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Edit.051 ~ 13th July 2022.

Editorial 051 ~13th July 2022
This Editorial at a Glance:

• The End of an Empire and the collapse of English Self Respect, Decency and Integrity;

• A Rogue State controlled by Rogues;

• The Truth and Public pressure tell as the Smith/Johnson Coup D’etat collapses;

• The Thugees Chain of Command ?

• Access to Justice ~ Lawlessness and Discrimination by England’s Judiciary.

The End of an Empire

In 1966 the Bugler driven by perpetual discrimination at ‘home’ came to England to see up close how ‘Perfidious Albion’, or as the French enjoy saying, ‘la perfide Angleterre’, operated in self interest in the twilight of their Empire.

Earlier the Bugler recorded his impressions of these former glorious times in England and those laudable parodies remain unchanged etched in the memory which is now over half a century ago.

Indeed, in particular, the Bugler commented favourably on the Judiciary because of his lifetime interest in Judicial process with the grave exception of matters Ireland when an English Lord Chief Justice in waiting could always be found with a bucket of white wash to do his corrupt duty for favours rendered.

The most notorious example being Lord Widgery (Bloody Sunday Inquiry) who thankfully has now passed to his own Judgement Day and one hopes has been awarded the Shovel for Hell.

In the decades that followed the Bugler having remained in England with his proud Lancastrian wife Jill, a senior JP who sat in the Crown Court, watched as UK governments came and went as the English Empire metamorphosed in its downwards chandelle in its terminal decline.

The Bugler’s Republican father from 68, Divis Street on the Belfast Falls Road described this decline as… “having coming home weary after having stolen their way around the planet”.

This acerbic comment continues today in daily confirmation as more ‘pigeons come home to roost’ with the relentless splash of the paddles of exploited former slaves as they reach the sylvan Channel coast of England from formerly subjugated nations of indigenous peoples ruthless in their pursuit of freedom and republicanism encouraged by the current tramp of boots towards republicanism in Barbuda.

An idyllic island in the Caribbean Lesser Antilles with an embarrassing reputation as a tax haven, which the Barbudans are determined to eradicate, but more on this subject later.

The United Kingdom as a ‘nation state’ has by now become simply a figment of Unionist Conservative troubled English minds because it no longer exists and this new ‘free’ England, free from Europe and under the delightful Duncan Smith/Johnson Freemason putsch government seems set fair to sail into its own twilight without international credibility, integrity, nationhood, or nautical charts...

A film critic once wrote about a dire cowboy film that there was no plot but the horses were very good.

Perhaps we might draw a parallel with this Smith/Johnson ‘film’ which is plotlessly quite dire but the village idiots are quite splendid.

The growing fever for English republicanism is no longer idle pub chatter but continues to grow by the day as these legions of ‘refugees’ land on the Channel coast fueled with their own ideas of change and how things ought to be and will be in this turmoiled ‘state’ of England.

For this generation of loyal English it is a troublesome and embarrassing time which concerns the Bugler’s own children who are representative of their generation, yet ‘subjects’ of the Smith/Johnson government .

Questions arise. Who are they? What are they proud of, indeed is there anything to be proud of ? To whom do they feel they owe allegiance?

In this respect Duncan/Johnson’s government provides no comfort nor indeed any rational leadership, perceivable standards of political behaviour, public moral compass, or just plain old fair play and decency.

All they feel is their own personal embarrassment at this corrupt ‘government’ whose Leader is shunned on the international stage at public photographic sessions at Nato, within Europe, and in the US and at the United Nations.

Indeed right now expressing the fact to their international friends that they were born and educated in a once proud England is not something they would much prefer to discuss. They are not alone.

If given the choice much better perhaps to travel on a tryptique of an impoverished ‘starving’ Ireland as an English MP recently put it…

The astonishing part of all this is that the English have yet to waken up to what is actually happening to them namely that they are in the power grip of a Conservative Party right wing coup d’etat and as history records a putsch runs it course like the corrupting cancer it is until it all ends in predictable bloodshed whether metaphorical or not…

Already we begin to see the putsch phase of the abuse and misapplication of state power and the engagements of state agencies for purposes they were not created for.

Does all this seem familiar ?

Look East to Putin and Russia or better still let us look at an active English example…

A Rogue State controlled by Rogues

Before one can have a rogue state controlled by rogues firstly one must have a collapse of an Empire where England currently is and to understand the mechanism of such a collapse one ought to look briefly at the legacy and lessons of the Roman Empire in particular the use of the words… “et tu Brute”…  as these greedy for power politicians savage each other.

