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Vol 22~14th July 2017.

Current Affairs-Volume 22-14th July 2017

This Volume at a Glance :

                                    • Bastille Day by ‘Revolutionary’ Driver;

                                    • Turton ,Young et al sent to Coventry;

• Driver roams wild with no Bail Conditions?

• The £3-5£mil payoff(Turton alone-£220k pa);

                                    • CC Ali-A call for Ministerial Intervention;

                                    • The LCC – World Laughing Stock as a Parliamentary model;

• Stop sending Bananas – Lancashire Banana Republic has enough!

Bastille Day by ‘Revolutionary’ Driver

For those who know their international history the 14th of July 1789 was a day of Revolution in France during which the ordinary poilu(the ‘hairy ones’, or if you prefer, the ‘cake eaters’) intent on complete absolutionism of the Monarchy stormed the Bastille which was a fortress prison in the centre of Paris.

This prison held innocent people prisoner on the basis of lettres de cachet (signet letters) which were non-appealable arbitrary Royal indictments but which did not specify the offence nor the reason for incarceration.

Usually the offence was one of dissension or a challenge to the ‘establishment’ by these political prisoners whose writings or seditious/subversive activities greatly displeased the ‘royal’ government; all rather similar to ‘Internment Without Trial’ in Northern Ireland…

Today surely an automatic recipe for the incarceration of the Bugler and his army of pension dissenters in Lancashire.

CC Driver 02So what may you ask has any of this got to do with the present day and the newly appointed ‘Kingly’ Leader of Lancashire County Council CC Geoff Driver CBE who remains on bail until the 23rd August 2017 accused of perverting the course of justice and witness intimidation?

The definition of an ideologue is a person who responds to the collision of opinion with reality by insisting that reality must yield. But will it?

Well, on the 14th July 2017, the LCC’s very own Bastille Day, it was publicly announced that Driver in a frisson of political pre bloodletting had decided, in clear delusions of ‘royal’ grandeur, to incarcerate and embargo those who happen to work at County Hall, as so called local authority civil servants, by employing a new and novel LCC ‘state of silence’ imposed on all those whom he clearly views as potential witnesses to his activities with BT One Connect and for which he continues to be under Police investigation with his ‘Gang of 3’.

martin-goldman-CCP-NWBefore this event took place the Bugler warned both the new Head of the CPS North West Mr.Martin Goldman and the new Lancashire Chief Constable A.Rhodes that given the serious charges Driver and his cronies was arrested under that the Bail Conditions ought to have been rigorous enough to prevent this Chief Constable Rhodes01very act of more intimidation of which Driver is so obviously guilty and currently engaged in at County Hall. He should not be there.

Clearly neither of the above officials have the vaguest idea of the type of creature they are dealing with, or if they do and they then unwisely choose to ignore their primary duty which is to protect their lead witnesses, choosing even more unwisely, to think that given enough rope Driver will hang himself.

All in all a rather dubious strategy, if strategy it can be called.

On the 14th July 2017 under the guise of an internal LCC ‘restructure’ document ironically produced for Labour Leader Mein, Driver announced at his ‘Cabinet’ meeting, misusing the old acorn of ‘public excluded’ for which these legal provision were never intended, that he had issued an edict(royal no doubt) that in future his Chief Executive Ms. Jo TurtonTurton, the self aggrandised clerk with no qualifications who foolishly, in breach of the Civil Service Code of Conduct, sold her required impartiality to the former Labour Leader Mein, (let us not forget her former coalition LibDem partner ex CC Winlow), Turton has now been proscribed from attending future briefing with her new ‘king’ Driver.

Driver instructed her and our old ‘dementia’ friend Ian Young director of governance, finance, and public services; along with Mr.Eddie Sutton director of development and corporate services; Ms.Ruth Lowry head of internal audit; and Ms. Lisa Kitto director of corporate services, that these senior officers were not allowed to brief Driver but if they had any opinions to express then they were to ensure that these were to be sent by email which Driver will immediately ignore.

How ironic that the Turton and Young we know have an accomplished habit of ignoring emails -except secret ones from Warren of the LFRS- emails which in particular called on them both to implement their personal and professional duty of compliance with the Statutory Law in respect of the investigation of CC DeMolfetta.

A Statutory duty which still remains now that they have all this time on their well paid hands which still requires them both to implement an investigation into the corrupt misconduct in public office of recently re-elected Labour CC DeMolfetta.

Driver’s proposed actions will of course require full LCC Council ratification on Thursday 20th July 2017 when clearly our old crooked friend O’Toole the mileage fiddler and Tory Party Whip will be vigorously engaged in arm twisting to get the Tory Party vote out on the day.

Let us, as mere Electors, not forget that the problem with this is that the Lancashire Conservative Party all voted for Driver to be their new Leader in the first place days after he was arrested and now whilst he is still out on bail they will be required by him and (knuckles) O’Toole, to impeach what remains of their collective integrity whilst gazing gloomily on as it disappears down the drain, all the while supporting their new ‘king’ as he breaks every employment law in sight in pursuit of a vindictive agenda which no one in their right minds would vote for. This will harm the UK Conservatives.

This extremely dubious and lawless agenda amounts to the public character assassinations of those who have yet to be charged with any offence other than being the self evident grubby self serving career greedy clerks they are.

There is no doubt whatever that misusing the name  of Lancashire County Council ‘king’ Driver  will ultimately use his night of the long knives to smear and denigrate his victims in an exercise of wanton power which many a dictator of a banana republic would be proud of.

Driver hopes in the warped way he thinks that this will play well with any jury who will ultimately hear Turton and Young et al’s evidence of Driver’s former antics at BT One Connect.

