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Vol45 ~ 23rd August 2022.

Current Affairs ~ Volume 45 ~ 23rd August 2022
This Editorial at a Glance:

• Democracy or ‘Unconstitutional’ Autocracy?

• Smith/Johnson Coup D’etat manipulates to the end ~ Frost ;
~ The Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt PC FRSA Minister for Trade Policy;

• The Ring Side;

• The Mordaunts

• To be Prime Minister;

• The Political Assassination of Mordant ~ How it works;

• The Penny Farthing Rogues and their current Criminality ;

• Pension Ombudsman Confirmed Candidate ~ Dominic Harris at CMS
~ More roguery in the making .

Democracy or ‘Unconstitutional’ Autocracy or Banana Republic?

We are ‘Unconstitutional’ Democratic Electors.

This is because the UK does not have a written Constitution, though regularly ‘establishment’ figures, including bizarrely the senior Judiciary, who ought to know better, regularly refer to a ‘constitution’ as though it actually existed?

A true Democrat within a properly constituted Democratic state can at a moment’s notice reach out and obtain a personal copy of their written Constitutional Rights enshrined within which they will find their detailed Human Rights within the State; a State to which they contribute and have the right to vote on all Constitutional matters, including when and how they will change their own self-government.

However this is not so within the controlling State of the United Kingdom ~ England.

England, as it sees itself by its self declared over arcing right and no doubt by Divine Right, denies basic Human Rights to other constituent UK ‘Statelets’ and their Citizens even though by exercising this exclusive right  it contradicts the word ‘United’.

Given the current state of affairs in the English Parliament it is self-evident that we all live in an Autocracy though if one wishes to be argumentative, rule is by two persons, not one, viz Titanic Smith and Boy Wonder Boris. A ‘State’ in which in recent times the English ‘establishment’ used to snigger at the antics of incipient Nations which they referred to in racist terms as ‘Banana Republics’, which on second thoughts, surely describes the current state of England’s putsch Democracy.

God Forbid that it continues to describe itself as the ‘Mother of all Parliaments’ but current examples of England’s Autocratic absurdities abound…

Recently the President of the English/UK Supreme Court, our old ‘friend’ Baron Reed who did, in obsequious repayment of his ‘debt of appointment’ to his Conservative Government masters who bought the Presidency of the Supreme Court for him, did betray his own Scottish birth right, his fellow Scots, and the Scottish Nation by denying them the right to hold a National Referendum  to decide, whether or not, they wish to be an  independent, ‘Nation ~ Once Again’…

Reed a ‘Justice’ who sits at the European Court of Human Rights(?) whilst knowingly acting criminally  by holding, as instructed, the Conservative Party line by denying the UK’s 11,000 disabled Fire Service Veterans and their Beneficiaries 25% of their pensions since 1992 by the unlawful manipulation of Court procedure denying us access to ‘due process’ to the Human Right to Justice. But he was not alone.

Not only did Reed sell his judicial Soul he also sold his Earthly Soul in breaching his Vow to God and the Sovereign to serve… ‘Without fear of Favour’.

Another example of autocratic hypocrisy is closer to home in the statelet of ‘Northern Ireland’ a homogeneous description of the last of the colonies which is well beyond the ‘NO!’ land of a ‘Banana Republic’ where the electoral (2022) second past the post Democratic Ulster Unionist Party ~ a self-contradictory description if ever there was one in its personification of bigotry ~ a Party which resents any form of democracy including the voice of the Electorate and thus encouraged by the Conservative Party have taken a paid holiday for doing absolutely nothing under the pretext of ‘revising’ the Protocol which the UK signed up to in International Law and is now attempting to wriggle its way out of it. It seems the DUP is also up for sale.

A deplorable state of affairs where the working man’s rule,  NO Work-NO Pay does not apply to these locally elected politicians.

Smith/Johnson Coup D’etat manipulates to the end…
Lately the Bugler asked what of Titanic Smith and Boy Wonder Boris and their gang of handshakers aside that is from their morbid partying on the sloping deck sans the string quartet ?



The Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt PC FRSA (The Rt Hon and PC comes with the PC appointment) Minister for Trade Policy.

Currently we know that Smith/Johnson are greatly disturbed by the rising star of Minister Mordaunt and it is usually a barometer of Smith’s panicking concern when he reappears in person in public worrying that it may well be that he is left with another new loose cannon Prime Minister who once more neither he nor his Masonic manipulators can control or direct. His nightmare Nemesis  Mark II.