But before then here is a jocular reminder of the consequences and collapse of the Duncan Smith/Johnson coup d’etat/putsch as more ‘rats desert their ship’ after ruining England after only 3 years… which Hitler could not do in 5 !

You may recall seeing this applicable cartoon  when the rats started leaving the LFRS ‘ship’ clutching their ill gotten gains after the Bugler exposed their corrupt activities.

History does indeed repeat itself which we have seen just recently in the unseemly stampede of the ‘politically tainted’ from the Smith/Johnson putsch.

Why the surprise?

The signs were all there which we used to see regularly in our own working world; the bulging of the gable ends of over imbibed greedy corruption; the sagging of the arches of integrity and honesty; the cumulative effect of small incipient collapses of truth and decency; the creaking and groaning of international embarrassment in the press and media all leading to this expected massive collapse of irreparable international credibility.

The undignified scramble of the brass necked political evacuees, the ‘Me Too Brigade’, as they attempt to brush off the invidious dust of political taint so they can present themselves for re-election to a distinctly trust abused British electorate. They are nothing if not short of gall.

The Truth and Public pressure tell as the Smith/Johmson Coup D’etat collapses

Right now we are fully aware of the location of Johnson the ‘caretaker’ prime minister but one wonders where, using their own ‘speak’, the Great Architect of this predicted appalling Freemason disaster, Duncan Smith (MP), is hiding himself away as he attempts to build Coup D’etat Mark Two against the combined forces of the ‘Old Guard’ of the Conservative Party.

Because if he is allowed in any manner, shape, or form, to influence events which are to follow in choosing, without a Democratic Mandate, to ‘appoint’ the next Conservative Prime Minister the Conservative Party will consign itself to the political wilderness for at least the next 25 years with the company of the rump of a Freemasonry movement for company which Smith completely destroyed.

In his claim to ‘fame’ Duncan Smith joins Oliver Cromwell the last persons to attempt and fail to destroy England’s parliamentary system.

Thugees Chain of Command

We know who the ‘Architects’ of this political disaster were, but who in respect of the disabled 11,000 Fire Service Veterans and their estimated 30,000 Beneficiaries were their willing political sycophants who willingly denied them, and their estates, the 49% balance of their pensions due since 1992?

In the next Current Affairs editorial because it is not ‘business as usual’ the Bugler will examine in detail their current roles and their benefits taken as a ‘reward’ from their political masters whilst pursuing what Justice actually is supposed to mean in this England today …

Access to Justice ~ Lawlessness and Discrimination by England’s Judiciary

What does access to justice mean in England according to the Equality and Human Rights Commission?

“Access to justice is a fundamental right in the common law as well as in international human rights law, and is an essential part of the rule of law. For rights to be effective, they have to be capable of being enforced; everyone should be able to seek legal redress for unlawful acts”.

Access to justice means being… “treated fairly according to the law and if you are not treated fairly being able to get appropriate redress”.

Go Here.

Lest we forget there is a Statute on the Statute Book  “Access to Justice ” 1999 which specifically deal with this. Legally underpinning the creation of the ‘Equality and Human Rights Commission…for a fascinating read, look at Year 1999 in the Bugle’s Legislation Library, Go Here.

A memorable statement by the UK Supreme Court reads thus…

“The right of access to justice is also protected
under the common law. The Supreme Court has recently described it as being
‘deeply embedded in our constitutional law.”.

Clearly as the Bugler and his compatriots now know from experience at the ‘UK Supreme Court’ this Court’s ‘idea’ of Justice can be extremely flexible both within England and with its smug dismissal of Article 6 (Right to a Fair Trial) of the European Convention yet another example of International Law it signs up to but then chooses to ignore.

Baron Reed President of the UK Supreme Court is not very strong on constitutional law either or perhaps he is above reading the statement he and his Court ‘signs off’ . Surely even he must know that access to Justice cannot possibly be deeply “embedded in our constitutional law” when in point of fact neither the UK, nor in particular England, does not have a written Constitution?
Ethereal, or otherwise…

Go Here.

Perhaps we ought also to remind Baron Reed, lest he forgets this also, that there is a Statute on the Statute Book ” Access to Justice 1999 ” which specifically deals with this whilst he is insolently, indolently and lawlessly denies ‘due process’ to 11,000+ disabled Firefighters and their Beneficiaries their underpaid (by49%) pensions since 1992.

For a fascinating read of the Statute which legally underpins the creation of the ‘Equality and Human Rights Commission’ and which guarantees our Human Right to Justice’ look at Year 1999 in the Bugle’s Legislation Library, Go Here.