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Vol43 ~ 13th January 2022.

Current Affairs ~ Volume 43 ~ 13th January 2022
This Volume at a Glance:

• Letter to the Right Honourable Mr. Jacob Rees-Mogg MP:

◊ Lord President of the Privy Council.
◊ Leader of the House of Commons;

• A collation of 334 pages (a bundle in legal parlance) of the narrative of the legal battle;

• The Collapse of  Sir George Iain Duncan Smith PC ~ Coup D’etat and Junta;

• The Collapse of the great UK ‘Brexit experiment’ ~ the first King Rat off the ship ~ Repeating a Trend;

• Shackling the Horses to the Tumbril ~ The Conservative Party Plans its Purge & Who?

• A Servant of the People?

• The World Watches and Laughs ~ CIA ~ China ~ Russia;

The Rt Hon Rees-Mogg MP

A cover letter was sent from the Bugler to an exhausted Rees-Mogg with an  attached collation of 334 pages (a bundle in legal parlance) of the narrative of the legal battle to this point by the Litigant-in-Person disabled FSV~FMG.

Perhaps it was the intellectual challenge which exhausted this poor chappie.

What must these ‘Johnny Foreigners’ think and these confusingly ‘light weight Scotch’  politicians painted in blue wode, fortunately north of the border ?

Image © The Irish Independent.

Now Dear Reader to prevent an other intellectual seizures in our ‘elite’ a few words of guidance might be in order.

This collated bundle was ultimately necessary to prevent all these unprincipled principals involved from being able to cry ignorance of the existence of all this correspondence directed at them and in its own way demonstrates the criminal lengths they all went to, to pervert the course of Justice, and consequentially  the diverse methods used by the Bugler and disabled FSV~FMG to ensure they did receive the documentation even though the recorded data stream of the Bugle Website recorded in digital detail their visits in spite of using proxy locations which perversely in their own way actually record all their efforts at subterfuge.

The narrative basically consists of 3 parts, a) the cover letter to R-M; b) the unsolicited invitation to provide a report to the Public Accounts Select Committee Chair 59 pages including Appendices; c)  a 203 bundle including appendices of the complete Court procedures involved to the President of the Supreme Court.
Duplication in Appendices is inevitable given the evasive characters the Bugler has had to deal with…

Later the Bugler will look at all these shady characters and see what options they think they have for political or judicial career survival set against the coming Conservative Government Purge in this banana Republic…

Once more the prophesy remains intact…he or she who touches this sacred Journey for Truth and Justice with corrupt sullied hands will pay a fearful price including the loss of their personal freedom because indeed they cannot be allowed to be above the law…

 For Direct Download … To find the ‘Download Arrow’ Icon… go to the bottom footbar; use the first icon on the extreme
right; the three dots … then 4th item down to ‘Download’.

Collapse of  Sir George Iain Duncan Smith PC(GIDS) ~ Coup D’etat and Junta
This Putsch Leader, lead Freemason and former leader of the Conservative Party is going to have to do a whole lot more talking out of the other side of his mouth in the days that lie (pun intended) ahead…

China indeed?
Desperate men clutch at desperate straws in the hurricane that is blowing him and his Freemason ilk away…

Is this the best that UK Military Intelligence 5 (an oxymoron) in its pathetic smoke and mirrors distraction for GIDS has in its armoury right now?

And here is the Bugler supplying them and GIDS with all these predictions of how it will all end collected over their Belfast BT wire taps; email blocking, spamming, and rerouting; to say nothing of the brute force attacks on the Bugler’s website?

So the Bugler next moves on to end-to-end encryption. Even with all this sophistication the Bugler’s opponents are incapable of stopping a person getting on a bus knocking on a door and getting to talk to an investigative journalist, but they need to ask themselves are all these man-hours worth the return on information which continues to flood resolutely  past them ?

Later  the Bugler provides an example of this public flood tide of information in respect of the complete truth about Rees-Mogg…

Collapse of the great UK ‘Brexit experiment’ ~ the first King Rat off the ship
A King Rat Freemason getting off the ship… now there is a relieved man…we have been here before in Lancashire…
Shackling the Horses to the Tumbril ~ The Conservative Party Plans its Purge but Who?

Mr. Gary Opperman MP Under Secretary of State as Pensions Minister within the DWP is deserving of a place in a standing room only tumbril and he will most certainly not survive politically.