A wonderful fiasco as predicted and more to come…

It is surely a measure of their insanity and barometric panic which has set in with the Smith/Johnston gang as they watch the melt down of their devious schemes when they then chose to pick on a relatively inexperienced Minister and let loose, as they see it, their heavy  firepower in the form of the slimy sweaty handed Lord Frost who is nothing if not the UK master of slime to which EU politicians can collectively attest but

then everyone knows who he was and what he did in self-service being the first Rat to leave the ship for the House of Lords…

However, is Smith/Johnston correct in alleging that Minister Mordant is a ‘light weight’ ? Well let her record speak for itself. Certainly at the end of her stampede of ambition she should know her way around the government and surely have learned something?

Member of Parliament since 2010.

Parliamentary Under-Secretary Department for Communities and Local Government
15 July 2014 – 8 May 2015

Minister of State Ministry of Defence ~ Minister for the Armed Forces.
May 2015-July 2016.

Minister of State ~ Department for Work and Pensions
15 July 2016 – 9 November 2017.

Secretary of State for International Development
9 November 2017 – 1 May 2019.

Minister for Women and Equalities ~ Government Equalities Office
30 April 2018 – 24 July 2019.

Secretary of State for Defence (First Female Appointed).
1 May – 24 July 2019.

 Paymaster General ~ HM Treasury
13 February 2020 – 16 September 2021.

Minister for Trade Policy
The Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt PC FRSA.
6 September 2021 ~ To date. The department’s Ministerial disability champion.

Perhaps Titanic Smith and Boy Wonder Boris have reason to be disturbed bearing in mind the latter sacked Minister Mordaunt at an early point and then was perforce required to re~appoint her.

So no Prime Ministerial favours there in the future?

The Ring Side

Meantime we sit at the ringside, amused and bemused, as we watch powerless at the backroom closed doors antics of the 1922 Club. An aptly self-named right wing mind set of handshaking Freemason Clubers commanded by Titanic Smith and Boy Wonder Boris with self-invited ‘Membership’ which is a clique within the English Conservative Club who all without reference any of the Electorate have decided to ‘appoint’ the next English Prime Minister from its shortlist of greedy Smith/Johnson tainted twice round the carousel candidates which, in mixing metaphors, floats on its own gravy train of the plain ill-qualified, ill experienced, greedy ‘Me Too’s’.

Watching these candidates shred each other publicly, members of the same Party and just two weeks ago ‘colleagues’ reminds the Bugler of two things, the Funny Farm at Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service, and the porcine farm yard as these greedy beggars grovel in the muck shrieking with indignation as an opponent grabs a juicy morsel of a point scored in feeble success.

So this is the Conservative Party is it? Or more accurately the failed Smith/Johnson coup d’etat.

One supposes all this indignity is one way to give the coup de gras to the British Empire…time now however to glance at the panting 3 who may have passed our way, amounting thankfully in the case of disabled Fire Service Veterans  to a whole 1 !

The Mordaunts

Minister Mordaunt deals from a hand of cards which she has been dealt in early life which included a difficult and sad start to her family life which without question she handled in a disciplined and loyal family manner, as she should.

There was little time to grow up or to deal with the petty foibles which afflicts the formative years which other adolescents have the luxury of wallowing in.  

In these brutal circumstances one learns to handle it and move forward. Life at that point is rather optionless.

Perhaps in some ways her responses reflects her antecedents?

Minister Mordant makes much play, perhaps too much, on her Britishness and her insouciant association with the Royal Navy where she was an acting sub-lieutenant (in old ship speak ~ a midshipman) which is and remains a civilian in the RN Reserve.

To be an acting Sub-Lieutenant is a harrumphing appointment. No one actually talks to an acting Sub –Lieutenant who are in effect civilian Non Commissioned Warrant Officers in the Royal Navy Reserve because no one actually know what they do.

The lower deck ratings  are unable to connect and actual Officers look down at their polished shoes as though they have stepped in something unpleasant which squawks and then look disdainfully away. They are actually cannon fodder but only to be used in the dire consequences of war…

In fact the Mordaunts were originally Bretons who came from Brittany seeking refuge like the Calvanist Huguenots driven out of a religiously unstable France to England in the 1200’s firstly to Bedfordshire albeit then finding their way to Lancashire.

However the Bretons ecclesiastical loyalties lay with the Papacy and still do.

Eventually the Mordaunts were driven out of Lancashire (Ormskirk) once more by religious instability only this time in England ultimately seeking sanctuary in Catholic Ireland in South Wicklow and North Wexford in the late 17thcentury where later there was a small schism in the family which produced a turncoat and renegade who could be described as the skeleton in the Family cupboard…

“Sir Nicholas Mordaunt complete with Coat of Arms who came from England as a onetime Captain Mordaunt and then variously; Marshal of Thomond; Commissioner for Connaught; Constable of the Castle of Gann and

latterly Knight of Carrick in County Clare.

