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Vol36 ~ 30th October 2020

Current Affairs ~ Volume 36 ~ 30th October 2020
This Volume at a Glance:

• The Hallowed Portals of the Citadel of UK Justice ?

• Lord Justice Sir Timothy Fancourt ~The Tape,Transparency, and Corruption?

• LJ Fancourt Transcript ~ Some Thoughts;

• LJ Fancourt  Follies ~ His Judgement ~ Confused Alacrity;

• Where To Now? ~ Back to the Court of Appeal;

• Tyrant Procrastinators ~ In the Cerberus land of the Judicially dead !

The Hallowed Portals of the Citadel of UK Justice ?

Before we commence this Inquiry into the Judiciary we ought to remind these Civil Servants, because in spite of their self-aggrandisement, of which you will see a sickening example later, this is what they simply are….civil servants in fine embroidery…  “But the Emperor has no clothes!”.

They are not above the law;  any attempts, as we have already seen, to delay Justice is quite simply a denial of Justice; but is more importantly the criminal offences of, in complicit conspiracy, to pervert the course of Justice which the Bugler and his courageous colleagues shall not hesitate to proceed against with public vigour and support; against, the very antitheses of law officers in the highest offices who have sworn to uphold the Law.

The disabled FSVs and their Beneficiaries have nothing to lose, unlike these Judges…

Ironically, because We the Citizens, through Parliament, are the Law, not they, we are protected in our lawful endeavours by the Law Lords ruling of 1993 colloquially known as the ‘Derbyshire Principle’.

For the refresher these Judges might need they ought to, Go Here.

Lord Justice Sir Timothy Fancourt ~The Tape & Transparency?

Meantime, disabled FSV~MFG has awaited the Tape and the Transcription of the LJ Fancourt  Court of Appeal Hearing held on the 3rd July 2020 which the Bugler intended to publish.

This should provide an insight for Readers on the extraordinary basis under which this Hearing was held, the calibre of it in Judicial terms, and its plain lack of old fair play.

The Clerk to LJ Fancourt, Mr. Brilliant, who has been more than helpful, promptly passed the 1 hour tape to the transcribing contractors UBIQUS who seem confused about what they did, or did not, receive and until this is finally provided, Barrister Mr.J.M.C-B is unable to review it, and then disabled FSV~FMG can trudge back to the Court of Appeal.

Immediately after this Hearing disabled FSV~FMG penned a contemporaneous note of his impressions. It is a useful insight into the ‘game’. Go Here.

In the likely event that his eminence LJ Fancourt would not deign to reply the Bugler began to assemble the evidence against him which he has so generously provided .…

It seems there are questions of integrity to be publicly addressed to Sire Timothy who at least on the face of it can be bought quite cheaply and in the process his acquired ‘favours’ are being repaid? Once more the stench of corruption arises in ‘due process’.

If we must provide ourselves with cynical amusement then we should go back to LJ Fancourt’s triumphal, if nauseatingly obsequious, entrance to these Hallowed Portals.Go Here.

A fascinating, if not, a fascinated audience of LJ Fancourt’s Peers, including the Lord Chief Justice and the Master of the Rolls.

But, as LJ Fancourt will discover, where this case is concerned, nothing comes without its price; in both personal integrity, and professional esteem.

It seems that those who touch, with corruptly contaminated hands, this honourable case by disabled Firefighters and their Beneficiaries must learn the first lesson that all Probationer Firefighters learn which is that their ‘game’ is a dangerous ‘game’ and can lead to expected, but sometimes fatal consequences, in this instance, Judicial careers.

Judges have a lot to lose including their freedom; but we have not.

As we have seen before the Knightly Sire is about to become a Freemason in distress, one wonders who will rescue him?

He can rest assured, it will not be disabled Firefighters; he sold his career cheaply and made himself fair game.

Now we will turn to the next matter, which driven by frustration at this deliberate policy of delay controlled by unseen hands, led disabled FSV~FMG as the Litigant~in~Person to write directly to the Master of the Rolls Sir Terence Etherton PC accompanied with updating material for the Appeal case file (all in any event already held on the publicly financed EFile system, all +/- 400 pages, for lodging legal documents) and with another £1199.0 Appeal fee.