He has corrupt hands that made war on the Disabled, Women, Widows, and Orphans…

In Irish folklore every young Irishman is taught never to make war on Women, Widows, and Orphans. Indeed this virtue was enshrined in Ireland’s Declaration of Independence in 1916 and those that do so will pay a heavy price beyond their own horrific imagining…

Repeatedly the Bugler has alluded to this virtue and its price when thoughtfully and deliberately breached when writing to, and about these criminals, engaged in this chain of corruption with its denial of the Human Right to Justice and lack of basic Humanity.

There is always a price to pay…

Sadly here is confirmation of a prophecy fulfilled…

Mr. Opperman is MP for Hexham and the local Chronicle News North East and the BBC reported his thought and words…

“Hexham MP who lost twin babies in pandemic criticises PM Boris Johnson for Downing Street parties.  “I was not able to go there to support them”: Guy Opperman says he feels “emotional” about the party as his wife and kids were unwell and in hospital at the same time…”

 “The MP for Hexham said that Johnson needed to change his ways and get better people around him.”.

Does this include himself and his ‘boss’ Coffey at the DWP and their criminal intriguing with Baron Reed the President of the Supreme Court , Sir Geoffrey Vos Master of the Rolls and Coulson his ever eager servant?

In the end it is always the innocent who pay the price…they need to change their ways and they need to correct this grievous and shameful wrong…

A Servant of the People?

Rt Hon R-M PC laughing insanely at his own joke about a “lightweight” Scots MPs in the Mother of all Parliaments.

As the Bugler’s Mother used to say in her charity … “More to be pitied than laughed at…”.

And as his nanny Veronica Cook used to say… “Jacob you really need to stop chewing your fingernails!”… but then you are going to be doing a whole lot more of that shortly.

From childhood we are all encouraged nay conditioned to tell the truth.The truth is white and a lie is black; all very simple but this ignores in the spectrum the colour grey which is the natural refuge of politicians. It is neither true nor false perhaps a shade of both?

Rees-Mogg presumes and projects a figure of glory and honour, albeit deliberately and misleadingly, a little idiosyncratic.

More often than not such men have gained their authority by virtue of their own unaided efforts claiming and assuming rank and faux aristocratic status by having, or at least claiming to possess, these attributes and presenting themselves as having the innate characteristics of a ‘gentlemen’ but more honest men are locked up.

From direct experience the Bugler and his disabled colleagues know in matters pension that Rees-Mogg is a fraudster. What the Select Committee of Standards may unearth is another matter.

So who is the real Rees-Mogg and where did he come from?

That question was addressed a few days ago by Mr. Ian Jack a professional columnist and Investigative Journalist of long standing with the Guardian® ; this is his published© and accredited work

To find the original Go Here.

and if not there then in the TMB Correspondence Library,  Chapter 2022. Go Here.

“The MP’s grandfather worked as a dairyman and lorry driver, but this does not fit his carefully cultivated public image

Just to the south of London’s great stations for the north – Euston, St Pancras and King’s Cross – an old and rather careworn neighbourhood serves the traveller’s needs. Cheap beds, cheap food and drink, drugs probably, sex formerly. Finer amusements had been planned for the site: in 1830 a project known as the Royal Panharmonium Pleasure Gardens, which was to include a theatre, ballroom and music gallery, went bankrupt before it was finished. In its place came a square and a few streets of modest brown-brick houses, built just before flat-fronted Georgian went out of fashion.

Knowing no better, I stayed in a comfortless room there on a winter’s night in the 1960s. Shillings fed the meter for the gas fire, a light bulb hung from the ceiling, and in the early hours of the morning the door shook with a tremendous banging as a man’s slurred voice called out for a woman. The area is more respectable now, but in some ways nicely unchanged. True, there’s a Travelodge and a Comfort Inn, but also a Macdonald hotel and a Jesmond Dene hotel, which speak of a time when travellers coming or going from stations north of the Tyne liked to be reminded of home.

Thomas Morris and his wife Eileen (nee Shakespeare) moved to the district just before the second world war. Morris was a Londoner of Welsh ancestry, whose father had migrated from rural Cardiganshire and set up shop as a grocer and dairyman in the East End somewhere around 1900: a typical story of a time when Welsh migrants were estimated to own half the dairies in London. His wife died soon after Thomas was born in 1908. Father and son went on living together in Hackney until 1934, when Thomas married Eileen, daughter of a printworks compositor. He and his bride moved first to the set of parallel streets in north London known as the Harringay Ladder, and then to Birkenhead Street and its fine view north to the facade of King’s Cross station and the occasional drift of steam and smoke escaping through its arched roof.