His ancestry is vague, appearing in neither the Turvey or Massingham Parva family lists but he certainly led an eventful life even if he is not much loved in Ireland’s memory.

He was involved in some very unpleasant events and in this age would be put before the International Criminal Court in The Hague for War Crimes, but he was probably no worse than many other of the English governors of the time”… and so on and so forth…

The Bugler is most grateful to fellow author Henry Mordaunt and his outstanding work on his family genealogy which is a much more colourful history than Minister Mordaunt’s simple association with her Britishness and the Royal Navy, loyal though it maybe.

But what of Minister’s Mordant association , if any, with the 11,000 disabled Fire Service Veterans who Smith/ Johnson  and Pension Minister Guy Opperman MP have always known about  but which Minister Mordant failed to pick up as Pensions Minister before Minister Opperman Go Here.

In her ambitious dash to get her CV rubber stamped as she dashed hither and thither and in the process leaving this pension discipline 7 months later after having upset the Fire Brigades Union and misled parliament or so the FBU alleged.

On the 2nd February 2015 the FBU accused Minister Mordaunt publicly that she had misled them, their employers, and Parliament which was voting on a new Pension Scheme Statutory Instrument.

However in an ‘own goal’ contradictory statement in the same document the FBU quoted the following statement …

“The Secretary of State Eric Pickles reiterated the same guarantee to a House of Commons DCLG committee the day after the debate explaining that firefighters in this situation would be redeployed or given a full pension. He also informed the committee that he thought firefighters had made a very reasonable point.”.

Pickles was Mordaunt’s boss…

Correspondence Library Year 2015 and… Go Here.

The rules whilst learning to be a Minister are that one should always make friends on the way up rather than enemies whom she will surely meet on the way down and one major mistakes, which Minister Opperman her replacement picked up, in a single discipline, is one too many.

To be Prime Minister

Now was Minister Mordaunt  fortunate (?) enough to fulfill her dream and become Prime Minister on the atrocious candidature of the ‘best of a bad bunch’ the wisest move she could make is to promise the Nation before she is selected that she will pick the most experienced, mature, credible politicians to provide stability either within or externally to and supporting her envisaged government  ~ quoting living examples of those who have publicly agreed to help ~ a Coalition of Experience and Wisdom and coincidentally purchasing desperately needed credibility to save a terminally damaged Conservative Party and Nation.

Minister Mordaunt  will also require the services of a publicly acceptable heavyweight mentor of  calibre, for example, the Rt Hon Sir John Major PC who she has previously worked for and who has the earned reputation with his Party, and perhaps the Nation,  as the most successful Conservative Prime Minister since 1997 with the personal qualities of integrity, honesty, but above all else with political experience which has demonstrably been successful in the past and which right now this Nation is sorely in need of.

The Political Assassination of Mordant ~ How it works

So the provisional result is in that the Smith/Johnson coup d’etat corruptly removed Minister Mordant from this Freemason/Conservative Party ‘game’ which denies England’s Electorate its Democracy from beginning to end.

But this ‘game’ is far from over and as always there is many a ‘slip twixt cup and lip’ as they will find.

This is a prime example why England’s Democrats desperately need a written Constitution. So that when any Party receives a Public, never mind the Party, Vote_ of_ No _Confidence, that government is Constitutionally bound to go to the country for a General Election.

Many will ask in bemusement how does this organised circumventing of the Will of the People work?

This sinister corrupt Fascist Freemasonry objective is organisationally simple enough which is to seize power secretly and then control and manipulate through their prior placed agents to deny the indigenous English Citizens of the State power over their own destiny.

Delusional and Canute like they attempting to hold back the tide of demographic change as immigrants flood into England~estimated 60,000-+ this year~ bringing with them not only skills but cultural expectations of change which will ultimately destroy the host nation which to Smith/Johnson’ WASP frustration is happening right now before their eyes.

The establishment of the First openly Freemason controlled State repeatedly slips from their grasp and is as far away as ever.

What continues to amaze  any external observer of England’s demography is that the current Feminist movement is completely unaware who their real opponents are and where the controlling power lies because they lack a visionary like Emily Pankhurst being content to be all Chiefs and no Indians.

Furthermore this secret power is regularly applied and manipulated against them on the basis that women should ‘know their place’ in this ‘male corrupted’  society which the Brethren think they control.

Even more astonishing is the naïve ignorance of media editors and lead journalists who are increasingly female led but who are completely unaware of what is going on around them, little wonder Smith guffaws.

