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Edt.010 – 3rd April 2015

Edt.010 – 3rd April 2015.

This Editorial at a Glance:

• Whistleblowing-Witnesses to Hope?

Whistleblowing-Witnesses to Hope?

Dear Reader,

Currently the corrupt LFRS edifice built by Holland(et al) ,  who has the gall to advise this last coalition government on matters Fire Service, and which he left as his legacy, a suppurating mess of common criminality and abuses is fast crumbling into a stinking heap.

It is hardly surprising, and more collapses can be expected, as decent employees of the LFRS finally and privately signal that they have simply had enough…

Indeed the Bugler regularly receives messages of encouragement from those within this sieged castle of naves, thieves, racist thugs, and charlatans whilst their Chief Fire Officer remains uninvolved and as silent as his career grave will become.

It is natural in such circumstance for the decent to distance their precious private good name from such degeneracy and slease .

Once, members of the Lancashire County Fire Brigade, did not hesitate to proudly boast that they served such an august institution in the UK Fire Service. It led the nation, and at one point the world in international rescue, and many other technical developments.

The LCFB was known throughout the world, and the developing word, for its international standing and its professionalism, but above all else its unassailable compassion in the field of international rescue touching as it did the hearts and hands of many of those in distress and penury in far flung places by its direct acts of compassion and its post disaster involvement in these communities.

A compassion which is continued today driven by retired members of the old Brigade.

Alas, thanks to Holland, his mob of knaves who contributed nothing but to their own thieving pockets, and thankfully with a new and tarnished title of the LFRS, destroyed all that outstanding  history and brought only shame to Lancashire.

It takes time and effort in the garden of reputation to grow a beautiful flower, and but a second, by the stamping of a thug’s jackboot, to wipe it all out…

These beleaguered and courageous Witnesses of Hope who wish for a better day can be reassured that the Bugler not only listens but acts upon the confidential evidence presented to it in this valiant, and ever growing attempt to eject these thugs, and seize back and repair the reputation of the ‘Service’ and the good name of the Community of Lancashire which the corps of the old Brigade loved and served.

In decent people there will always be a concern for the preservation of their employment and that is only natural given in the LFRS what they have seen happen to others and what the distrusted and shameful Kenny has allowed to happen to them and least of all to his disabled Fire Service Veterans, their Widows, and their families.

These worries and concerns are the very food upon which thugs like Hamilton and Warren feed their oppressive urges and by decent courageous people speaking out and reporting criminality they are at a stroke, as we have seen recently, neutered and made impotent.

The law also provides protection for the decent in the workplace when finally they have had enough and choose to speak out for a better day. Go Here.

Nevertheless even with this protection in place there will be those who hesitate, for perfectly human and understandable family reasons.

However the quality of a normal working lives must be retrieved and made free from lowering their voices, or looking over their shoulder, or of being cautious about those they may  wish to share a concerned thought about the wellbeing of the organisation they serve in or its reputation in the Community they serve.

This situation of abnormality at work will never change unless there is the common will to exchange oppression for the freedom which a healthy democracy provides in the workplace.

To that end the Bugler will continue, in gratitude, for the common cause of the Brigade in which we used to serve with such pride, to accept any verifiable information/evidence from these Witnesses to Hope from any source, at any time, and in any place, guaranteeing absolute confidentiality.

Hope is, as we well know, the last theological virtue to die knowing well that we have all our daily operational lives applied it in succour for those we were serving out on the mean streets.

We of the corp of the old Brigade have a continuing duty to those of this present generation who serve not to allow hope, aspiration, and healthy ambition to die in their daily work.

We simply cannot allow it…

As Holland would most certainly understand, because it is his nazty raison d’etre, the end justifies our means…

Courage mes frères, mes soeurs, et mes amis…welcome to the battle for your future