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Under the Stone – O’Toole’s Cess Pit-Chapter 1.

Under the Stone – O'Toole's Cesspit – Chapter 1

This Volume at a Glance:

OToole The Bugler's response to gutter language from Lancashire's Conservative Party Whip, CC D.O'Toole.


Gutter Language:

A friend of the Bugler once said in a memorable quote on the definition of a politician … “ A politician is someone who will send your son or daughter to war but will never send their own…”

Routinely the Bugler copies its Editorials to the lead politicians of Lancashire. These are to remind them that Fire Service Veterans-these betrayed and forgotten heroes-were disabled in the service of Lancashire and its Citizens.

It is also a cynical reminder that they, their disaffected families, extended families, and friends are voters in next year’s General Election, but no one seems either capable or prepared to listen in a Lancashire where apparently ‘everyone matters’, which is simply a banal phrase, the product of a fevered vote grabbing imagination.

Recently the Bugler circulated an Editorial on the local political scene to the Labour and Deputy Leader; to the LibDem Leader; and to the Chair of the Combined Fire Authority(though I doubt that the electorate will actually know him) .

MeinCC BorrowCC WinlowDe Molfetta






CC.J.Mein; CC.D.Borrow; CC.W.Winlow;CC.De Molfetta.

This commentary seemed to touch CC O’Toole’s political nerve who was clearly incensed; in a panic; or both. He responded to the same open circulation list. 

Here are O’Toole’s opinions in full…


So Mr Burns is at it again. Not satisfied with having to repay a huge amount of cash to the CFA and the courts  (something in the region of £50,000) he has once again turned his attention to me but know(sic) includes Frank. . I noticed he has stopped attacking Ex Fire Chief Peter Holland who has moved on to a higher office. Perhaps its best summed up the detective who after seven months of investigating the spurious allegations made against me called me to say " sorry about the length of time this has taken you are completely exonerated from these allegations and as far as I am concerned the man who made them can crawl back under his stone"   


Firstly, it is remarkable to note how chummy ‘David’ has suddenly become with his political opponents whom he now describes as ‘Colleagues’ as he attempts to ‘circle the wagons’ around himself simply because he knows his political misbehaviour and integrity are rightly under intense scrutiny, not only from the Police, but more importantly from the electorate.

Secondly, O’Toole is right. Burns et al is at it again but one wonders where O’Toole has been of late? Burns and the disabled FSVs have never gone away…

Recently they buried a comrade of theirs who remained resolutely opposed to those who had maltreated him and his family in his terminal illness.So much for LFRS pastoral care?

So much so that in the long and illustrious history of the British Fire Service this is only the second occasion when a Chief Fire Officer and his serving personnel were banned from a service funeral.

Where did both of these occasions happen?

In a shameful and shameless Lancashire.  A first for all the wrong reasons. Once under Holland, and now once under Kenny,(who really needs to learn respect-even though he does not respect his own disabled FSVs-by getting his hands out of his pockets at a recent Drum Head Cenotaph ceremony in Preston).

But in the greatest tradition of the Fire Service there is always another prepared to step into the flames and smoke to replace him. Such men are the bedrock of the Yeomen of England whom even their enemies salute, unlike their politicians…

Now to the matter of the LFRS Court action against the Editor which is a matter of public record.

         Driver    OToole

         CC. G.Driver;     CC D.O'Toole.

This was a clear strategy by both CC Driver and O’Toole to drive the Editor into penury and bankruptcy but they failed. It was also meant to divide and conquer but it had the completely opposite effect by creating a scapegoat around whom the FSVs rallied in resentment of an act that was meant to show them all who the ‘boss’ was.

These politicians who lack both moral and physical courage themselves could not possibly recognise comradeship if they saw it in action.

The Conservatives continue to glory in the past and can never shed their ersatz aristocratic posture where everyone who is an employee, and must naturally wear a flat cap, has to be by an accident of birth servile to them.  

In respect of this case one is bound to ask why other FSVs in the LFRS in a similar position, but not part of this group, were not as a matter of fair play also litigated against in Court?

The simple answer is that 'some are more equal than others' and are brought from the ‘darkness into the light’ by the LFRS handshake of corruption.

All this, as the Bugler has always stated, is best left for another day not as a matter of avoidance but because it requires its own expose.

This Court case was a charade of criminality and judicial theatricals within a Courtroom where presiding Judge Butler failed to get a grip on either the law or the management on his own Court.

The Bugler will return in detail to this shameful travesty which passed for ‘justice’ serving only to bring the local judiciary in to disrepute among the Public and all the FSVs who witnessed Butler's bluster, tantrums, and legal inadequacies. You can put a wig on a goat but it is still a goat.