When finally in October 2020 the part transcript arrived…and, like it or not, the truth revealed itself; but since when there has been an evolving sequel.

The Golden Rules of a Working Man, which these Judges will not be remotely familiar with, is ‘when in a hole stop digging’..coupled with… ‘respect is earned’ it does not come with the ‘fancy trappings’.

We will await more creative excuses, and it should be said that the Bugler and disabled FSV~FMG commanded 400 or more Firefighters of all Ranks and because the former was a Member of the Parole Board there will not be an excuse/explanation that the Bugler will not have heard a much better variant of…

But first the open letter to the Master of the Rolls, Go Here.

LJ Fancourt Transcript ~ Some Thoughts

Naturally in everything connected with Justice you will note disabled FSV~FMG had to pay for this transcript with its mysterious ‘gaps’ in it…

According to those who would know, within the Judiciary, this is an old chestnut where the Judge instructs his Clerk either not to start the tape until an appropriate (to the Judge) point is reached, or else ends it prematurely, both of which occurred at this suspiciously odd Hearing.

Is this not manipulating to pervert the course of Justice?

In concert with giving TMB Readers the unique opportunity to act as Jury on two junior malleable High Court Judges they also have the opportunity to cast a jaundiced eye on the manipulative skills of the ‘controllers’ of these corrupt acts which surely must include either the Lord Chief Justice Baron Burnett of Maldon;  the Master of the Rolls Sire Terence Etherton PC ; or A.N.Other with the managerial power to originate these disastrous events.

It is not disastrous for either FSV~FMG case (the reverse in fact), the Bugler or his supporters, but for the Public edifice of Justice and its attempted blatant perversion within the Courts of Chancery and Appeal.

But before we give the Readers the opportunity to make up their own minds on what the actual intent was which lay behind this charade we must provide the  Fancourt transcript for their deliberation and then a retrospective reprise with editorial comments on how disabled FSV~FMG found himself at this rather embarrassing chaotic point at the Courts of Chancery and Appeal in what is supposed to be an orderly world?

As we know from previous experience … ‘Oh what a wondrous web they weave when first they practice to deceive’?… Let us see at whom the evidence points the finger of complicit conspiratorial deceit in all this.

But first to the stumblings of an errant boy who hardly knew what he was being commanded to do; but surely could not be as thick as the proverbial ‘workhouse custard’ in  carrying out a task that reeked of the putrescence of a ‘fix’  and who was so ill prepared that it equated with a fire appliance, commanded by the village idiot, being sent out to a funeral pyre of Judicial careers, with an empty water tank…

Both Falk and he were forced to operate outside their zone of judicial competency.

Fancourt’s ‘part’ performance,27minutes missing, Go Here.

By the way the Ombudsman LJ Fancourt refers to, was actually the Deputy Ombudsman, and was a SHE

LJ Fancourt Follies ~ His Judgment ~ Confused Alacrity

LJ Fancourt’s Full Approved Judgement has finally arrived after four months though there are no indications on it, how many Editions there were before this ‘approved’ Edition made it to publication; but we can all guess.

As clerk Warren at the LCFA/LFRS put it so well when engaged in similar dubious activities… “this is sticky territory”…when discussing his ‘Hardship Road’, it is indeed.

But first we must reprise events in this West End Follies which got us to this laughingly calamitous point… bearing in mind it is not too serious because no one has died, but the prediction is a few careers will expire…

Unlike the experience in the Royal Courts of Justice in Belfast, who set a very high bar in the humanities where these LiP/Mackenzie Friends were concerned, there remained the well-founded  feeling of foreboding when the first approach was made to the Court of Appeal.

It was expected that the Deputy TPO would regardless of the law find against the Appellant and she did. She never addressed the simple question…  “Why are we all being paid the wrong pensions?”.

Ms. K. Johnson is a third rate barrister (that high I hear you cry ) who has found her cosy niche in life (and ironically pension) in the Civil Service.

When one evaluates her record on pension cases it is only under the most extraordinary circumstance that she will ever find against the pension trade and/or the government. In this case she was happy to take the opinion of a lowly unqualified lay clerk in the pension department of the LCFA in preference to the Statute Law.