Little, if any, sympathy should be extended to the likes of the intended victims Turton,Young, etc, who knew full well what their public duty of impartial transparency was but chose instead to ride and enjoy the tiger’s back conveniently forgetful of what would occur if it all went horribly wrong, and it did.

It seems the formal rationale for all this scandalous abuse of democracy by Driver and the Tories is that Turton holds no formal financial qualifications.

This is hardly a novel development given that the Head and Deputy Head of LCC Pensions namely Diane Lister and her crony Julie Wisdom hold not a single formal ‘financial qualification’ between them nor indeed a single pension management qualification either, whilst ‘managing’ a multi-£millon budget for over 200 pensions schemes.

Is Driver going to sack them also using the same criterion which he is applying to Turton and her gang?

CC A VincentAfter this LCC Cabinet meeting Driver refused to comment on this hilarious situation leaving it to his side kick CC Vincent -yet another solicitor- to comment that the proposed changes had been ‘approved’ and would now be considered by the full County Council next Thursday.

The Public can be reassured that Ian Young as a Lamplighter ‘in distress’ will be protected in all the blood letting which is to follow. It is hardly a journalistic error that already his name has been quietly dropped from the Masonic controlled Lancashire Evening Post headlines. So much for press freedom…

Driver refused to comment as he left the meeting, but later CC Vincent, in more comment, who is ironically lead member for LCC Human Resources, said that the current chief executive role would be replaced with a new position requiring formal financial qualifications:
“The intention would be to appoint to that new position on an interim basis as soon as possible, should the full council agree.”.

Apparently the new structure will see a Chief Executive also becoming Director of Resources; there will be three Executive Directors – one for Growth, Environment, Transportation, and Community Services; one for Education and Children’s services; and one for Adult Services, Health and Wellbeing, plus six other directors.

Do we really need all these 10 very expensive ‘directors ‘ at a time of such financial austerity for Lancashire Electors and its disabled Fire Service Veterans, their Widows and Beneficiaries?

No doubt all those selected for the tumbril will have to be paid off by us all tightening our belts even further.

To pay them and al their barristers off will Conservatively(now there is a pun) cost 3-5£mil.

Just about now not a single Elector will be found to admit to having voted for all these shenanigans and malicious antics and the expensive ones to follow.

CC A AliThen up stands the new Leader of the politically rejected Lancashire Labour Party, CC Azhar Ali, a man of no apparent income but who runs a shell company on Merseyside entitled…’Good Campaigns Company Ltd’ whose general commercial purpose, according Companies House, seems obscure.

CC Ali’s opening comment is the perfect exercise of political amnesia bearing in mind he sat on the last corrupt Labour Cabinet with an equally corrupt Labour Leader Mein no less.

A corrupt Cabinet which criminally  failed to comply with its Statutory duty in respect of the investigation of it very own Labour CC F.DeMofetta’s corrupt activities.

CC Ali laughably suggests that : “It’s going to bring this council into disrepute and cause chaos.”

Really, where has he been living these past few years, in sleepy hollow?

This is how Ali describes an unbelievable evolving scandalous debacle which can at best be described as the political death throes of ‘Farmer’ Driver as he attempts to seize back control from the Pigs at Animal Farm who ‘have the goods on him’ and which by some bizarre and convoluted thinking he assumes that he just might restore his shredded political reputation in the political fantasy land in which he clearly lives; apart from all the rest of us.

CC Ali chooses to forget the last years of corruption of the Labour/LibDem administration which he was a party to during which a leading member of his own Labour Party as Chair of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority CC F.DeMolfetta has been publicly impeached for corruption in Public Office and during which CC Ali  and his Labour councillors covered up DeMolfetta’s action by their unilateral failure to comply with the Statutory Law and give DeMolfetta up for investigation?

CC Ali patently has no credibility whatsoever though he might consider using his own company to run a ‘Good Campaign’ to reduce the level of his own self ridicule.

CC Ali now states with the cynicism only a politician is capable of after regime change that he would like his chum 220px-Sajid_Javid_Secretary_of_Statethe Minister of State for the Communities and Local Government  Rt.Hon. Minister of State Mr.Sajid Javed M.P.  to step in and presumably bring some sanity and compliance with all the Laws of the land  to this LCC banana republic?

In point of fact the Bugler has, as CC Ali conveniently forgets, already sent Mr.Sajid Javed M.P. a letter in April calling for a Ministerial Inquiry into all the activities at the LCC and the LFRS, before the last local government elections Go Here.

In the meantime as this Gilbert and Sullivan farce unfolds, a farce which surely must confirm Driver’s forthcoming political demise with a headstone upon which will be engraved his favourite political saying… “You really couldn’t make this up if your tried”, well he certainly did try, and God apparently loves a trier.

It will be pure fun to guess which nome-de-plume Driver will use when next ‘anonymously’ commenting in the LEP political columns? Can the Bugler suggest he goes back to ‘Girl in Finance’.

One wonders what those in this world who aspire to democracy and have been repeatedly and arrogantly exhorted to follow the UK Mother of Parliaments’ ‘model’ must think?

Perhaps they will conclude that there is much to be said for dictators and autocracy if this is the public embarrassment to which Democracy collapses in corruption in the end becoming the  laughing stock of the world…

Is there not one single credible principled Lancashire County Councillor to be found to speak out about this shamefullly grotesque abomination of Democracy at County Hall?

Perhaps we all should send a round robin appeal to Fidel Castro which states on a sign outside County Hall…

“Stop sending Bananas-Lancashire Banana Republic has enough!”.