This matter is not concluded and the Bugler is grateful to O’Toole for bringing this issue into the Taxpayers eye for another day when without doubt the Lord Chief Justice and the Attorney General will be interested in all their shenanigans.

Once more the Bugler can reassure O’Toole that his ‘popularity’ in keeping with other politicians and staff at the LCC/LFRS has never waned with the disaffected voting FSVs and their families and he should remain patient because he will have the second copy of his impeachment document immediately after the Chief Constable has the first.

In sickeningly seeking the craven support of his political opponent, his chum  ‘Frank’ (De Molfetta) at the CFA  O’Toole seems to assume that the Roman 7th Legion remains the law in Lancashire rather than the Lancashire Constabulary. When the Public come for O’Toole’s LFRS expenses ‘Frank’ will find out where the power of the law really lies, in the ‘Voice of the People'.

‘Frank’ is an ambitious political fool who has picked up the poisoned chalice of the LFRS from his Leader but as his Leader will find out when the LFRS ends up with a Public Inquiry into corruption on its hands ‘Frank’ will not be the politician capable of steering his bus of corruption to the sanitising station. Go Here.

O’Toole ‘notices’ that Holland is no longer the object of scrutiny by his former ‘colleagues' and in this matter O’Toole is wrong again. The file held by the Honours Committees grows by the day in regularly receiving letters of opposition to any thought that Holland might receive a Knighthood. Gone but not forgotten. Perhaps O’Toole and Holland might ponder on this. The truth will always out.

Here is an extract from a letter to the Chief Constable in January 2013 before Holland applied successfully to this Coalition government for the post of Fire Advisor…

“The latter you will already be aware of because it is my understanding with strong available anecdotal evidence that on or about 1997 whilst engaged with a female member of his staff in flagrante delecto in a public place, namely the Blackpool Promenade, was arrested by a Special Constable and both individuals subsequently received formal Cautions in your Blackpool Central Station.”

If true, and it seems likely, because the Special Constable was associated with the Fire Service family, the only question which this Coalition government and its Honours Committee will have to answer is did Holland declare that he had a criminal record on his application for this post and if not, in transparent competition, why not?

One wonders what the other short list candidates might have to say if they had been privy to this disqualifying knowledge at that time of their disappointment?

This Holland as well as being an embarrassment to the Fire Service is a potential embarrassment to the Conservative element of the Coalition come voting time next May.

Once more the Bugler is grateful for O’Toole drawing attention to this matter in the Public eye though we doubt Holland will be pleased, but of course as both he and the Bugler know this is the least of O’Toole and Holland’s problems when their LFRS expenses and logbooks come to light. One wonders why they are not releasing them. What have they to hide? But then we all know?

Never known for his accuracy, though it clearly and advantageously extends to his ‘creative’ LCC expenses claims, O’Toole when allegedly quoting a Police Officer’s throwaway line uses a transparent and much abused third hand political technique designed to smear and insult without crossing the line into personal defamation.

This is simply another example of O’Toole’s moral turpitude.

This gutter talk from a Conservative Party Whip no less about a decorated disabled Fire Service Veteran whose boots he is incapable of shining simply confirms yet again an autocratic aristocratic  mentality which O’Toole has yet to outgrow. What an especially unpleasant politician he is. Yet another of the Conservative’s limping liabilities in Lancashire along with Driver.

Never letting the simple facts get in the way of a nasty point from a Nazty Party O’Toole cannot get the identity of the  Complainant right either.

The Editor of the Bugler was not the named Complainant upon whose Complaint the Chief Constable acted. It was in fact FSV-JSH MIFE who O‘Toole will be entirely familiar with because for several years he has received regular letters from this FSV which he has either ignored or stonewalled in his autocratic pompous style. Little wonder his underlings describe him as ‘obnoxious’.

If this alleged ‘Stone’ statement is true, rather than coming directly from the twisted lips of O’Toole, then the police officer, who can be none other than Detective Sergeant Pearson, the ‘on the ground’ lead investigator, in making such an injudicious statement to an untrustworthy politician is, like ‘Frank’, another fool.

Given Pearson’s rank and his obvious street wise experience in the crime ridden streets of Lancashire the Bugler very much doubts if any police officer exists who was that stupid and if he was then he will have learned the salutary lesson which is never to trust another politician.

It must be said that this is such a unique situation almost like 'Plebgate' where the Public are asked to judge who they believe the liar to be, a police officer or a politician.

The sewer language used, or repeated by O’Toole-if we believe him-simply confirms the political characteristics of this Conservative Party Whip.

Characteristics which the Bugler will put evidentially under the microscope in peering under O'Toole's Stone at political duplicity, character assassination, chicanery, all the attributes which make a politician like O’Toole well qualified as a Whip in the Lancashire Conservative Party, or if you prefer it, The Nazty Party. More revelations will come…