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Vol 23-4th January 2018.

This Volume 23 at a Glance:

• Meanwhile back at the Funny Farm;

• Invited report to Parliamentary Select Committee W&P;

• Open Letter~Barrister JMCB expresses concerns to TPR & TPO & SelCom.

Meanwhile back at the Funny Farm

During the Parliamentary recess of Summer 2017 it was assumed by all at the LFRS that the Bugler had finally ‘gone away’ and that their unaccountable ‘policies’ of  unbridled criminality allied with stonewalling had finally succeeded.

It was indeed yet another vain hope.

Another lazy summer during which on full pay, in their self-confident criminality these brass necked clerks no longer troubled themselves to hide their perpetual institutionalised corruption reassured by the knowledge that their equally corrupt ‘puppet’ Councillors were all off on their own jollies.

Jollies which are simply another extension of their daily credo which demands that they do not engage in a single accountability action which could remotely be described as either a responsible elected duty, or just plain work.

Though the mentioning of the mere words pay; expenses; accounting and there is an immediate universal subliminal rustling of paper as they all reach for their blank expenses sheets to see how, in their financial ‘creativity’, they can outdo one another.

What contemptible politicians and then this government proposes that more power ought to be devolved to them?

They cannot handle the powers they have much less wake up and use them…

It must fascinate Europe and the World to view a Lancashire Electorate which not only tolerates an abundance of lazy political drones in the bee hive which passes for County Hall but who seem happy, not only to pay them for their pleasures, but content to endure a power crazed Tory Leader CC G. Driver CBE(the latter ‘gong’ having been circumscribed as ‘Complete Blithering Eejit’ ) who continues to remain on bail until 23rd February 2018 for perverting the course of justice.

Whilst of course continuing to intimidate witnesses two of whom he is currently engaged in sacking, including the LCC CEO Turton and the County’s lead law man Ian Young.

Readers might recall both spent and inestimable amount of their energy by failing to carry out their Statutory duty which was to 'investigate' an impeached  criminal CC F. DeMolfetta Chair of the Lancashire Combined Fire Authority.

So perhaps in the end Lady Justice has her whimsical way also?

Driver, with the Lamplighters support at the Lancashire Evening Post, in a recent press article, in a sterling ego trip of journalistic licence describes himself as a ‘God Like’ visionary rather like the US guy who built himself an post deluvian Ark.

Perhaps Driver ought to be better described as a pre delusional Ark Architect?

Now just in case we are all wondering how he is going to staff this Ark and then perhaps fund it from this LCC mystical black hole called next year’s bankrupt budget the answers are immediately to hand because in his hand he has his Bishopric’s staff (the delusional always do) and of course the Sheeple to lead, laughingly called the Lancashire Conservative Party.

Every where one goes in Lancashire we are reminded of his omniscient presence as we all stare down the nearest potholes with cobblers at the bottom a reminder that there is also cobblers all at the bottom of the treasury over which he happily drools and simpers….   

Clearly the criminal lunatics have finally taken over the asylum and in case you might think that only disbaled FSVs have problems with the LCC please read on.Go Here.

There is tolerance and then there is weary stupidity…whatever happened to Lancastrians’ universally admired self respect?

Is it possible that normally hard headed Lancastrians do not recognise that they are already on the slippery path to corrupting Fascism?

A voyage, in this wonderful Ark  which the Lancashire Tory Party will have to endure for decades to come when embarrassing Driver and his ilk are finally cast adrift on a sea of political expediency by their Party bosses in London..

County Hall Tories in embarrassment muttering to themselves that Driver is not a well man hardly cuts the mustard…does it?

Invited Report to Parliamentary Select Committee W & P

So during the summer while Lancashire continued in its corrupt political meltdown the Bugler and his associates, whom have now been joined by a rather aggrieved highly competent statistician, were busy lobbying those at Parliament who actually do have power and are held to account.

As a consequence of these discussions the Rt.Hon Frank Field DL, MP the elected unopposed future Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee for Work & Pensions(SelCom), who was to take up his post on 11th October 2017,  invited the Bugler and those FSVs he represents to provide ‘information’ for the future Committee Members on all matters connected to, and affecting by, Fire Service Pensions and their Beneficiaries.

Although a mammoth task this was quickly achieved and presented to SelCom copied to individual Members for their inaugural meeeting on 11th October 2017.

Consequently it was ‘suggested’ by the Chair that this open report be copied to all the relevant agencies including, in particular TPR, TPO, and the Serious Fraud Office which it was.

Since that time Ms.Lesley Ticom CEO of the Pension Regulator has confirmed that an investigation has been initiated.

Whilst the TPR legal procedure is normally to investigate without further recourse to the ‘Whistle-blower’(The Bugler) in this instance because this matter is already in the public domain the Bugler has been asked, has supplied, and will continue to supply supporting and supplementary evidence to TPR to support this investigation.