Surely they must know that most male editors have already been bought and are now firmly on the Smith/Johnson pay roll, so much for a free press. Where do these female journalists think the obstruction of their ambitions come from ~ the ordinary man in the street ?

Recently on BBC Radio 4 on the 20th July 2022 a smarmy and chuckling Smith (amused at the media’s lack of savvy) was asked several complex questions including did he organise the political execution of Mordaunt and was he in charge of these events…well he said…in a blatant falsehood because our George is not very bright… he used to be in charge of such events (Chair of the Conservatives) but he wasn’t any more…

Then in follow up blatant falsehoods upon falsehood he was asked several more tedious questions about what his anointed protégé Minister Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss PC MP economic plans were for the nation?

After giving us all his golden economic wisdom he replied, whilst walking the minefield, that he had not spoken to Johnson (who?) for several days nor had he any idea what Truss’s plans were to dig us all out of this catastrophic economic black hole.

Whilst  bearing in mind that it was he and his last protégé Johnson who had created this mayhem in the first place… finally adding beyond common disbelief that he had not spoken to Truss in last few days…really…so how did he strike a deal with her, by semaphore ?

This Smith is the type of dangerous dim witted delusional lying moron who seized another dangerous lying moron and criminal Johnson and turned him into a Prime Minister Mark I, and back into the complete Eton fool and ab initio thug he originally was who now proposes to turn another ‘nobody’ inexperienced politician into a Prime Minister Mark II who tells us he has no idea what Truss has in mind for this beleaguered nation.

Not that he had spoken to her mind you, after striking a deal with her behind closed doors to politically assassinate a fellow Conservative in the same Party.
Mordaunt will not be the last because next will come the tiresome Coffey now that Smith thinks she has served her purpose, he having re-appointed Opperman to be Pensions Minister and the next Secretary of State for the DWP in waiting!

But how did Smith do this, having done it once before in 2019 when the media, like now, are once more completely and naively asleep, or paid to be asleep, on their Watch, little wonder that Smith chuckles.

Regular Readers already know how this Freemason control of events is managed but a concise reprise will no doubt be helpful to those ‘sleeping on Watch’.

The key to all this for Smith are secret lists of names including the roughly 160k Conservative Party Membership throughout the Kingdom (including Orangemen/Unionists in Ireland) who are listed as active Freemasons and thus subject to voting instructions or the alternative ‘blackballing’ ; next comes the retired Freemasons of the same category those who receive the continuing ‘benefits’ of the Brotherhood (including who cuts, or not, your lawn for free)  and can be ‘reminded’ how best they can help by voting as ‘encouraged’.

Lists will include current Tory, Members of Parliament 357; House of Lords 256; Scottish Parliament 31;and the never to be printed ‘sleeper’ Tories with a vote in many Parties and groups including Labour and the Unions.

Next closer to political home there are the 357 Conservative Members of Parliament who are also Freemasons who can be counted on to do their duty as instructed and, if not Freemasons, can be subject to ‘persuasion’ through the Party Whips Office (Freemasons to a gender), or via helpful friendly ‘colleagues’ of all gender types.

The Tory Whips, the MP Stasi arm of the Nazty Party as PM May calls them have at their disposal all the unsavoury gamut of tools including promises of advancement (never to be fulfilled) and including blackmailing ‘intelligence’ they routinely gather on all MPs, not just their own, for just such coup d’etat occasions, when without recourse to the actual Electorate the Conservative Party decides who the next Prime Minister shall be.

Here are a couple of simple examples of how this numbers game charade works:

Mordaunt ~ It was an easy matter to ‘transfer’ the necessary few votes to deselect her; surely even she knows how this works?

Currently the final act of this charade is that we still allegedly have 2 standing candidates awaiting the judgement of the Conservative Party ordinary Members throughout the land, or so it seems, when in fact this decision has already been made on the head count.

All Smith has to do is look at the numbers lists of Freemasons who are also Conservative Party Members set against those who are not and if in the negative then to twist arms, make promises, blackmail all of which are routinely employed  until a positive balance with a healthy margin is tipped in the favour of Smith’s candidate.

The Bugler predicts that it is unlikely that Sunak will succeed because  the English ‘establishment’ remains firmly racist and against (for the moment) having an Asian PM no matter where that person was born.

That is how it works…

Meantime, Edwina Curry commenting on Truss in the Irish Times this week is quoted as saying Truss is a ” Witch with a capital ‘B’ “…well the claws are out and we know how Ms. Currie will be voting.