Their daughter Gillian was born here in 1939, with her father’s occupation described as “motor lorry driver” in the register. But he got on. He became a car salesman for an Austin dealership, joined the Conservative party, won a seat on St Pancras council and eventually served a year as its mayor, by which time the family had moved a few hundred yards from Birkenhead Street to a flat in Queen Alexandra Mansions, a giant slab of Edwardian red brick behind St Pancras town hall. The car showroom was only 10 minutes’ walk away, the council chamber lay just across the street, and, when the time came, Gillian found a job around the corner in Gray’s Inn Road in the offices of the Sunday Times.

She was hired as a secretary to the city editor, William Rees-Mogg. Their subsequent courtship was prompted by his colleague, the writer Hunter Davies, who tipped him off that she was threatening to quit; he was so absorbed by the gold standard that she might as well not have existed. (In his written account, Davies said: “Hey, have you heard about Gillian? She is going to leave.” “Who?” “Your blooming secretary, that’s who! You have missed your chance there, William.”) And out of this happenstance came a long and happy marriage and five children, the fourth of them christened Jacob William.

So far as I can tell, the leader of the House of Commons and lord president of the council rarely mentions this side of his ancestry. Not, I suspect, because he’s ashamed of it – a lorry driver’s rise to town mayor perfectly illustrates the Tory faith in individual enterprise – but because it doesn’t fit the caricature he has made of himself. The top hat, the tailcoat, the waistcoat, the striped trousers, the white tie, the six elaborately named children (one of them Alfred Wulfric Leyson Pius), the drawl, the languor: matched with a grandad who drove a lorry, such a creation becomes a pitiable mountebank, Alfred Doolittle dressed for a wedding, rather than the courtly eccentric, the “honourable member for the 18th century”, which is how Rees-Mogg likes to present himself.

His paternal forebears are a greater support, having lived in large stone houses that, though no longer in Rees-Mogg ownership, still stand and bear names. The manor at Farrington Gurney, Cholwell House at Temple Cloud, Ston Easton Park (“exceptionally sumptuous” – Nikolaus Pevsner) near Bath – a train of Somerset dwellings that began in the 17th century, to be joined by a second train of a similar kind when in 2007 Jacob married Helena de Chair, the daughter of Somerset de Chair and his fourth wife Lady Juliet Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, previously the Marchioness of Bristol. He is said to have proposed at Lady Juliet’s country house under one of its six Van Dycks.

The weight of all this social connection and genealogy – the coats of arms, the Latin mottos, the drinks trolley – might weaken the mind of most of us, like a blow to the head with a Debrett’s Guide. Rees-Mogg, despite his enthusiastic immersion in it, remains as sharp as a tack. His assets include a £5m house in Westminster and the freehold of a building in Pall Mall, reported to be worth £4m. In 2020 his dividend from Somerset Capital Management, the investment firm he co-founded, came to £800,000 (last year he’s thought to have made £200,000 less). He has a London flat. When in Somerset he and his family live at Gournay Court, a 17th-century house that was restored and enlarged by King George V as a home for his epileptic youngest son, Prince John, who died before it was ready. A household presence is his old nanny, Veronica Crook, now nanny to his children; the same nanny that he took canvassing with him when he contested the former mining constituency of Central Fife in the 1997 election, perhaps in a misplaced attempt to be lovable or, more probable, to be noticed.

We met once, at a village hustings in North East Somerset during the 2010 election campaign. A predictable sentiment follows: he was charming. But onstage I notice he said something twice for emphasis: you don’t make the poor rich by making the rich poor. Nobody in the audience looked particularly rich but there were sounds of agreement. With 41.3% of the vote, he took the seat from Labour and went on increasing his majority with a 49.8% share in 2015 and 53.6% in 2017, dropping only 3.2 percentage points in 2019. And during these years he praised Donald Trump (“our greatest ally after Brexit”), questioned the effects of climate change, suggested that his party should collaborate with Ukip, praised Nigel Farage, fought for the hardest of Brexits, and doubted the “common sense” of the victims of the Grenfell fire. The people of North East Somerset seem to like him.

This week, walking around the streets of King’s Cross to see where his grandparents had lived, I began to hum the old music hall song: “I’m Burlington Bertie, I rise at ten thirty / And saunter along like a toff / I walk down the Strand with my gloves on my hand / Then I walk down again with them off …” The male-impersonator Ella Shields made the song popular towards the end of the first world war. Like Rees-Mogg, she favoured a top hat and tails while performing – a swell’s outfit and a disguise”.

Given the fact that Rees–Mogg is under investigation by the House Select Committee for Standards over his machinations in respect of his private financial affairs as they relate to the House it is unlikely that Rees-Mogg will be troubled by the small matter of seditious misconduct when it comes to the Sovereign Lady the Queen, will it?