It is also worth bearing in mind that  ‘on the ground’ resources remain available to the Bugler within the LFRS to continue to  monitor all those we know are deeply involved at all levels of this institutionalised corrupt criminality.

Presently four case continue to lie before TPO Mr. A. Arter:

Disabled FSV~PPB pension complaint was rejected in a miscarriage of justice whereby the LFRS deliberately misled layperson King, the then TPO, by the corrupt misuse of the wrong ‘Commentary’ on the wrong pension Scheme.
Barrister Mr.JMCB who was directly involved at the time re-confirms this criminality in his open letter below.
This a miscarriage of justice remains unaddressed by TPO.

Disabled FSV~RRB’s, simple pension Complaint lies unaddressed 3.8 years on.

There is little doubt he is not alone…

In attempting to resurrect it the Bugler in correspondence with the TPO Case Director F.Nicol ran no less than 3 Failures of Service Delivery Complaints into a convenient dead end without addressing a single complaint but such future examinable transparent stonewalling will eventually be publicly exposed and called to account with career consequences which can only be terminal in a civil servant.  

Disabled FSV~RT's complex pension Complaint, he has now he has been informed, has been time barred, even though before lodging it he was informed repeatedly that it would not be treated so and even if this was the case, which it is not, there exists within the Regulations Statutory powers categorically designed by Parliamentary drafting legal drafting to address such circumstances.

All this legal uncertainty with lay staff, junior civil servants, ‘exercising’ Statutory powers which they do not possess, nor capable of applying correctly simply repeatedly confirms the urgent need for legal training at all levels but particularly at the initial complaint handling stage which is resulting in a mass failure to apply an early proper legal framework to complaint applications by lay receiving staff at TPO for which there continues to be no plan to address.

Perhaps the early rejection of so many unaccounted for Complaints, which are not given a case number, is a malignant policy of deceit meant to hide the reality of a 'system' in collapse for which no public accounting can be given, should a Select Committee come to call?

Disabled FSV~FG pension complaint has two unique components it which provide an example in the first instance of a national shortfall for decades in which the existing legislation has not been correctly implemented which has resulted in the mass underpayment to all Fire Service pension Scheme Beneficiaries.

An example, given the TPO's own policies, must be placed before the Ombudsman and/or his Deputy.

The second unique component is  that this pension complaint contains no less that 2 barristers Opinions which will require the professional qualities of a Barrister competent in the field of pensions to understand and conclude a legally sustainable 'Determination' on.

For the moment this is the only one of these 4 cases which seems to be in due process though there is precious little information provided to the Complainants as to what their actual individual positions are which is about par for the TPO's administrative capability.

The initial Report to SelCom is produced below using a new technology to make the reading ‘experience’ just a little simpler.

The Truth will always out…

New Technology Hints – Go to controls on Flip Page bottom – choose Full Screen(second icon from right) ~ to 'Cancel Full Screen' use your keyboard 'esc' button…

Open Letter ~ Mr. J.M. Copplestone Bruce

Readers may recall that in 2014 the Bugler had attempted, without success, to engage the attention of both TPR and TPO into the Fire Service Pension Scheme debacle at the LFRS.

In October 2017 the Parliamentary Select Committee on Work & Pensions(SelCom) became engaged in this imbroglio; invited the Bugler to provide information which he then presented in the form of a condensed but detailed comprehensive Report circulated to all Members of the Committee.

Subsequently, it was advised by the Chair, that in addition the Bugler should copy this Report to those Agencies which the Committee suggested , which he did.

The TPR responded promptly in the person of CEO Ms. L. Titcomb who confirmed to both SelCom and the Bugler that she had indeed commenced an investigation, asking that TPR be provided with a list of names and contact points for all those who have been engaged in the 'management' of the Lancashire Firefighters Pension Scheme including individual Councillors with special Local Pension Board responsibilities for their Firefighters Scheme management.

Following discussions it was also agreed that the broad purposes was not only to support evidentially the headlines provided within the Report to Selcom  but to support TPR's investigation.

As this evidence was supplied on  a headline basis to TPR it was also copied forward both individually and corporately to Selcom and all its Members.

A continuing dynamic situation which Selcom advises the Bugler it is keeping 'under advisement'.

Given this background and the historical background  to which he was a party the groups’ eminent pro bono Barrister JMCB decided to publicly express his concern over former failures by these two agencies TRP and TPO with the expectation that it is to be hoped that now action was being taken it was being taken under the current and future scrutiny of the Select Committee with the aspiration that Justice will be done, and more importantly, it will be seen to be done transparently under Parliamentary scrutiny and accountability…

JMCB’s open letter, although primarily individually addressed to those with direct corporate future accountability namely to  TPR~Ms.L.Titcomb and TPO~Mr.A.Arter, has also in addition been widely circulated to those individuals both political and clerical who are individually and severally liable for future accountability for their past failures,lack of historical actions, and transparency.

This Open Letter is reproduced here…