But the fundamental question will remain when Truss becomes PM and like Johnson power corrupts her will she also decline to listen to this ‘sage’ Smith when she rapidly realises she has no need to listen to anyone, including Smith…then what?

Another meltdown debacle which will run right up against the next General Election like it or not ?

The Penny Farthing Rogues

Next it is time to look closely at the Criminality of the Rogues who carried out Titanic Smith and Boy Wonder Boris’s desires in saving the Exchequer the £5 Billlion in 25% underpaid overdue pensions to 11,000+ disabled Fire Service Veterans and their Beneficiaries.

A fraud by this government which will lie, come what may, on the table of the next new Prime Minister where s/he can reflect whether or not, as intended by the Bugler, it will lie on the table before the European Court of Human Rights for adjudication under Article 6.

Article 6 reads… “The Right to a Fair Trial” …denied in the UK by the President of the Supreme Court Baron Reed ably assisted by his subordinate the Master of the Rolls Sir Geoffrey Vos PC who will both shortly receive a letter of significance which will begin to end their criminality, call them to account, and probably end their personal freedom.

It should cross these ‘illustrious’ but corrupt persons minds in Public Office, whether in post or retired, that if the Prime Minister of the UK can be fined and commence a

Criminal Record then there is now no doubt that no one is  above the Law and is within reach including politicians,  Ministers of State, the Judiciary, and associated Civil Servants  … however we must reiterate the fact we have nothing to lose unlike themselves…

None of these Penny Farthing Rogues would have acted so lawlessly and shamelessly without the certain knowledge and political guarantee that their intended actions had the prior acknowledged support and tacit approval of their organised criminal  fraud by the Leaders of this coup d’etat  Sir George Iain Duncan Smith MP, the author and Architect of the misuse and abuse of the UK Brotherhood of Freemasonry, and of course the chosen criminal one Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the loose uncontrollable ‘cannon on the deck’ who became Prime Minister with the Bugler’s prediction that their coup d’etat would end spectacularly in disgrace which it has.

The disgrace occasioned to England’s reputation both nationally and internationally will take at least a generation to repair, if ever.

Pension Ombudsman Arter & Pensions Minister Mr.Guy Opperman MP

The Pension Ombudsman Antony Arter was appointed in 2015 by the then Secretary of State for the DWP  Sir Iain Duncan Smith PC which was duly reported in the Jewish Chronicle and presumably again when he finally retires from office in July 2021 or was it July 2022 ? But then he had not… ‘in out ,in out, shake it all about’…until finally in July 2022…maybe perhaps? 

In July 2022 he stated ‘It was a privilege to serve’… after forgetting to add … ‘himself’ and at the last count his ‘shares’ in 30+ Pension Schemes… after being forced to extended his tenure from July 2021 to July 2022 by  Prime Minister Johnson at the direction of his ‘controller’ Sir George Iain Duncan Smith PC…its called payback time(in Freemason code) for the cushy number of being ~ fill your pockets ~ The Pension Ombudsman.

This replacement delay was all under the guise that the PM/Smith could not find a suitable replacement (a sacrificial ‘Mason Mug) but it was also required to ensure that Arter continued to toe the line in the political maelstrom which was developing over the PM’s future ~ what future ; the function being to continue to deny and cover up the 11,000+ disabled Fire Service Veterans being underpaid 25% of their pensions amounting to £5 Billion, which Arter originally ‘Determined’ by the deliberate  maladroit ‘misreading’ of the Pension Scheme Statute at the Freemason behest of his Brethren at Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service(which was facing bankruptcy) that all had been paid their correct Pensions.

This entire corrupt act by Arter and his Civil Servants was reported in detail by the Bugler in ‘Journey of Truth’ Chapter 16 and to the Pensions Ministers (who did nothing) who went and came to stay and ultimately to the Chair of the Select Committee for Pension Frank Field MP(who did nothing) and in 2020 to Mr.Stephen Timms MP who continues in post .

Regular and valued Readers may well wish to refresh their recollections about TPO, this cesspit pit of alleged pastoral Pension care in the UK, by re-reading Chapter 16 Journey of Truth where the TPO’s dubious future was left in the capable and sharp witted care of Sir Stephen Timms PC, MP recently appointed Knight of the Realm in June 2022. Appearances can be deceiving. Go Here.

