visitors Last Month.                                                                    18,846.

Visitors Since Commencing recording in July 2014.         48,371.


Pages Read                                      July 2014                      April 2015

                                                                 22,671                          48,371


'Favorites' Returning                      July 2014                      April 2015

                                                             87out of 550(17.2%)  2057 out of 1428(144.0%) More arriving than departing.


Bandwidth                                         July 2014                      April 2015

                                                               116.97MB                      3.45GigB


Trends-Traffic-Busy Day                 July 2014                      April 2015

                                                               Saturday                      Thursday


Top Countries                                   July 2014                      April 2015

                                                        UK;USA;China;           UK;USA;Romania;Russia;

                                                      France; Germany.         Brazil;Germany; France.


Hits                                                      July 2014                      April 2015

                                                                 48,510                          153,796

Overall conclusions:

It is felt that currently the word 'viral' could not reasonably be applied to the Morning Bugler just yet because it is less than the dramatic sobriquet normally applied in other circumstances.

But by any standards over the statistical period of less than 10 months for the Morning Bugler to grow from zero% by 340% must be regarded with a great measure of satisfaction and can certainly qualify as an excellent beginning when one considers the narrow nature of its subject matter, namely, fire pensions and Fire & Rescue and Local Authority corruption.

Now this success has to be built on leading to only one conclusion that these Authorities recognise the errors of their pension way and pay the Fire Service Veterans,their Widows and families their correct pensions and their underpayments back with compound interest.

There can be no place or justification for corruption and abuses by civil servants either local authority or central government in the 21st Century and in the Democratic process.

The Morning Bugler has demonstrated its worth as a freedom of the press tool;  a democratic voice of protest; and will without question continue to sound off its bugle call as Voice of the People.