It seems she is another legal eagle who is happy to take a handful of corn today for tomorrow. The fact is that if she was barrister of independent integrity she would be out in practice in the Courts  but such ‘professionals’ are to be found in similar circumstances right across the UK in local government drawing the pithy comment … ‘well if they were any good  they would not be working there in the first place would they’…

 Johnson does what she is told by Arter the PO another pension industry self-server who has already been put on notice by the new Chair of the DWP Pensions Select Committee Mr. Stephen Timms M.P. that his days are numbered. Not that it will in the slightest distress him because he knows his pathetic future is well assured back in the pension ‘industry’. It is a well trodden path of corruption.

If it was not so laughable Arter even used  the forgettable nome de plume  “ Mr.O’ Brien”  to write to TMB purporting to be a free agent relating how wonderful these corrupt individuals who ‘work’ for him at the TPO were but without the courage to sign his own name. Another creature of the night…

The Select Committee needs to do us all a favour and throw this ‘independent’ organisation on the scrapheap. £5 mil a year can be better spent in actually protecting pension mostly from the predators of ‘pensions industry’.

But Arter was able via Johnston to pass a poisoned chalice to his social chum the Master of the Rolls to a stupendously naïve and inexperienced LJ Falk who had no perceptible pension law experience but who was gulled by her mentor Sire Terence  to provide a ‘denial’ of justice  to the Appellant.

It is to her credit that LJ Falk woke up belatedly to see that her inexperience was being cynically exploited, and worse, she was being used in a perversion of justice and she attempted to retain control of events right up to the point of her second proposed Hearing (on her own original Judgment? ) on the 3rd July 2020.

But as we know The Lord Chief Justice Baron Burnett of Maldon; or the Master of the Rolls Sire Terence Etherton PC; or A.N.Other (these powerful hands at work)  knew they had to intervene.

Or their purpose to corruptly pervert Justice in the service of the government and/or Freemasonry, the former via the Pension Minister Mr. Guy Opperman M.P., would not be served unless and until LJ Falk was extraordinarily dismissed from this case. 

By now, in such an incestuous organisation (the Fire Service is very similar) one can suppose that every ‘jungle drum’ that could be beaten was beaten, and every leaf of the ‘grapevine’ was aquiver with gossip. Nothing like this has ever happened before ~ the sacking of a Judge ~ mid case.

It is not difficult to imagine the impact this will have on the collective morale of the lower ranks in every internal discipline in the High Court Judiciary.

But a replacement had to be  found to urgently shore up a collapsing intrigue of corruption and so arose Sire Fancourt.

Now Fancourt, unlike Falk who was plucked from 30 years of obscurity as a tax avoidance solicitor to carry the flag of ‘diversity’ into the heartland  of the very apotheosis of bigotry and discrimination in all its accomplished forms; Fancourt was time served at the Bar and knew immediately what he was being tasked/ordered to do, but he was tasked to operate outside his competency.

One presumes that he had a modicum of intelligence though as events were to demonstrate this modicum was sorely tried and regularly deserted him as he carefully placed his feet in this career bog of corruption.

Nevertheless he will rapidly have evaluated his career, the pro and cons, whilst recognising his great weakness, his lack of experience and knowledge in pension law, which is a long intellectual stretch from Land Contract law and found that the benefits outstretched the deficits. His powers of rapid evaluation, unlike the Bugler’s stock in trade, are very poor and not to be relied upon.

Perhaps in today’s university parlance he thought he … “could wing it”.. based on Falk’s flawed judgment but as he discovered it takes better wings than his to ‘fly it’. So unimaginatively he followed the clerk Wisdom’s words all the way along via Johnston and Falk to his own door while resolutely ignoring the actual law.

However, the Bugler and FSV~FMG’s street wise experience knew what his brief was before he opened his mouth at the ‘Fix-it’ Hearing. Nothing beats street wise experience…

Now that we have LJFancourt’s  Full Approved Judgment before us the Bugler et al can study it word for word. This is what is in effect a very simple case…  “Why is the LCFA paying us the wrong pensions?”. This required an incisive, effective, and rigorous legal mind thus far not in evidence.

LJ Fancourt’s struggle, torn as it was between any sense of Justice, self Avarice and any Decency he might possess is plain to see, but occasionally the Pearls of Wisdom do pop up before the swine of corruption.