A man from Oldham (Aaah… told ’em Oldham) where the Bugler both lived and served among a thoroughly decent people but who according to the new Oxbridge Prime Minister in waiting Truss  asked (in her imperious manner ~ explained by living south of the Watford Gap) do ‘we’ have an ‘Oldham’ whilst recollecting,  when reminded, that it was in the North West  which she recollected is populated by Neanderthals of the Bone Idle Proletariat variety… apparently…

Just how sharp and quick witted the Rt Hon Sir Stephen can be was reinforced over the long drawn out saga of the appointment of Arter’s replacement commenced in July 2021 which went on for over a year being regularly reviewed with a yellow eye by the Parliamentary Select Committee for Pensions…

FT Adviser ® in an article on February 8, 2022 by Benjamin Mercer© synopsises the corrupt actions by Arter (hardly a surprise) and his handshaking colleague Guy Opperman Pension Minister(even less of a surprise) as they and the Freemasons struggled to identify a fellow Brethern who would be greedy, or mug enough, to take over and drink from this poisoned chalice which the entire pensions ‘industry’ are fully aware of but never report on.

A very uncomfortable…Deer Guy…caught in the headlights of scrutiny whilst dipping his hand once more into corruption…during which he defends his proposed changes to the criteria for the Ombudsman’s appointment by removing the critical need for any Pensions Ombudsman to hold personal legal qualifications whilst discharging this appointment… as a barrister Deer Guy cannot be unaware of what he was attempting to do in circumventing the law in such a brass necked act.

Not only did he know what he was doing but he also knew where the directive to do so was coming from, namely Duncan Smith/Johnson. Another example of ‘pay back time’ in the Brethren for favours rendered and appointments given…

Deer Guy is going to have his ‘discomfort’ repeated because he knows, as we know, he is being publicly corrupt; discomforts which will end up with him having to defend himself in the dock(pro bono) whilst enduring the public humiliation of finding himself disbarred from practising and without any means of income(including a frozen pension) when he ceases being a Member of Parliament because of his Gross Misconduct in Public Office. Another greedy and not terribly bright ‘mug’…

Now to the FT Adviser®…

Benjamin Mercer© ~ Pensions minister Guy Opperman has defended changes to the appointment criteria for the Pensions Ombudsman, after the last recruitment attempt failed to attract a suitable candidate.

Current Pensions Ombudsman Anthony Arter saw his term extended by 12 months in July 2021 after no appropriate candidate emerged to replace him. Arter’s term had been due to end that same month.

The Department for Work and Pensions subsequently amended its hiring criteria for the role, removing the requirement that any candidate applying must be a legally qualified solicitor or barrister. Having removed this as a requirement, the DWP did not see fit to include it in a list of “desirable” qualities for prospective appointees.

Work and Pensions Committee chair Stephen Timms wrote to Opperman in late January asking the minister to lay out the reasons why the requirement was dropped, and to explain how the DWP intends to ensure any appointee would be able to make legally binding determinations without that qualification.

In a letter dated January 28, Opperman explained that the legal qualification was only added to the 2021 recruitment exercise and had not been included in any previous campaign.

“The department routinely reviews job specifications and essential criteria to ensure they remain relevant and to remove any unintended barriers to application. Following the failed recruitment exercise for this post in 2021, a decision was taken to remove this requirement,” he explained. 

“This aligns with previous campaigns and should help to secure a wide and diverse group of applicants. In the unsuccessful campaign, there were just four applications.”

Opperman added that the DWP had decided against including legal qualification as a “desirable” characteristic because it feared this would put off prospective applicants, who “might infer that they did not have a reasonable chance of success”.

“The successful applicant will need a proven ability in weighing evidence, setting out reasoned decisions and understanding principles of legislation. In addition, they will need to demonstrate an ability to make decisions requiring the analysis of complex issues with possible significant legal and financial consequences,” he wrote.

He added that the new ombudsman would be supported by a legal team “that has increased in size and material capability” since Arter was appointed, now consisting of a legal director, 13 lawyers and two technical specialists.

As to how the department would ensure that the next ombudsman would be able to make legally binding determinations that can only be appealed with permission of the High Court, Opperman wrote: “The panel will examine each candidate’s suitability for the role through their application letter, CV, a presentation, and responses to relevant questions.

“Prior to the current post holder, the Pensions Ombudsman, who served for approximately eight years, was not legally qualified. With the increased legal capability at the TPO […], it is not felt that the appointment of an ombudsman who is not legally qualified would increase the probability of determinations being overturned in court.”.

The balance of voting power on the Select Committee(11 Members) is held by the Conservatives-6 nevertheless it was decided that any appointee shall hold legal qualifications for the task bearing in mind that the same Conservatives argued for legal appointment qualifications when they appointed their corrupt Arterhoisted on their own petard!