Then along comes the biddable Belfast BT wire tappers with their weary old gear for their boss Wallace another Scot lead Freemason, the Security Minister, and the Bugler’s MP who has his own worries with a ‘foreign’ investor within a cock stride of the magic number 25 which translates into 25% ‘foreign’ ownership of BT which will lead to the neutering of this spying role on its own UK Citizens in this pure and wonderful Democracy.

What if this ‘investor’, a ‘man of straw’, was in fact the masquerading Chinese Government?

Would this explain why there is a panic rush to Parliament by GIDS/Wallace to implement a new UK law that prevents such ownership…it never rains but it pours…well they wanted to be in charge.

The problem is neither of these noveau ‘elite’ have ever been in charge of anything above platoon(poltroons)/Captain rank in their brief military lives, the personification of ‘Dads Army’…

Was the Rt Hons GIDS and Wallace other ‘lightweight’ Scots MPs that Rees Mogg MP had in mind when he had his fit of laughing insanity in the ‘House’?

Next the Bugler must look at the remaining ‘Scandalous Fraudulent Gang of Five’ after of course Opperman, namely Cabinet Minister (DWP) Coffey PC and her legal marionettes, President of the Supreme Court Baron Reed PC and Master of the Rolls Vos PC and his lick spittal Coulson.

Their scheming for survival with its  interaction and who they might be driven to trust ; their own self survival defence plan already in place and will it work to pass Public scrutiny; all before they are driven to bailing out with their pension parachutes and taking to their off shore financial life rafts…the removal of the Ministerial car with all its associated trappings of power ; the removal of the sanctity  and obeisance  of their protective Court Rooms….who will want them then?…just how safe will they all be from private prosecutions?

Well none of this has protected them up until now has it? Nor will it…they have a price to pay also…

The World Watches and Laughs ~ CIA ~ China ~ Russia

The Rule is everyone spies on everyone else never mind this nonsense of ‘special relationships’.

For many years now TMB has received regular visitations from the above Nations and sometimes individuals from these homelands. All are welcome to come. None of them have indicated malevolent intent because TMB can always rely on MI5 (Big Brother) to fulfill its government’s bidding, poorly it should be said.

Perhaps it gives these visitors an insight into a democracy which has been around in England since about 1600 in one shape or another; a system of governance in and for England to which they might wish to aspire.

The Bugler views remain unchanged that democracy has reached a plateau in his life time and that a new 2022 form of democracy is required to make it more transparent and accountable to its Citizens. Thus far no one  has attempted to produce such a new ‘model’ which is long overdue and of course the current ‘model’ ignores the advance in technology which will allow the Citizen who at the click of a mouse to register their assent or dissent on a national or local governance issue indeed on those who are meant to deliver decent values to them.

Currently the UK Citizen is watching the collapse of an ill-conceived grab for power by an extreme right wing jingoistic Putsch movement led by England’s Freemasonry; in a word Fascism, with an inbred movement that imagines it has the collective discipline, intellectual, managerial, and commercial capability to run a Nation of international traders of this magnitude.

Clearly they do not.

They failed at the first challenge which was internal discipline and now the Citizenry stand uneasily in the midst of the political wreckage without the slightest idea where England is going to go with absolutely no form of  Leadership in sight.

Last Monday TMB was the subject of intense scrutiny which was not malign. During a period which lasted almost 2 hours the wide ranging content of TMB was ‘harvested’ by multiple users all from the same source in the USA. The message the Bugler carries is consistent by example and experience, a Nation and Empire historically collapsing into corruption.

For their trouble the US got itself automatically blocked for future access to TMB but about which the Bugler will have to take reinstatement action though one imagines by other routes the CIA will still be able to individually visit TMB and the Bugler would wish them to do so…via Mexico springs to mind.

The CIA in Virginia viewed/harvested 187 TMB Pages during their 185 coordinated team visits of which 179 were , officially at least, new visits. A well organised swoop on a ‘special relationship’ nation. Such is the international concern about the self-evident  political instability of England at a time when President Putin malevolently eyes his options in the West and in the Ukraine in particular, but not limited to…

Dangerous times lie ahead with fertile fields abounding for those of ill intent to England…and 24 miles across a strip of water there are those of ill intent also, because this government has made the French so…

Laughing Boys Squirm









When R-M received the 334 page folio of criminality, none of which should come as a surprise to him he replied on behalf of all three that the person responsible was Coffey and that the Bugler should address the matter with her.
How is that for loyalty?

Demoted ~ Jail Next?






For Demotion, Sack, or Jail?










Who jails the jailers?

Most certainly to be continued…