Indeed there is in his anthropomorphic struggle a very apt quote the Bugler ought to share with LJ Fancourt as the sun sets on his career. It is in Matthew 7:6 ; In Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount… “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces”.

Of course after the ritualistic  ‘tearing to pieces’ of his peer group, what is holy here and what has escaped both Falk and Fancourt’s attention is the theft of pension monies from our hard pressed deserving Widows and Beneficiaries…

There is an ancient Gaelic expression in Ireland which goes … ‘you can have no luck for the rest of your life after stealing from Widows and Orphans’…

There are only two ‘Pearls of Wisdom ‘ in LJFancourts’s Judgement which the Bugler quotes as follows:

Paragraph 6:the appeal was finally properly issued in the High Court on 4 February 2020.”.

N.B. Where it remains to this day on EFile having been stayed to allow these ‘Permissions to Appeal’ to be dealt with.
Indeed, an Application for an Extension of Time, encouraged by Court of Appeal, also lies on EFile awaiting their Lordships  pleasure when they finally get round to it?

Paragraph 15: …“The relevant provisions of the scheme are, first, in appendix one, where Part B differentiates between an ordinary pension, at paragraph B1, and an ill-health award, at paragraph B3. It is common ground that Mr G is entitled to an ill-health award and not an ordinary pension.”.

N.B. This begs the question if, as LJFancourt confirms in his Judgment, ‘it is common ground’ that FSV~FMG is ‘entitled to an ill-health award and not an ordinary pension’ why did he avoid dealing with the actual lead Point~of~Law and bury himself on notional promotion and the meanings of words? Avoidance?

For the actual LJ Fancourt  Approved Judgment, Go Here.

Where to Now ? ~ Back to the Court of Appeal?
Yes indeed, where we will unstay our action against the LCFA based on Points~of~Law and force the Judiciary, publicly if necessary, to do what  the Bugler and others had to do for a life time of Service, their duty.
Tyrant Procrastinators ~ In the Cerberus land of the Judicially dead !
Indeed they are back…but having laid out the story line to you Dear Reader and the likely participants in the Judiciary let us see who the authors of this ‘game’ really are and which ‘Master’ they are really serving from within a Judiciary which prides and proclaims itself worldwide as the greatest example of Judicial Independence from the Executive ?

Are they indeed?

One wonders what the UK Supreme Court are going to make of all these embarrassing shenanigans to say little of the European Court of Justice (these foreigners?) if we are forced to go there finally for Justice?

But the Question at Law raised by the disabled FSVs and their Beneficiaries and now confirmed by the Fancourt Judgment remains unaltered; still it refuses to go away, since 1992, in some cases:

“Why are we being underpaid a Rule B1 Ordinary Pension by the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority(LCFA) as though we left the UK Fire Service voluntarily, time served, fit and well, when in fact the LCFA originally decided to compulsorily discharge us, their disabled Fire Service Veterans, with a Rule B3 enhanced compensating ill-health pension?”.

Recently the former boss of BHStores (a crooked mate  of Sir Philip Green ~ the one with the ‘pension funds’ yacht) received an unduly lenient 6 years in jail for, as the Judge put it, ‘stealing from the people’.

One wonders when the buses pull up in front of the Old Bailey, because it will takes buses to bring all the criminals the Bugler has had to deal with on the saga.

Criminals ranging from Ministers of the Crown, to Heads of ‘independent’ Government departments, through the whole gambit of ‘penny for a dozen’ national and local politicians of all parties, right down to the Warrens and Wisdom’s of the Lancashire world.

What punishment ought they to receive individually

because as participating individuals in this national scandal they knowingly stole from Disabled Fire Service Veterans and their Beneficiaries ?

It is to be hoped that this collective of thieves (for which there must be a singular collective noun) does not include either, by public implication, or evidentially based impugnation, members of the Judiciary  who ought to join Judge Philip (Nelson) Butler on his disgraced unemployable bench…

The Hound of Hades is sometimes shown with two heads and various body parts (this breathtaking art by Mr.Rodwong), but the most familiar form is the three-headed Cerberus.

While Cerberus, one of Echidna’s children, is said to be so fierce that the Gods fear him and his flesh-eating, he remains in Greek mythology the watchdog in the land of the already corrupt and dead !

Soon we must publicly muster all our resources to demand our right to Justice in this land of the judicially dead…