Of course the same ‘industry’ are also aware, putting it in horsey language for Minister Opperman, that this recently ‘appointed’ mug, a Mr.Dominic Harris from CMS, straight from the pensions ‘industry’ where his financial loyalties both now and in the future lie; is inevitably bound to fall at the first fence when challenged about his partiality/impartiality never mind his qualifications…as they say one born every minute…or with Opperman, was that two?

First on Mr. Harris’s list, guided forcefully by the Chair ( Rt Hon Sir Stepen Timms PC) and the honest members of the Select Committee (if they are to be found) is the permanent rectification of the confidence trickery which TPO  continues to blatantly perpetrate on its ‘customers’ with Pension Complaints resulting in the now perpetual “Determination” ~ “Not Upheld” decision which is pure unadulterated corruption by the avoidance in these narratives  of a single mention of the ‘due process’ which a Complainant is legally entitled to exercise including the Statutory Act should s/he disagree with a ‘Determination’.
Burying their rights in a boring attached leaflet is the current ploy.

All lamentable and manifest discreditable deceit which destroys any remaining confidence in the Pensions ‘industry by routinely applying to all Pension Complaints an institutionalised corrupt act which the Bugler and his comrades are completely au fait with.

We are informed that the TPO legal section has now been expanded with staff who are specifically legally qualified yet TPO has retained legally unqualified “Adjudicators” who continue to produce ‘Opinions’ which we know are of no legal value whatsoever.So why has the legal department been expanded with more professionals if they are not to be used in this critical role?

If a Complainant is represented by legally qualified professional  then these representatives should be alerted by standard statements contained in the narrative of a “Determination” about who they are actually dealing with?

For example an “Adjudicator” throughout the arising correspondence should be required to repeatedly and regularly identify themselves with their personal name and legal qualifications(if any), including if they are an unqualified Civil Servants expressing a personal ‘opinion'(lower case)  coupled with a final statement in every single case should the Complainant be dissatisfied then they are entitled by law(quoted to them) to a “Determination” by the Ombudsman and if further dissatisfied that they are entitled to take the matter forward to the High Court/Court of Appeal …”on a point of Law”…

Currently Coutts and company who are unqualified Civil Servants write the “Determination”(always in favour of the pensions ‘Industry’) then deliberately mislead the Complainant that the Complaint has been handed over to the Ombudsman who never actually sees the Complaint and never applies the Law, which he is required to do by Law, simply because the whole document is created and dispatched by unqualified Civil Servants like Coutts…which is pure criminal fraud.

This cesspit of deceit and corruption has to be pumped out by the complete removal of non legally qualified Civil Servants from the “Determination” process so that all Complainants have confidence in the PTO which is signally missing today…

Now back to Opperman’s historical appointment…
Significantly on the 14th June 2017 Mr. Guy Opperman MP was appointed Under Secretary of State to the DWP, colloquially know as the ‘Pension Minister’.

He replaced Steve Webb himself another doyen of the Pension ‘Industry’ and yet another ‘chosen’ one of Duncan Smith who now advertises himself on the TPO website but who never reveals he was a Minister in control of TPO also held tenure as the DWP Minister of State from 2010 to 2016 in which as we know he retains a keen interest possibly because it is the only department he thinks he knows a little about after having been ‘transferred’ from so many others…and yet he is able to control and manipulate appointments, so far as he can politically can and his ‘guiding hands’ are every present when one studies the bibliography of appointees at the DWP which has revolving front doors because no sooner does a plethora of new candidates arrive than they march straight out to higher things, or mostly oblivion, MsMcVey, who?

So Opperman the next ‘favoured’ one stepped into this career carousel and stayed on and following an induction briefing from the DWP Permanent Secretary at the commencement of his duties and having met TPO Arter, Mr. Opperman’s found himself lock stepped, like it or not, at this early point, to disabled FSV~FMG’s Pension Complaint.

Thus he cannot at any subsequent point deny knowledge of the existence of this Complaint, nor its implications for HM Treasury (£5Billion) and the Government in which he holds, after a late late resignation in response to the unseemly Johnson stampede being then instantly reappointed in July 2022 by Smith/Johnson, back into his old Ministerial post  albeit a junior Under Secretary Minister but with the inducement, for the moment, of working under an increasingly worried DWP Minister of State Dr.T. Coffey PhD PC who can see where all this is leading to Opperman taking over her job when Smith’s new PM arrives, whereup, in spite of currying favour, she will be cast in to the abyss of her manic nightmare political dreams.

Smith realises that if treated so she will sing like a canary and thus he is stuck with the reality that he will have to keep Coffey on board for another ‘long knife’ day.That is called the politics of corruption.

Meantime disabled FSV~FMG’s Complaint lies on many tables and is representative of a ‘Class Action’ Pension Complaint which represents the financial aspirations for the repayment of underpaid pension payments due since 1992 to 11,000+ disabled FSVs and their Beneficiaries which amounts to £5 Billion in arrears and rising by the day.

Nor can Mr.Opperman deny the existence of the call for information from the then Chair of the Pensions Select Committee Mr. Frank Field MP(he did nothing ~ he was chasing a vacancy at the House of Lords ~ which he achieved) and the Bugler’s fulsome response. A response which remains before the Chair of the Parliamentary Pensions Select Committee Sir Stephen Timms PC,MP to whom Mr.Oppermain has to pay political obeisance.

And lest there be any doubt remaining he personally received a letter, one of two, from the Bugler’s barrister (one to another) pointing out that the government he represented, and was a member of, was a party to Criminal Conspiracy to Defraud(which will get Mr. Opperman disbarred) both individual and severally by denying  FSVs and their Beneficiaries their full and overdue Pensions since 1992 which they had paid for in more ways than one… ( Correspondence – Years 2017 & 2020) Go Here.

Next we must look at Mr.Opperman’s rise to criminal infamy…a classic example of what selling your Soul, or if you prefer your Integrity, has led to, and will continue to lead to when accounting time comes, as it will…an intriguing personal narrative during which Mr. Opperman stands his life on its head which is perhaps a poor choice of phrase.

The presence of the Opperman(n)s can be traced back to 1891, principally in Middlesex.

These emigres to England came from the Rhineland in Germany a strip of German land that borders France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.

Prior to WWII  the Opperman(n)s, of Jewish ancestry, were part of a huge exodus from Germany amounting to an estimated 100,000 men, women, and children refugees contained in a research document authored by Rachel Piston whilst at Kings College London entitled ‘Refugees From National Socialism Arriving In Great Britain 1933-1945 ©’ Go Here.

As is the current vogue by this rogue racist government in the case of the Ukrainians they were received none too kindly.

Indeed subsequently after the commencement of WWII with the advent of the Kristallnacht, the little discussed Kinder Transport, and all the horrors that these unleashed they were, en masse, incarcerated on the Isle of man as ‘Enemy Aliens’ and then put on trial, probably for tediously breathing.

Bigotry and anti-Semitism were rife pan Europe during this era.

Indeed in the Bugler’s childhood memories  he and his  brother Emeritus Professor of Atomic Physics and Mathematics Donal J.Burns PhD were chastised by their Father for apparently shrugging their shoulders with a Jewish mannerism even though perplexingly they had many close Jewish family and childhood friends in Belfast including the Solomons and D’Arcy’s of caravanning fame…

The Jewish diaspora in Belfast included ultimately the 6th President of Israel(1983-1993) and original Head of

Mossad, Major-General Chaim Herzog who was born and lived in Belfast, a childhood neighbour of the Bugler’s  Uncle Hugh, successful head of the Burns Brothers Shipping Line.

Chaim moved to Dublin and thereafter quaintly spoke with a pronounced Dublin accent all his successful international life.

Currently his son Isaac, known as “Bougie” Herzog was an Israeli politician head of the Labour Party and Member of the Knesset who is currently serving as the 11th President of Israel since 7th July 2021.

A few years ago the President made a private visit to Belfast at the Bugler’s behest to insist that the Blue Plaque recording the illustrious birth of his Father, damaged by local vandals, be promptly replaced by the Sinn Fein run City Hall...decent people are in short measure enough in Belfast.

Now we must return to the paradoxical Mr. Guy Opperman MP and his vandalism and inhumanity to 11,000 disabled Fire Service Veterans and their Beneficiaries…

It was from this WWII maelstrom of inhumanity he and his family finally emerged making their home in Lanford Wiltshire near Southampton emerging from the ‘Kitchener’ Camp at Sandwich in Kent through the ersatz ‘Trials & Tribulations’ at the Isle of Man (with the resonance of  enforced shipment to Australia, currently Rwanda) where they continue to be successful pump engineers released to help the War effort, with, until recently Guy Opperman as a member of the company board.

One would have thought that the Oppermans have little to be grateful to the British ‘Establishment’ for.

Next the Bugler must look even more closely at the working life of ‘Pensions Minister’ Guy Opperman MP, then Under Secretary of State at the DWP; then he was not; and then he says; “his services were dispensed with”; and now it seems he might or he might not be(Perplexed? Stick with it?); Minister of State(No:2) promoted back to the DWP but first, as ever, we must start at the beginning in this curious twist(because the Bugler knows exactly what is going on when …’first they practiced to deceive’…) to the next Current Affairs Volume 46 …Go Here.